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Most Attractive Staffing Markets Globally 2024

  • This report assesses 75 markets to determine the strengths, challenges, and relative attractiveness for staffing firms operating in each. The evaluation comprises ten indicators covering staffing industry specifics, regulatory environments, economies, and other market features.
  • The APAC region has done exceptionally well in this year’s assessment, with Indonesia in first place. Its staffing industry and economy are projected to experience significant growth, and it has favourable permanent employee protection and levels of competition. Hong Kong is the second-most attractive market globally, while India, New Zealand, and Taiwan are joint third.
  • Sweden is the most attractive market in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, while Chile (17th) ranks highest among the Americas. 
  • We list and analyse the best-performing markets by each of the ten criteria assessed. This analysis considers market development, regulatory changes, economic trends, and more, with references to supporting SIA research.
  • We have provided an accompanying web-based, interactive assessment tool that allows for custom-weighting of each measure. Users can create their own ranking of these markets based on organisational priorities, risk appetite, and business strategy.
  • Please remember that no market will be objectively easy to establish a presence in. The more attractive markets will still have their unique challenges. Conversely, the less attractive markets are not impossible to operate in and will have their own merits.
  • Nevertheless, this report is a valuable and applicable assessment of the strengths, challenges, and relative attractiveness of 75 staffing markets. The criteria rankings and accompanying analysis provide further relevant insights into the markets assessed.

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