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MotoGP™ Rules & Regs: Long Lap Penalty

This is one part of the track you don’t want to find yourself! ⚠️ The Long Lap Penalty is the subject of this week’s Rules and Regs …

38 thoughts on “MotoGP™ Rules & Regs: Long Lap Penalty”

  1. Far too many rules now in both F1 and MotoGP. New guys come in and need to stroke their own egos by coming up with some great idea that nobody ever thought of because they think they are such geniuses. (truth is they are boring clowns)

  2. これ、本コースの選手が転倒してペナルティ走行中の選手とぶつかる二次災害の可能性あるよね?危ないと思う

  3. In Speilberg, the long lap penalty is so long that it's a better option to completely ignore it and take the 3 second, then 6 second penalty if there is less than 6 laps left

  4. could do with a short lap penalty that only cost rider 1-2 sec as it looks like they lose about 7 positions after completing the penalty which could be out of context for the infringement

  5. As a bit of a bias Aussie the phrase “long lap penalty” makes me smile, because it reminds me of when jack got a double long lap penalty and some how still won.

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