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My parenting rules as a single, sober, millennial mother

A requested video of me giving some of my parenting decisions, morals and values. These are just my opinions based off of my personal experiences and beliefs. I’d never judge another parent for making decisions that best serve their children personally, ever if they differ from mine.

I am not perfect and I make mistakes- I just pray to always continue to grow and learn. ♥️





DONNA BELLA (Code Abbey)


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48 thoughts on “My parenting rules as a single, sober, millennial mother”

  1. as an autistic supporter of yours, the fact that you make it extremely clear that the R word is not allowed to be used. this made me respect you a lot more thank you for that❤️❤️

  2. With the whole "let her be a kid" thing its really not a big deal lmao. I'm a child of divorce and I was mainly around my mum, we have an AMAZING relationship and I grew up around her, her friends and around more adult oriented spaces but that honestly just made me more mature and able to relate and converse with my older coworkers nowadays. Youre still allowing her to do kids stuff shes just being exposed to how you live your life.

  3. I have a question sweet lady. What about school grades? Are u strict or more lenient? I ask because wen my oldest was younger I was huge on grades but it backfired. She now we know is autistic at 17 and a perfectionist. She had a psychotic episode last year because she puts so much pressure on herself. For context I live pretty near u am a recovering addict been clean since my oldest was about 6-7. I knew she was very smart and knew all of kindergarten before it even started. Anyways. Saying all this my daughter is incredible. And she tells me everything. I also wonder do u ground right away or discuss more first? If u say no phone is it til jobs done or for strictly a week? I know a lot questions but I’m not judging u one bit. I’m genuinely curious

  4. The amount of make up you allow her to wear is age appropriate. She’s not doing full coverage, cut creases, sharp contour and false lashes. Lip gloss, Pink blush and press on nails. Is just fine!! You’re an amazing mom & I’m envious of your co parenting relationship

  5. Hi Abbey, I’m a sober mama too and I love your channel and shorts. I’ve really been struggling lately, not with staying clean but with finding my purpose and living instead of existing.

    This weekend or next weekend I might be driving from CT to Pittsburgh for a birthday solo trip to go to the Andy Warhol museum. Any suggestions on some cheap lodging or other fun things to do?

    Thank you for always keeping it real and being so inspiring to the sober community. Some of your videos have given me a laugh on days where that just felt impossible. Wishing you the best in your social media endeavors and all else ❤ -Christina

  6. Fairly new to your channel, I mainly watch your shorts but mama you're an AMAZING parent. Before my two boys I had a drinking problem and had a coke addiction. I've been clean of any and all drugs for 7 years and limited my alcohol consumption where I now haven't had a drink in a year. But if I do drink I only ever have one drink and it's only on a special occasion if I'm with family. I used to be so embarrassed and shameful and you help embrace it and bring awareness. I'm so proud and I love your coparent relationship with mylas dad. I respect it so much. My kids have a step father and he's absolutely amazing with my kids. He loves them like his own. All that aside, let people say what they want. Never have it question you as a mama. You're amazing and the fact you are so open and there for your baby girl will only have her trust you more especially as she gets older. You're doing an awesome job raising the sweetest girl! ❤❤

  7. As a disability support worker, thank you for teaching your little one about the r word. My father used it a lot when I was growing up (still does) and it’s very uncomfortable to hear 🙁

  8. 19:44 you are the ONLY person I have met (aside from my mother) who sets their car clock 10mins fast. It's genuinely such a huge help; especially when you have terrible time management skills like myself lol

  9. would love to listen to a podcast by you! you have so much experience and wisdom and watching your videos really motivates me ❤ wishing u the best 🤍🤍

  10. Love this vid! Do more like these now one from mommas perspective being a mom and keeping accountable, I'm a sober mom of an 8yr old too so it helps both ways and I agree w you so much breaking those generational curses!!!

  11. I’m 27 with 2 kids and love watching your videos. I have ADHD and BPD with a past but am so grateful for where I am at today. I still have my amazing parents in my life and my kids come before anything. Thanks for a place for mommas to go. You are a gem.

  12. 12:10 I was force fed at my daycare as a child and I’ve seen many of my friends parents who would force them to sit at the table till they were done. I agree children should just be taught to listen to their bodies

  13. so much intentionality and critical thinking behind your parenting style!! love that you don't follow arbitrary rules for the sake of following them and instead have context and reasoning behind your decisions 🙂 myla is lucky to have a momma like you!!

  14. My son is autistic and I have accidentally used the R word when I fully meant to say stupid…. Very frustrated that my subconscious still uses that word to describe something. Embarrassing. I really love that you’re teaching her that the R word is disgusting and not okay to use to describe anything. I appreciate that!

  15. Hey listen, negative comments don’t mean shit. As someone who came form divorced parents that were addicts and couldn’t get past the divorce for ten years. I’m still dealing with it today. Seeing Myla and you packing up her bags makes my heart so happy. I remember packing my bags the night before checking over and over in the morning or before school that I had everything. And by everything meaning the stuffed animals that were my comfort. Where even after 22 years are the things that still bring me comfort. I slept with alll four of my childhood stuffed animals last night. So ignore that shit. Myla is gonna grow up and hopefully not need that familiar scent because she knows she is so loved. No where and in no sense a bad mom. I have never experienced half of the stuff you have with your mom. Cooking. Her doing my hair. It makes me happy. I can’t wait to have a daughter to show her that type of love, the Love you give Myla. And he’ll yeah my daughter will be able to say damn when she’s home alone. I completely agree with everything. You’re doing amazing literally. She’s gonna grow up feeling loved important and secure. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

  16. Listen, you don’t have to explain anything, to anyone. I know as a contact creator, an influencer you want to explain to your Fanbase I am in recovery myself, my child is now 11. I’ve been clean 8 1/2 years. I lost her when she was eight months old and then I didn’t see her for two years I missed those important bonding years. At the fall of nobody by myself. My daughter and Myla are very similar. She’s 11 and she has Chanel lip gloss. She has Tarte bronzer. She has more high and make up and I do. I agree with everything that you said about parenting guilt, and then also about them being the only child I am her only friend, she enjoys the things that I enjoy. She doesn’t have a little sister or brother can play dolls with she likes the things that I like. I completely agree with every single one of your rules. I’m eight years older than you. I grew up with an alcoholic father and no mother so our stories as children are very different, but as adults they’re very similar. I admire ur tenacity, the way you love being a mom, the way you accept and embrace coparenting. I know we can’t see everything. But from what I do see you’re a kick ass, mom and human. Don’t ever let anybody tell you any different. I know sometimes these Karen’s in the comments can get under your skin. Please don’t ever let them make you feel less then as a mother, or even as a human general. We all make mistakes as parents we learn from them and we’re all just doing our best. Keep up the good work I truly love your channel. I just enjoy watching another mom navigate sobriety, motherhood, work, and just life in general! Keep kicking ass❤

  17. I wanna be a mom one day and am wondering when you know to teach her these things, I very bad with timing and have always wondered when you teach her these important things?

  18. I'm so happy I found your channel your so beautiful an a beautiful little big girly an a amazing and healthy relationship's with your family and Daddy Bobby you co parenting styles are so great to see and it's nice to see no animosity between the two of you and a lot of co-parenting relationships they don't usually get along I'm so happy that everything is working out for you and your life is beautiful because you made it that way and I'm just so happy and proud that I am a subscriber of yours 💕💕💕💕💕👪

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