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My Parents Let Me Do Whatever I Want – No Rules For Me

I’m Gemma. If you’re my age or younger, you’ll probably think that what I’m about to tell you is unbelievable. For example, when your mom wakes you up in the morning, can you tell her, “I played Roblox until 4 am. I’m really tired. I’m not going to school today”? That’s exactly what I told my mom yesterday and she said, “Sleep tight darling,” and gave me a kiss on the cheek, my parents let me do whatever I want.

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33 thoughts on “My Parents Let Me Do Whatever I Want – No Rules For Me”

  1. In my childhood I always have rules to follow and I don't like it much but I can't do anything about it bc I never experienced not have rules I don't know if it's right or wrong but I think children can make their own decisions but this is what I think and nobody needs to follow my idea unwillingly

  2. Somethings just need to be a rule like playing f three days I want to Mom I want my child free, but not, everything is good for your health. you can get allergies don’t you think it’s bad even do I have some Basic rules my mom never punishes me. Why are you ask because my mom is not that kind of person

  3. I dont think that the idea of giving freedom to a child is completely wrong, but some children get spoiled and become brats, and in some situations, when you have absolutely NO rule at all it can also get dangerous. Small children dont know whats right or wrong and when they do something wrong it can come with bad consequences. Grown ups just tell them not to do the wrong thing because its for their own safety and because grown ups care for them. I think having some rules are important, for safety and health.

  4. Gemma, I honestly think your story is better than Daphne’s from the Here’s My Story channel. The main reason why I think that is because you’re continuing with school, and Daphne discontinued with school because of the rules.

  5. Honestly I feel parents should let the kids be free but there are some rules sometimes when the parents are strict the kids could be depressed or feel really pressured but we should have parents who keep it balances ❤

  6. If I have kids one day, this is the kind of parent I will be. I won't have any rules for them. It's not that I won't care about them. I would. In fact, I would love them with all my heart. I just want them to have the freedom to make their own decisions. They can eat whatever and whenever they want, get tattoos and/or peircings, go out/have sleepovers with friends, have boyfriends or girlfriends, go on dates, go places by themselves, have social media (including dating apps), etc. They could be out for as long as they want and I won't have any curfews. They could also be on their devices for as long as they want and I won't care at all. If they're gay, lesbian, bisexual, non binary or whatever, I'll be totally cool with that. They can decide what they want to be and I'll support them no matter what. As long as they're happy and enjoying life, that's all that matters to me. 😃

  7. Tbh, You are the luckiest Girl to have The coolest parents with no rules
    Your parents may need some rules to keep you safe but at least there are not too much strict rules ❤

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