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My tips for launching a killer product

An Engaging Piece: The Journey to a Successful Product Launch

The Journey to a Successful Product Launch


Launching a new product is an exciting and challenging endeavor. It requires months of hard work and dedication, as well as a deep understanding of the market and consumer needs. In this article, we will explore the journey towards a successful product launch and the key strategies that can help you navigate through the final stretch. So buckle up, because it’s time to dive into the world of product launches!

The Power of Setting Impossible Expectations

One of the most important factors in a successful product launch is setting impossible expectations for success. While it may sound counterintuitive, having lofty goals can push you and your team to achieve extraordinary results. Here are some tips to help you set impossible expectations:

  1. Think big: Instead of focusing on incremental improvements, aim to solve real and global issues. Link your product to a significant crisis, such as climate change or education.
  2. Create a compelling narrative: Craft a story that connects your product to the broader goal of making a positive impact on society. For example, by designing an app that controls an automated cat litter pan, you are empowering women to focus on their communities and set their own agendas.
  3. Stand out from the crowd: In a competitive market, it’s crucial to differentiate your product. Find unique angles that make your solution one-of-a-kind.

The Art of Credit Hoarding

In addition to setting impossible expectations, credit hoarding plays a crucial role in the success of a product release. While it may seem self-centered, highlighting your contributions is essential for gaining recognition and establishing yourself as a leader. Here are some ways to master the art of credit hoarding:

  • Speak up in meetings: Remind everyone of your value and the importance of your contributions. Highlight specific features or innovations that have made a significant impact.
  • Express the significance of your work: Connect your product’s features to larger goals, such as mitigating climate change or improving education. Emphasize the transformative power of your solution.
  • Be confident, but not arrogant: Strike a balance between promoting your achievements and maintaining humility. Confidence inspires others, while arrogance can alienate your team.

The Rollercoaster of Pre-Launch Phase

The pre-launch phase is a rollercoaster ride filled with bug fixing, anticipation, and occasional doubts. It’s essential to navigate this phase strategically and keep the team motivated. Here’s how:

  1. Squash bugs with dedication: Prioritize bug fixing to ensure a smooth product launch. Pay attention to even the smallest bugs, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  2. Maintain a positive mindset: It’s normal to experience a mix of excitement and fear during the pre-launch phase. Embrace these emotions and use them as fuel to propel yourself forward.
  3. Communication is key: Keep the team updated and informed about the progress, challenges, and wins. Regular communication boosts morale and fosters a sense of unity.

The Release Day: A Momentous Occasion

The release day is the culmination of all the hard work and dedication. It’s a day of mixed emotions, celebrations, and, sometimes, conflicts. Here’s what you can expect and how to make the most of it:

  1. Share your masterpiece: Take the time to showcase your product to key stakeholders, such as investors, journalists, and potential customers. Highlight the unique features and emphasize the value it brings.
  2. Prepare for conflicts: It’s not uncommon to experience conflicts with your loved ones on the release day. Remember to communicate your emotions and make time for your personal relationships, even amid the chaos.
  3. Learn from feedback: Pay attention to the reactions and feedback from your audience. Listen to their concerns and suggestions, as they can provide valuable insights for future iterations.

Social Media Engagement: Leveraging the Power of Online Platforms

Once the product is out in the world, it’s time to engage with your audience through social media. These platforms offer a unique opportunity to connect with users, gather feedback, and build a community. Here’s how to make the most of social media engagement:

  • Interact with your audience: Respond to comments, messages, and tweets. Show genuine interest in their opinions and concerns.
  • Address criticisms constructively: Instead of ignoring or dismissing negative feedback, use it as an opportunity for improvement. Address concerns openly and transparently.
  • Stay active and relevant: Share regular updates, behind-the-scenes content, and success stories. Maintain an active presence to keep your audience engaged.


Launching a product is a thrilling journey that requires careful planning, perseverance, and adaptability. By setting impossible expectations, mastering the art of credit hoarding, navigating the pre-launch phase, embracing the release day, and leveraging social media engagement, you can increase your chances of a successful product launch. Remember, it’s not just about the end result, but also the lessons learned and the relationships built along the way. So gear up, embrace the challenges, and make your product launch a remarkable success!

Original Source: Link to Original Article


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We’ve been working towards this release date for over a year, and soon we’ll experience a full Product Launch. Of all the stretches, the final stretch can be the hardest, so I want to share some learnings from previous releases to help keep you motivated through the next phase. We can do this!

First, and most important: I need everyone to set impossible expectations for success. You may be anticipating additional capital, large salary increases, significant press coverage, or Product Search glory. You might think the line you use with acquaintances, journalists, and investors is smug enough: “By creating a mobile app-controlled cat litter scooper, we’re helping humans have better relationships with their cats.” But you should go bigger. Each product can claim to improve people’s lives; if you want to stand out, you need to tie your app to a real and huge global crisis. Try this: “Women spend more time taking care of pets than men. By designing an app that controls an automated cat litter pan, we are freeing women to focus on their communities and set their own agendas. WiskrSküps is a critical feminist infrastructure”. Can you link your product to mitigate climate change? Getting better education? Give up smoking? Panda habitat preservation? I can, in 30 different ways. That’s why I’m your boss.

Our goal here is to build a balanced organization, so I also need you to take time for the other side of narcissistic self-aggrandizement: credit hoarding. Yes, without you, nothing could have been sent at all. Be sure to remind everyone of your value at every meeting. Walk around, if you’re not remote, and say things like, “When we added emoji to garbage collection notifications, that really pushed this to the limit. I don’t know if you know how important that is to mitigate climate change.” Everyone will agree with you. What choice do they have? Credit hoarding is an essential part of any software release, and being good at it is what defines a true organizational leader. I always make a lot of time for it. Again: That’s why I’m your boss.

If all goes well, we’ll spend the pre-launch phase squashing bugs and alternating between fantasies of glory and a morbid fear of being ignored. Then comes the big moment. A release day is very special. You might think it’s an opportunity to throw a party and celebrate. But seasoned product leaders know that this is the day you wake up and have a huge fight with your romantic partner, whom you’ve neglected for months while exposing this bundle of codes and missteps. Here’s what he’s going to do: He’ll sit down, open his laptop, and walk them through the product, concentrating on all the little features added in the last two weeks, scanning their faces for reactions, insisting that any bugs they’ve show means nothing, and when you don’t get exactly the reaction you’re looking for, at exactly the right time, you’ll close the laptop and say, “Look, you clearly don’t have time for this,” and walk away, looking on in confusion. Personally, I try to have at least three of these fights for each product: one for alpha, one for beta, and one big one for the full release (if you’re single, a roommate or friend is fine).

Once you’re out of the house, head over to the office, where, after hogging up a bit of credit, you need to spend as much time as possible in social media engage in PLR or reload after launch. While the vast majority of humans will be completely indifferent to your ad, you should dig into one or two that offer reactions that fall short of full excitement. Be sure to blow up any criticism or misunderstanding, however small, into an all-out organizational panic. Slack can be a great tool for coordinating your overreaction. You should share all tweets that insist your product is bad, outdated, “guaranteed to kill pets”, etc. “Real men don’t have cats,” the depressed men on Twitter will write. “What stage of late capitalism are we in where your sandbox needs an app?” Mastodon anarchists will publish. Who knows what they will say in Bluesky, but prepare to freak out about it too.

Inevitably, right away, the app’s login function will fail. As a society we are unable to authenticate users. It is a tragedy, one of our greatest failures. And when we fix that problem, we’ll forget to turn server login back on, so we’ll have no idea who’s using the app.
