Highland Fox: Nairn’s husband and wife behind the renewal firm
CancelAn icon of a circle with a diagonal line through.
CaretAn icon of a block arrow that points to the right.
EmailAn icon of a paper envelope.
FacebookAn icon of the “F” brand of Facebook.
GoogleAn icon of the Google brand “G”.
Linked inAn icon of the brand linked in “in”.
Session closureAn icon that represents the session closure.
ProfileAn icon that resembles the head and human shoulders.
PhoneAn icon of a traditional telephone receiver.
TickAn icon of a tick brand.
It is publicAn icon of a human eye and eyelashes.
It is not publicAn icon of a human eye and eyelashes with a diagonal line through it.
Pause iconA two -line pause icon to stop the interactions.
AppointmentAn opening appointment brand.
AppointmentA closing appointment brand.
ArrowAn icon of an arrow.
FileAn icon of a paper folder.
RipAn icon of an exclamation mark on a circular background.
CameraAn icon of a digital camera.
CaretAn icon of a Caret arrow.
ClockAn icon of a watch face.
NearAn icon of the form to X.
Closing iconAn icon used to represent where to interact to collapse or discard a component
EllipsisA 3 horizontal icon.
AboutAn icon of a paper envelope.
FacebookAn icon of a Facebook logo F.
CameraAn icon of a digital camera.
HomeAn icon of a house.
InstagramAn Instagram logo icon.
LinkedInAn icon of the LinkedIn logo.
Magnifying glassAn icon of a magnifying glass.
Search iconAn icon of magnifying glass that is used to represent the search function.
NextAn icon of an arrow that points to the right.
WarningAn explanation brand focused within a circle.
FormerAn icon of an arrow that points to the left.
ClassificationAn icon of a star.
LabelAn icon of a label.
TwitterAn icon of the Twitter logo.
Video cameraAn icon of a video camera shape.
Speech bubble iconAn icon showing a speech bubble
WhatsAppAn icon of the WhatsApp logo.
InformationAn icon of an information logo.
FurtherA ‘Plus’ mathematical symbol.
DurationAn icon that indicates time.
Mark successAn icon of a green tick.
Successful Tick Waiting TimeAn icon of a gray successful tick.
Load spinnerAn icon of a load roulette.
Facebook messengerAn icon of the Facebook Messenger application logo.FacebookAn icon of a Facebook logo F.Facebook messengerAn icon of the Twitter application logo.LinkedInAn icon of the LinkedIn logo.WhatsApp messengerAn icon of the WhatsApp Messenger application application.EmailAn icon of an email.Copy linkA decent black square on a white square.