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Neglected and Ignored: Women’s Health Deserves More Investment, Say Experts – You Won’t Believe What They Found!

Women’s health has always been a major concern for healthcare experts and organizations globally. However, despite the progress made to improve women’s health, there is still a significant disparity between what is available and the actual need. Experts have called for more investment in women’s health to address this ongoing disparity. This article will discuss the key reasons behind this call, the current state of women’s health, and the steps that need to be taken to improve it.

## The State of Women’s Health

Women have unique health needs that require special attention, which is why there is a need for targeted interventions and policies. Sadly, healthcare systems globally do not always prioritize women’s health, resulting in a significant disparity in access to health services, which ultimately leads to poor health outcomes.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 830 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. It is estimated that a staggering 70% of maternal deaths, 67% of new HIV infections, and over 80% of all cervical cancer cases occur in developing countries. As such, low-income countries tend to have the worst health outcomes for women.

Experts in the field argue that the lack of investment in women’s health means that more women continue to suffer the consequences of inadequate health care. Women are also more exposed to other health risks, including gender-based violence, harmful practices, and inadequate reproductive and sexual health care.

## Why more investment is needed

The call for investment in women’s health is not surprising given the current disparity in access to healthcare services globally. Some of the reasons why more investment is needed include:

### 1. High Mortality Rates

High maternal mortality rates continue to be a significant concern in many developing countries. For example, in Nigeria, about 58,000 women died from pregnancy-related complications in 2015, making it the second-highest rate of maternal deaths globally. However, most of these deaths could have been prevented through early detection and timely intervention.

Investment in women’s health is necessary to ensure that women can access quality maternal health services. This means providing skilled healthcare workers, equipment and facilities, and up-to-date treatments.

### 2. Inadequate access to family planning and reproductive health services

Access to family planning and reproductive health services is crucial for women’s health and well-being. Investing in these services is essential in controlling preventable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and reducing maternal mortality rates.

### 3. Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is a major problem that affects women globally. It can lead to severe physical and mental health consequences, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is essential to invest in the prevention and management of gender-based violence to improve women’s health outcomes.

### 4. The impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on women’s health, with reports indicating that maternal mortality rates have increased due to restrictions on access to healthcare services, including antenatal care and delivery services.

Investing in women’s health is vital in ensuring that women have continuous access to health services, including during the pandemic. It also means investing in digital health solutions that can bridge the gap between women and healthcare providers.

## Steps for improving women’s health

To improve women’s health, several steps need to be taken, including:

### 1. Improving access to healthcare services

Investment in women’s health means providing women with better access to healthcare services. This includes equipping healthcare facilities with the necessary equipment, medicines, and personnel to reduce maternal mortality rates.

### 2. Investing in reproductive and family planning services

Investment in reproductive and family planning services is necessary in controlling preventable diseases, preventing maternal deaths, and promoting women’s health.

### 3. Tackling gender-based violence

Tackling gender-based violence requires a coordinated effort among governments, civil society organizations, and healthcare providers. Healthcare providers need to be trained in identifying and managing gender-based violence, and providing women with access to counseling and other support services.

### 4. Promoting digital health solutions

Digital health solutions, such as telemedicine, can bridge the gap between women and healthcare providers, especially in low-resource settings. Investing in digital health solutions can improve women’s access to health services and improve overall health outcomes.

## Conclusion

Women’s health is critical to the development and well-being of societies globally. Despite efforts made to improve women’s health, there is still a significant disparity globally. Investing in women’s health is necessary to reduce maternal mortality rates, tackle gender-based violence, and promote access to reproductive and family planning services. By prioritizing women’s health, we can achieve better health outcomes for women and their families, which will ultimately lead to more prosperous societies.

Summary: Experts worldwide call for more investment in women’s health to address the ongoing disparities present. Women face unique health challenges leading to a disparity in access to healthcare, which results in poor health outcomes for women. Women’s health requires targeted interventions and policies to invest in providing quality care facilities, personnel, equipping the healthcare system with necessary equipment and resources, and promoting digital health solutions to improve health outcomes. Investment in family planning and reproductive health services, and tackling gender-based violence, is necessary to prevent maternal deaths and control preventable diseases in developing countries, which will promote wellness for women and overall societies.


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Experts call for more investment in women’s health – Voice of Nigeria

Experts call for increased investment in women’s health
