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Neglecting this crucial health factor can harm Michigan women for life – Expert reveals

Importance of Adolescent Girls’ Health: Ensuring a Bright Future

The month of May is celebrated as National Women’s Health Month in the United States. The focus lies on spreading awareness about women’s health issues and encouraging them to prioritize their health. However, women’s health is a year-round concern, and it is essential to ensure optimal health for women and girls to build a healthy and prosperous society. In this article, we emphasize the importance of adolescent girls’ health and offer practical tips to ensure their overall well-being.

Paying Attention to Adolescent Girls’ Health

The adolescent period is a time of intense physical, mental, and emotional changes for girls. Nutrition, exercise, and rest are essential factors that contribute to their physical health. Mental and emotional health is also core components of good health, and ignoring them can lead to serious consequences. Adolescent girls face unique challenges that impact their psychological well-being, and thus, it’s necessary to provide them with support and guidance to navigate through these pivotal years of development.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

It is essential to pay attention to adolescent girls’ lifestyles to ensure their optimal health. Encouraging healthy living habits from an early age creates a strong foundation for the future and helps decrease the likelihood of developing chronic diseases later in life. Here are some tips to promote a healthy lifestyle for adolescent girls:

– A Balanced Diet: Adolescent girls need a well-balanced diet with adequate nutrients to support their growth. Encourage them to consume an adequate amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
– Regular Physical Activity: Exercise is essential for adolescent girls to maintain their physical and mental health. Encourage them to engage in regular physical activity by involving them in recreational or sports activities.
– Adequate Sleep: Sleep is critical for adolescent girls’ physical and mental health. Encourage them to get adequate sleep, around 9-10 hours a day.
– Regular Medical Check-ups: Regular medical checkups help identify health issues early on and enable timely interventions. Encourage adolescent girls to schedule yearly checkups with their healthcare provider.
– Age-appropriate Immunizations: Immunizations are critical to protect adolescent girls from a wide range of illnesses. Ensure they receive age-appropriate immunizations as recommended by their healthcare provider.

Mental and Emotional Health

Many challenges that adolescent girls face can impact their mental and emotional health, such as peer pressure, academic stress, and hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, it is crucial to provide them with appropriate support and resources to ensure optimal mental health. Here are some tips and resources to support adolescent girls’ mental and emotional health:

– Open Communication: Encourage open communication to help adolescent girls express their thoughts and feelings freely.
– Encourage Seeking Help: Let them know that it’s okay to seek help when dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression. They can talk to their healthcare provider, a school counselor, or psychologist.
– Mental Health Resources: Various organizations offer a wide range of resources to support adolescent girls’ mental health. Encourage them to access these resources as needed. Examples of mental health resources include:

– National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
– Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
– National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

COVID-19 and Adolescent Girls’ Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes worldwide, and adolescent girls have been particularly vulnerable to its effects. The prolonged lockdowns, school closures, and social distancing measures have had significant impacts on their mental and emotional health. The fear of contracting the virus, the uncertainty surrounding the future, and the loss of social interaction have all contributed to increased stress and anxiety levels among adolescent girls.

Remote Learning and Adolescent Girls’ Mental Health

The closure of schools and the shift to remote learning has also had an impact on adolescent girls’ mental health. The lack of in-person interaction with teachers and peers has created feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, the increased screen time has led to increased sedentary behavior and disrupted sleep schedules, further impacting their health.

Supporting Adolescent Girls during COVID-19

The pandemic has highlighted the need to prioritize adolescent girls’ health and provide them with appropriate support during these challenging times. Here are some tips to support adolescent girls during COVID-19:

– Staying Connected: Encourage adolescent girls to stay connected with friends and family through video calls or social media to maintain social interaction.
– Regular Exercise: Encourage them to engage in regular physical activity to maintain their physical and mental well-being.
– Establishing Routine: Establishing a daily routine can create a sense of normalcy and stability amidst uncertainty.
– Limiting Screen Time: Encourage them to limit their screen time and take frequent breaks to avoid the adverse effects of excessive screen time.
– Seeking Help: Encourage them to seek help from healthcare providers, counselors, or mental health professionals if needed.


Ensuring optimal health for adolescent girls is critical to building a healthy and prosperous society. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to mental and emotional health, and providing appropriate support during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic can help ensure optimal health for adolescent girls. As a society, it is our collective responsibility to prioritize adolescent girls’ health to create a brighter future for all.


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(Photo supplied/Pixabay)

The need for Michigan women to put their health first doesn’t stop when National Women’s Health Month ends this week.

One expert said it’s time to remind the women in your life how important their health is and not forget the teens.

Dr. Donna O’Shea, an OB/GYN and UnitedHealthcare’s medical director of population health, said health problems often arise during adolescence, so it’s critical that girls get healthy meals, regular exercise, adequate sleep and age-appropriate health exams and immunizations.

O’Shea recommended that behavioral health issues like depression and anxiety should be part of the picture, especially since the pandemic.

“There are so many options that can really make treatment more convenient and affordable, because we have virtual care options, like psychologists and psychiatrists,” O’Shea said. “Access has actually improved post-COVID.”

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that 57% of high school girls have experienced “persistent feelings of sadness” in the past year, which is significantly higher than the 36% reported 10 years ago .

O’Shea suggested that a teen’s pediatrician is a great place to start conversations about behavioral health, since they’ve seen it often over the years and built trust. They can help her recognize things and feelings that are normal parts of development. O’Shea added that more school districts are also becoming resources by making students’ mental health a priority with their counselors.

“A lot of school communities have really embraced that concept,” O’Shea emphasized. “And it’s great for those schools that can offer those services.”

According to the World Health Organization, half of all mental health disorders present in adulthood begin by age 14, yet most cases go undetected and untreated.

Expert: Michigan women’s health needs begin in adolescence
