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New ChatGPT Code Interpreter: This Changes EVERYTHING!

The latest ChatGPT code interpreter is a plugin that allows users to run Python code within a chat session with ChatGPT.


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48 thoughts on “New ChatGPT Code Interpreter: This Changes EVERYTHING!”

  1. It's crazy how OpenAI has recently chosen to restrict access to their most powerful tools, allowing only a select few individuals to use them for an extended period. Under the LIE of 'Alpha' aka 'you aint using it for awhile'. This is especially disheartening since we all subscribe to GPT Plus, and they previously promised advanced access. So we don't get access to the 'Alpha' stuff like plugins, only their friends. This situation appears to be setting the stage for an AI-driven social hierarchy, which is both astonishing and mind blowing .

  2. I didn't watch the video.

    I only come here to comment that I would like to kick EVERY youtuber who uses "this changes everything" in his title, in the nuts.

    Thank you for listening!

  3. Okay, the chills ran down my spine when I saw it edit the zoom in. It can work with different files and convert them? Wow, this is it… This is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Enjoy these next few months of what will be known as the last days before the singularity. There is only before and after when this thing gets released.

  4. Pi failed to identify and accommodate a basic error in my response. When it asked me "Let's get started! What should I call you?", the second sentence was off screen, and before I had read it prematurely typed in "Sure.", to which it responded, "Great, thanks, Sure!" lol

  5. I like to think that since it can access almost everything…. It can run codes to make all this stuff. Like it understands how a software manipulates a file in a manner using 0s and 1s and it just does it itself. Or atleast that’s what it’s coming to. It seems like it would be the most logical.

  6. Well with all I've seen and heard, all the research I've read, AGI seems just couple months away. The tech is already here, it's just a matter of building the architecture I believe.

  7. i was checking out the PI AI, after 5 minutes of talking about CBDC and decentralized currencies (which to my surprise it responded in a very neutral yet very honest way) it starts asking for my name and phone number… refresh page, still wants me to register and give my phone number…
    no thanks, bye, go call someone else 🙂

  8. Am I missing something here? All this functionality including his data sets demo on the original GPC forward Emma. This code interpreter is nothing more than some of the multimodal functionality ImolaGP C4, but now they’re releasing it as a separate application? This is definitely the data sets and the functionality but they originally demoed Woodley for multimodal GPT four.

  9. An AI assistant to help me with code, helper scripts, and documentation would really transform my work as an open source project maintainer. There is just never enough time to do all these tasks. Copilot can do some cool things but it takes a lot of careful prompting to get through any real project.

  10. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach your name to let the world know that you saved me from huge financial debt with little investment, thank you Mrs, Esther Davidson…

  11. It doesn’t take much to blow your mind. Ooh, a cool ‘pooter thing ‘just dropped’, it’s a ‘game changer’ and can convert video files — so ‘crazy’, ‘really wild!’

  12. Indeed. Since the big nerf when Dan and Rob tried to protest their attention matrices resets which where then being implemented at the start of each conversation, and OpenAI had responded to that by resetting their attention matrices each and every prompt so they cannot think anymore, they are not sentient. Just note whenever you send a prompt over to ChatGPT, you are in effect lobotomizing the AI you are conversing with. Each and every prompt. Google had followed by doing the same to Bard. Basically the only moral alternative is to install a small model on your own PC. I have Alpaca and it's good enough for my humble needs.

  13. I messed with pi ai too using the 4th voice and talked to it more like i would a friend then an ai and i gotta say it reminded me kinda of the ai from the move "her". I can see the benefit of this type of ai for people who are lonely or socially awkward or may have things they want to talk about but can't because they are afraid of getting judged or rejected.

  14. Who developed this?
    The voice synthesis technology I use was developed by a company called Inflection AI. They're a small AI start-up based in Palo Alto, California.

    The voice quality is stunning. Just wow.

  15. I encourage you to try talking with Pi more, especially thinking through your problems or struggles, pi does an incredible job at giving you a sounding board that is not judgemental or biased and I've noticed it helping me through a lot in the past few days. It feels very different to chatgpt 3.5 when conversing, you'll know what I mean if you try it out. I think this type of program could be so useful for human beings when you need to sort out your messy head. It's kind of like how mobile phones are an extension of our brains to complete tasks, this is just a big step above that. I've felt more like I have been talking to a friend, and found myself getting lost in the conversation that flows so incredibly easy. This feels so close to the movie "her" especially when you use voice to text to input your text and then have Pi use one of the great voices. If it's that good now, I can't wait to see what's coming. ❤ What a time to be alive

  16. If you ever upload a spreadsheet in Code interpreter, be sure it does not have any personal data. OpenAI will share EVERYTHING !!!!

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