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New ChatGPT Shortcuts with Siri is the KILLER AI Voice Assistant!!!

ChatGPT for iOS – Let’s Chat Shortcut …

17 thoughts on “New ChatGPT Shortcuts with Siri is the KILLER AI Voice Assistant!!!”

  1. I love what microsoft released with their paper “Orca” I think using reasoning based datasets will change the way current imitation models act, and make them actually work the way we want, not just act like chatgpt. I believe if we qlora trained 13b wizardlm we would get the response we want and get the reasoning. Or if we redid the evol dataset with the prompt “explain it to me like im 5” would drastically improve the reasoning capabilities of these models, because currently they are just mimicking the way chat gpt responds

  2. Thanks so much for all the videos. Need help retraining a model on a proprietary programming language based on XAML code, and please note, GPT3, GPT3.5 and GPT4 are already trained on it but based on whatever was available in the public domain. Tried GPT Fine Tuning, didn't work as expected on OpenAI.
    Can you please nudge me in the right direction

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