A new study in Texas finds that pregnant patients in abortion-restrictive states face much higher health risks than patients in states …
A new study in Texas finds that pregnant patients in abortion-restrictive states face much higher health risks than patients in states …
Texas has its own Taliban. Women have become nothing but second-class citizens .
Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13 day's
There is also a correlation between Abortion Rights and lower crime rates.
They only face not being able to murder freely
Russian roulette
LoL I thought they were talking about Men !!! LoL
Now, women need to pass a law that all men have vasectomies or be fined $$$$$. When men have their reproductive rights taken away, they will wake up and see sense.
Doctors don’t want to risk criminal prosecution. I can’t say I blame them. One overzealous prosecutor could ruin your life.
Absolutely is not safe to have kids in TX, not to birth them, not to raise them there. Health care access sucks, esp for brown/black and without medicaid expansion there is no safety net, after they start breathing the air pollution in Harris county damages lungs. Mental health care for kids is so bad they just shove them in juvie or terrorize them in the schools, send them home on wrong buses at age 5,finding safe child care is nearly impossible add reliable to that and is impossible. Think about moving outside city and will find well water with 5 times limit of arsenic, water that catches fire or gives rashes. Don't forget the child harvestors will take your kid if you are late to childcare, false reports or the opinion of a teacher and it likely will be 18 mos if you can get kid home again, most can't. How much do you want to bet? Your family's life?
Abortion is a woman's choice across the majority of the world.
The US constitution has been amended 27 times and it's easy to amend as abortion law.
The Kansas vote landslide shows that the majority of American women want the freedom of choice.
Inducing labor isn't the same as ripping a baby apart limb from limb in the womb. As a mother, I would rather deliver my baby whole, than to undergo an abortion during a life threatening pregnancy situation such as infection. Also, there's other options. Such as antibiotics, IV, cervix stitching. Her water breaking early is something that can be treated, with all the mentioned above options plus bedrest in a hospital. A few months is worth the sacrifice for your offspring to live. I think these Dr's are purposefully making a case for the "abortion is necessary"political narrative, at the expense of their patients and truly " progressive " health care. Why is the only " choice" that matters to these people abortion? Why not offer all the alternative choices to save lives? I find this " practice" disgusting and repugnant. Absolutely not high quality health care. #politicsruinseverything
Nothing like a bit of baseless superstitious scaremongering to win a political debate!
Studies nowadays also found women to be the primary victims of war
Guns have more rights than women
This is disgusting and state created medical malpractice! One of many reasons why I voted no in Kansas.
Did we really need a study for that?
Give this person the same chance you would like to have had. Do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 12:7
A "study" conducted by an abortionist. ROTFL! Only in Lawyerland is this considered legit.
"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.
– A letter from the voiceless-
Dear Mom,
I want to start by saying I love you, you were my first connection with another person. And I hoped I would get to see you face to face, hear your sweet voice sing to me sleep, But that never happened. Whatever I did I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or cause you any trouble, I just wanted you to be my mommy. What I went through physically hurt me, and I hope no one ever has to go through that again. But what hurt me even worst was the fact that my mommy that I love so much hated me. So much that you wouldn't even acknowledge that I was alive(lacking the ability to breathe unaided), you called me it(a clump of cells). And after all that you threw me away(like garbage), you wouldn't even do that to a pair of old shoes. Now it's to late for me, but on my behalf can you try to stop this from happening to any other babies. PLEASE!
The Unwanted
P.S. I forgive you.
Just give them another covid shot
Absolutely proposterous! More women die from abortion related issues than die from pregnancy! Plus, who owns NBC? Rockefeller! Rockefeller also speaks about "muh overpopulation" which shows this is pushing lies in the name of an agenda. They want you people dead. So, do you think the Rockefellers care about women? No, they want more of them and their babies dead.
Guess NBC stands for Nothing But Crap!
I believe that woman is like ! She didn't want to have that baby and I can assure you that those nurses that would have told her that would have said something on camera and y'all should have asked and if y'all did and then refused then that shows me that she is nothing but a liar and she didn't want that baby because all five of my kids that were born was born with some kind of defect harm weigh just 20 oz ! I'm assuring you all of my kids are blessings and all my baby mamas had a tough time with everyone of them but thank God they all got here they're all grown but I know deep down my side that woman is nothing but a liar and she didn't want that baby that is plain and simple
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