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News app Artifact can now summarize stories using AI, even in funny styles

Artifacthe personalized news aggregator from the founders of Instagram is further embracing AI with the launch of a new feature that will now summarize news articles for you. The company announced today that it is introducing a tool that generates article summaries at the touch of a button, to give readers the ability to understand the “high-level points” of an article before reading it. For a bit more fun, the feature can also be used to summarize news in a certain style, such as “explain like you’re five”, Gen Z style of speech, or using only emojis, for example.

These styles aren’t really meant to be useful, they’re just there to add a bit of whimsy to the feature and potentially encourage users to try out the new feature.

To use the AI ​​summaries feature, tap the “Aa” button found in the menu above an individual news article, then tap the new “Summarize” option. The company confirmed that it is leveraging OpenAI technologies through its API to generate text summaries.

However, the company warns users that the feature should not replace reading the news, as the AI ​​is not perfect.

Image Credits: Artifact

“It is important to note that abstracts are not a substitute for the usefulness of having the full text of the article,” the company’s blog post reads. “The AI ​​is powerful, but it can make mistakes from time to time, so it’s important to check that the abstract matches the article while reading the full text,” he cautions.

The company said it may add other fun styles for users to play with over time, in addition to those available at launch.

The feature is rolling out now for Artifact users, so you may not immediately see the Summarize option in your app, but you should soon.

Founded by Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, The original premise of Artifact has been to offer a personalized experience around reading the news, but not one that leaves users trapped in “filter bubbles” like they were on Facebook. While Artifact’s home screen features a curated selection of news tailored to the end user, based on their reading and engagement preferences, the app’s headline section shows users the same news covered by a variety of sources all over the world. the broader news ecosystem. Artifact vets its news sources in advance to meet certain standards around integrity, such as its fact-checking and correction process, its transparency around funding, and more.

From public release in FebruaryArtifact has been rapidly iterating on its feature set, and earlier this month it was rolled out a feature of social discussions that allows users to comment on news, as well as positive and negative comments left by others.

The company is not yet reporting how many people are actively using its news app, but the app intelligence firm reports that the app has seen 240,000 worldwide on both app stores to date. On the US App Store, the app is currently ranked #115 in News Feed.


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