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NFL under investigation for discrimination

Attorneys general for New York and California announced Thursday that they are investigating allegations of workplace discrimination at the NFL, citing lawsuits filed by employees that describe gender, racial and age prejudice, sexual harassment and a hostile work environment become.

Attorneys General Letitia James of New York and Rob Bonta of California said they had issued subpoenas to NFL executives as part of an investigation into workplace culture at the league’s corporate offices in both states.

The officials, both Democrats, said they were exercising their legal authority to seek information from the NFL about allegations of gender pay gaps, harassment, and sex and racial discrimination.

The investigation focuses on league headquarters, not specific teams or players.

“No one should ever have to endure harassment, discrimination or objectification in the workplace,” James said in a statement. Bonta said he and James have “serious concerns about the NFL’s role in creating an extremely hostile and disadvantageous work environment.”

The league said it would cooperate in the investigation but called the allegations “completely inconsistent with NFL values ​​and practices.”

“The NFL offices are places where employees of all genders, races and backgrounds thrive. We do not tolerate discrimination of any form,” the league officials said in a statement.

James and Bonta cited a year of 2022 New York Times Story that detailed allegations of gender discrimination by more than 30 former female NFL employees.

The women described a sexist culture in the NFL that they said persisted despite promises of reform made by Commissioner Roger Goodell after the release of a video in 2014 showing the Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice hits his fiancee.

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