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North America Internal Staff Survey 2024: Internal staff training

  • Importance of communicating to staff the types of training resources available. Among internal staff who said they had been walked through the training resources offered by their company, 92% said they subsequently used the training and found it helpful. However, the internal staff who had not been walked through the available training, only 31% said they had used it and that it had helped; another 61% didn’t use it at all and 8% used it but didn’t find it helpful.
  • The types of training most in demand in demand. Four types of training that scored the highest levels of demand were: “sourcing and/or recruiting tactics,” “management/leadership training,” “sales/marketing tactics,” and “operational processes of our firm.” 
  • Who may need more technology training. Internal staff overwhelmingly believe that the use of technology is key to their job. However, notably fewer staff reported the same level of confidence that they had been “full trained.” The five internal staff groupings who believe they are most in need of additional technology training are: on-site managers based at a client worksite, those 66 and over, those covering the industrial segment and/or education segment, and branch managers.
  • Staff desire for training is a recurring theme among SIA surveys. In previous surveys in 2019 and 2016, internal staff were asked unprompted questions about advice they would give management. In both of these surveys, staff volunteered the importance to them of training and their desire for more of it.

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