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North America Internal Staff Survey 2024: Remote work prevalence, preferences, and how to support it

  • Internal staff were asked several questions in the current and in previous SIA surveys about their experience with and attitudes toward remote work. The following conclusions are based on an analysis of their responses.
  • Remote work prevalence remains high. As of late 2023, three-quarters of staff were working remotely at least part of the time. Support staff, direct hire recruiters, and direct hire salespeople reported the highest levels of remote work.
  • The option to work remotely has become very important to staff. Nearly a third of internal staff would even consider a pay cut in exchange for being allowed to work entirely remotely.
  • A quarter of staff say they are not being given enough remote workdays.
  • Most staff feel they have the tools and support needed to work remotely. Eighty-nine percent of staff either “strongly agreed” (60%) that they had the tools and support needed or “agreed” (29%) with that statement. Nonetheless, staff suggested seven ways that support could be improved; among those least satisfied with remote work support, shortfalls in technology and stipends are top complaints.

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