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OMG! Lula’s Incredible Moves on Social Media: Minimum Wage Hike, Moro Bashing, and BC Bashing – Quaest Spills All the Tea!

Are Politicians Struggling to Gain Popularity in the Digital World?

In today’s fast-paced digital era, politicians are increasingly turning to social media and online platforms to engage with the public and build their popularity. However, a recent study conducted by the consulting and research company Quaest suggests that even experienced politicians like the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, are facing difficulties in consolidating their position in the virtual environment.

The Digital Popularity Index (IPD) by Quaest measures the performance of political figures on major platforms using a scale that ranges from 0 to 100. The study takes into account 152 variables collected and weighted by an algorithm based on their relevance.

According to Quaest, Lula’s IPD reached its lowest level in a month, with a score of 54.75 points. This is significantly lower compared to former President Jair Bolsonaro’s score in the same period of his first year in office, which was 28.5 points higher. However, it is still 12.9 points higher than the current score of Lula’s predecessor, who struggled to maintain popularity after losing the October 2022 election.

Since his return to power, Lula has maintained an average IPD of 66.03 points over 163 days. In contrast, Bolsonaro had an average index of 81.46 points in 2019, but now his average is only 29.66 points since leaving the Planalto Palace.

The fluctuations in Lula’s digital popularity are influenced by various factors, including significant events and announcements. For instance, when he announced an increase in the minimum wage, his popularity reached 83.01 points. On the other hand, his criticism of the Central Bank’s monetary policy decreased his popularity to around 40 points.

In an attempt to step up his online presence, Lula recently participated in a live broadcast conducted by Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), a state broadcaster. During the interview, he highlighted the resumption of public policies from his previous governments, announced the launch of a “new PAC,” and advocated for expanding the ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ program for the middle class. He also acknowledged the importance of small farmers and agribusiness.

The Impact of Online Popularity on Politics

The increasing influence of social media and online platforms in politics cannot be ignored. With a large number of people accessing news and information through these mediums, politicians are realizing the need to establish a strong presence in the virtual world. Digital popularity can greatly impact public perception, voter preferences, and ultimately, election results.

Online platforms provide politicians with an opportunity to connect directly with the public, express their views, and gain support. However, as the case of Lula shows, maintaining popularity online is not an easy task. It requires consistent engagement, clear messaging, and the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing dynamics of the digital landscape.

The Power of Social Media in Shaping Political Discourse

Social media platforms have revolutionized the way political discourse takes place. They provide a space for individuals to express their opinions, engage in debates, and share information. Politicians are increasingly leveraging social media to amplify their message, reach a wider audience, and mobilize supporters.

However, the digital realm is not without its challenges. The spread of misinformation and the rise of fake news pose significant threats to the integrity of political discussions online. Politicians must navigate this landscape carefully, ensuring that their messages are authentic, accurate, and credible.

Additionally, the virtual world can be unforgiving, with every action and statement under scrutiny. A single misstep or controversial comment can have severe repercussions on a politician’s online reputation and public image. It is crucial for politicians to exercise caution, engage in meaningful conversations, and be mindful of the potential consequences of their words.

The Need for a Comprehensive Digital Strategy

To effectively navigate the digital landscape and gain popularity online, politicians need to develop a comprehensive digital strategy. This strategy should include clear messaging, visually engaging content, and active engagement with the audience.

Building a strong online presence requires more than just posting updates and sharing content. Politicians should focus on creating meaningful connections with their audience, responding to feedback, and actively participating in conversations. They should also leverage different platforms based on their target audience and tailor their messages accordingly.

Moreover, politicians need to be transparent and accountable in their online activities. Voters expect their representatives to be accessible, responsive, and accountable for their actions. By engaging with the public online, politicians can foster trust, strengthen their credibility, and demonstrate their commitment to serving the people.

In conclusion, gaining and maintaining popularity in the digital world is a challenge that politicians worldwide face. With social media and online platforms playing a prominent role in shaping public opinion, politicians must adapt to this new reality and develop effective digital strategies. By leveraging the power of the internet, politicians can engage with the public, amplify their messages, and ultimately, bolster their popularity.


– Quaest’s study suggests that President Lula struggles to gain popularity in the digital environment.
– Lula’s Digital Popularity Index (IPD) reached its lowest level in a month, scoring 54.75 points.
– The IPD comparison with former President Bolsonaro shows a significant difference in popularity.
– Lula’s digital popularity fluctuates based on events and announcements.
– Lula recently participated in a live broadcast in an attempt to increase his presence on the internet.
– Social media and online platforms play a significant role in shaping political discourse.
– Politicians need a comprehensive digital strategy to engage with the public effectively.
– Building transparency, trust, and accountability are crucial in the digital landscape.

Additional Piece:

Engaging the Digital Citizen: Strategies to Thrive Online

In the era of social media dominance, politicians face unique challenges when it comes to connecting with the digital citizen. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, politicians must adapt their strategies to effectively engage with the online audience. Here are some key strategies for politicians to thrive in the digital landscape:

1. Authenticity in the Age of Filters:

In a world of curated online personas, authenticity is more crucial than ever. To build trust with the digital citizen, politicians must present themselves as genuine and relatable individuals. This means being transparent, sharing personal stories, and admitting mistakes when necessary. By showcasing their humanity, politicians can forge a real connection with their audience.

2. Listen and Respond:

In the digital realm, conversation is key. Politicians should actively listen to the concerns and feedback of the digital citizen and respond promptly. Engaging in meaningful dialogue not only demonstrates a politician’s commitment to their constituents but also provides an opportunity to address misconceptions and build consensus. By fostering two-way communication, politicians can bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds.

3. Tell Powerful Stories:

Stories have always been a potent tool in politics, and they are no less relevant online. Politicians should harness the power of storytelling to captivate and inspire their audience. Sharing personal anecdotes, testimonies from constituents, and success stories of policy implementation can help create an emotional connection with the digital citizen. By painting a vivid picture of the positive impact of their actions, politicians can generate lasting support.

4. Embrace Visual Content:

In an era of information overload, visual content stands out. Politicians should leverage the power of images, videos, and infographics to convey complex ideas in a visually striking manner. Compelling visuals not only enhance the shareability of content but also make it more accessible and engaging to a wider audience. By embracing visual content, politicians can create a lasting impression in the minds of the digital citizen.

5. Collaborate and Co-create:

The digital landscape is characterized by its collaborative nature. Politicians should actively seek partnerships and collaborations with influencers, activists, and organizations that align with their values. By co-creating content, hosting joint events, and engaging in cross-promotion, politicians can expand their reach and tap into new audiences. Collaboration not only amplifies their message but also adds credibility and diversity of perspectives.

6. Stay Ahead of the Curve:

The digital world is ever-evolving, and politicians must stay ahead of the curve to remain relevant. Politicians should actively explore emerging platforms and trends, keeping an eye on new technology and social media developments. By embracing innovation and adaptability, politicians can position themselves as thought leaders and trailblazers in the digital sphere. This proactive approach demonstrates their commitment to progress and resonates with the digital citizen.

In conclusion, politicians must be proactive in embracing the digital landscape to thrive in today’s interconnected world. By adopting strategies that prioritize authenticity, dialogue, and visual engagement, politicians can effectively engage the digital citizen and build lasting connections. By understanding and adapting to the unique dynamics of the online realm, politicians can harness the power of the digital age to shape public opinion and drive positive change.


– Politicians must prioritize authenticity and transparency to build trust online.
– Engaging in meaningful conversations and responding to feedback is crucial.
– Sharing powerful stories and anecdotes helps establish an emotional connection with the digital citizen.
– Visual content enhances engagement and helps convey complex ideas effectively.
– Collaboration and co-creation with influencers and organizations expand reach and credibility.
– Staying ahead of digital trends and embracing innovation is essential for success.
– Thriving in the digital landscape requires understanding the unique dynamics of the online world and adapting strategies accordingly.


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A little over six months after climbing the ramp of the Planalto Palace for his third term, the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) it still faces difficulties consolidating a position in the virtual environment and sees its popularity slipping on the main platforms.

This is shown by a study released by the consulting and research company Quaest, which developed the Digital Popularity Index (IPD) − a tool that measures the performance of political figures on the main platforms on a scale that goes from 0 to 100. into account 152 variables collected and weighted by an algorithm according to their relevance.

According to Quaest, Lula’s IPD reached 54.75 points last Monday (12), its lowest level in a month. By way of comparison, the result is 28.5 points lower than that registered by former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the same period of his first year in office.

Instead, the figure is 12.9 points above the current mark of its predecessor, which has failed to hold its own since losing the October 2022 election.

In the accumulated 163 days since his return to command of the Executive Power, Lula maintains an average IPD of 66.03 points. Bolsonaro already had an average index of 81.46 points in 2019, and now he maintains an average of 29.66 since he left the Planalto Palace.

In recent months, Lula’s popularity in the digital environment has varied according to episodes such as the announcement of the increase in the minimum wage, when it reached 83.01 points, and the attacks on Senator Sérgio Moro (União Brasil-PR), when he downplayed to the news about plans for an attack against the former judge by a criminal faction, and criticism of the Central Bank’s monetary policy, which left it around 40 points, according to the indicator prepared by Quaest.


This week, in another attempt to increase its presence on the Internet, the president participated in a live broadcast on Tuesday (13) by Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), a state broadcaster. In the interview, he praised the resumption of public policies implemented in his previous governments, noted the launch of the “new PAC” and defended the need to expand the ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ program for the middle class. In addition to winking at small farmers and agribusiness.

Lula “patina” nas redes, entre aumento de salário mínimo e críticas a Moro e ao BC, mostra Quaest
