
Threads, a new text-based conversation app, has taken the social media world by storm. Launched as a Twitter rival by the Meta company, Threads has quickly gained immense popularity, attracting 10 million subscriptions in just seven hours. However, the app comes with an intriguing stipulation that has surprised many users – deleting an account from Threads also terminates the linked Instagram account.

The Threads-Instagram Connection

In a supplementary privacy policy, Meta explains that a Threads profile is part of the user’s Instagram account. This means that deleting a Threads profile requires deleting the associated Instagram account. This discovery has sparked discussions among users, with some expressing surprise and frustration over the linked nature of the two platforms.

One Twitter user, Emily Hughes, expressed her frustration with the inability to delete her Threads account without also deleting her Instagram account. Many potential users may be deterred by this requirement, which could impact the growth and adoption of the app.

Threads vs. Twitter

Threads, positioned as a high-profile alternative to Twitter, aims to capitalize on the growing demand for text-based conversations. While Twitter has long dominated the realm of short-form content, Threads presents itself as a more focused and intimate platform for users to engage in conversations.

With Instagram’s massive user base of over 2 billion, Threads has the potential to quickly gain traction and become a formidable competitor to Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Meta, expressed his excitement over the app’s rapid growth, with 10 million subscriptions in just seven hours.

The Impressive Growth of Threads

The pace at which Threads has gained subscribers is remarkable. Its 10 million subscriptions in seven hours make it the fastest-growing consumer offer in recent times. This feat has caught the attention of several notable brands such as Netflix, Amazon, NFL, and Pepsi, who have signed up for the app and shown their confidence in its potential.

However, the absence of some major names, including Google, Apple, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Disney, has left many speculating about their reasons for not joining Threads. Regardless, the app’s rapid rise is a testament to its appeal and the potential it holds in the social media landscape.


Threads, the new text-based conversation app from Meta, has garnered immense attention and attracted millions of subscriptions within hours of its launch. Despite the requirement to delete the associated Instagram account when deleting a Threads profile, the app continues to grow rapidly.

As it emerges as a notable rival to Twitter, Threads offers users a unique and intimate platform for engaging in meaningful conversations. Whether it will sustain this growth and become a dominant player in the social media space remains to be seen, but its early success is undeniable.