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On This Day: Marco’s first podium ❤️

10 years ago today Marco Simoncelli took his first-ever premier class podium! ❤️ Who knows how many more he could have …

44 thoughts on “On This Day: Marco’s first podium ❤️”

  1. I often wonder how Valentino got past this hard time (being involved in the crash, long time friend and a mentor to Marco). much respect VR.. You are still sorely missed Marco much love from Australia, cheers

  2. Marco was a great rider he is very much missed and loved by fans everywhere watching this video reminds me of what we miss in MotoGP today god bless you Marco…

  3. I put up a poster of Sic in my wardrobe a few days ago and this popped on my feed. There is no coincidence.
    All love from India, MS58. 🇮🇳

  4. For me biggest what if in MotoGP is
    What if Simoncelli still life
    What if kato still life
    What if dohhan not injury
    What if Stoner never stop career
    What if Rossi never left honda

  5. Some looser said something vile in the comments accusing the GOAT of being responsible in his dear friend Marco’s tragic demise.

    It was a fluke accident, and rider safety is why Rossi started the VR46 Acedemy.

    Whoever said such absurd hate speech is a liar, and not a fan of Grand Prix motorcycle racing.

    What happened in Sepang was a tragic racing accident and was no one’s fault.

    104 riders in the history of Motogp have given their last full measure of devotion pursuing their dreams in the sport they all loved.

    We the fans of Motogp love every rider the sport has tragically lost.
    Things are much safer now, but the risk of what happened to Marco will always be part of the sport.

    Grand Prix motorcycle racing is above all a tremendously unique motorsport of passion, prowess and speed.

    Race your life!

    Ciao Supersic

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