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OpenAI’s ChatGPT – The New Google #chatgpt #openai #gpt #chatbot

In this video, we are going to take a short look at OpenAI’s new ChatGPT. Lets ask it to explain quantum computing in simple terms …

28 thoughts on “OpenAI’s ChatGPT – The New Google #chatgpt #openai #gpt #chatbot”

  1. Dude it was giving me a programming lesson earlier with proper examples and explanations. It even got progressively more complex as each lesson passed.

    I also used it to write some HTML code for my website for college coursework. The teachers at my college are concerned that students will use it for essays

  2. I had it assist me in completing the synopsis of my sci-fi movie screenplay. The sheer detail it was able to come up with on its own was mind-boggling and gave me chills. It not only took the few elements of my idea that I provided and produced something that it produced almost exactly what my writer's block has been holding back from me. And it's just shocking to read something that I didn't write but is definitely something I thought of.

    Once I was finished I copied the material and saved it and the next question that I asked was what the largest prime number was and it gave it to me and then I asked it what the next largest prime number is and it gave it to me so I technically discovered the newest largest prime number.

  3. <asks ChatGPT a question> … <checks Google to see if it was correct>

    I love, ChatGPT more than most things in my life. Having said that, for now, you can’t really trust it completely. The huge majority of the time, when I ask you something, it’s correct, however, a couple times, it has been confidently wrong.

    Don’t get me wrong, this is the most elated and hopeful I’ve been about technology in a long time. I love this to death. I’m just saying, we need Google for a while longer. Probably a long while.

  4. Only thing is openAI doesn’t have a neural network. It’s just a super super advanced program. Like if Siri and Google had a baby with Ask Jeeves as an uncle

  5. This subject caught my attention and brought to mind a video I saw of a Dr. Who looked at the sheots under a microscope. #Hydra Creates it's OWN neural network INSIDE Of The Body and is in FACT in some of the sheots 🤯🤯🤯 FYI: The HYDRA DOES NOT DIE!!!… FYI: Amazon & Nike have Zombie Policies 🤯🤯🤯 WHY‽‽‽ #TheLastOfUs 💣💣💣💣 TV & Movies are not just for our entertainment, it's information from them on what they have planned for humanity… 😉

  6. Google was sued for providing its own results, but because this fulfills goober jarvis fantasies the conspiracy minded will totally give it a pass. No sources needed.

  7. All Google has to do is create an AI to challenge this AI, and then hear what you all gonna say. It's a new phase of technology therefore it's going to draw a lot of attention, but when that shine disappears, as often as any new thing does, then what? 🤔

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