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OpenAI’s Revolutionary Move: Unleashing ChatGPT Exclusively for Enterprise Clients – A Game Changer!

OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Enterprise: An AI-Powered Chatbot for Businesses

In an effort to capitalize on the viral success of ChatGPT, OpenAI has announced the launch of ChatGPT Enterprise, a business-focused edition of their AI-powered chatbot application. This new offering aims to provide additional privacy and data analytics capabilities, improved performance, and customization options to meet the needs of enterprise clients.

Bringing Advanced Features to the Enterprise Level

ChatGPT Enterprise offers the same functionality as the standard ChatGPT, allowing users to perform various tasks such as writing emails, essays, and debugging computer code. However, OpenAI has gone a step further by introducing “enterprise-grade” privacy and data analytics capabilities, along with improved performance and customization options.

With this enhanced version, ChatGPT Enterprise can now compete feature-wise with Microsoft’s recently released enterprise-oriented chatbot service called Bing Chat Company.

Key Features of ChatGPT Enterprise

OpenAI has highlighted several key features of ChatGPT Enterprise:

  • Privacy and Data Analytics: OpenAI has taken steps to ensure that ChatGPT Enterprise maintains a high level of data privacy and security for business users. This includes encryption of all conversations in transit and at rest, emphasizing that no business data sent to ChatGPT Enterprise is used for training models or analytics purposes.
  • Administration Console: The new administration console allows organizations to manage and control how employees use ChatGPT. It includes tools for single sign-on integration, domain verification, and a dashboard with usage statistics.
  • Shareable Chat Templates: Employees can build internal workflows using shareable chat templates, which leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT and improve team productivity.
  • OpenAI API Platform Credits: Companies can utilize OpenAI API platform credits to create fully custom solutions powered by ChatGPT, enabling them to tailor the chatbot application to their specific needs.
  • Advanced Data Analysis: ChatGPT Enterprise includes unlimited access to Advanced Data Analysis, formerly known as Code Interpreter. This feature allows ChatGPT to analyze data, create graphs, solve math problems, and provide valuable insights using various data sources.
  • Priority Access to GPT-4: ChatGPT Enterprise customers gain priority access to OpenAI’s flagship AI model, GPT-4. This version offers faster performance and an extended context window of 32,000 tokens, enabling more comprehensive and context-aware conversations.

OpenAI’s Commitment to Business Use

In a blog post shared with TechCrunch, OpenAI expressed their intention to create an AI assistant for work that can help with any task, protect business data, and be customized for different organizations. They invite companies interested in ChatGPT Enterprise to contact them directly to discuss pricing, which is expected to depend on the specific use cases and needs of each company.

The Rise of ChatGPT: From Consumer Application to Enterprise Solution

OpenAI claims that ChatGPT is one of the fastest-growing consumer applications in history and has already been adopted by teams in over 80% of Fortune 500 companies. However, recent traffic data raises doubts about its staying power.

According to Similarweb, ChatGPT’s global traffic fell by 9.7% from May to June, with a corresponding 8.5% decrease in average time spent on the web application. While factors such as the release of the ChatGPT app for iOS and Android and the summer holidays may have contributed to this decline, competition from other chatbot solutions could also be a factor.

OpenAI is under pressure to monetize ChatGPT, considering the significant investment made in its development. The company reportedly spent over $540 million last year, including funds used to recruit talent from tech giants like Google. With the app’s operating costs estimated at $700,000 per day, OpenAI aims to increase its revenue from $30 million in fiscal 2022 to $200 million this year and $1 billion in the next.

The Future of ChatGPT Enterprise and OpenAI’s Roadmap

OpenAI has ambitious plans for ChatGPT Enterprise, expanding its offerings to cater to smaller teams with a ChatGPT Business offering. This version will allow companies to connect their applications to ChatGPT Enterprise and provide more powerful and enterprise-grade versions of advanced data analytics and web browsing features. OpenAI also targets specific business functions such as data analysts, marketers, and customer service, aiming to provide tailored tools to enhance their work.

The company looks forward to sharing a more detailed roadmap with potential customers and continues to evolve ChatGPT Enterprise based on valuable feedback.


OpenAI has launched ChatGPT Enterprise, a business-focused edition of its popular AI-powered chatbot application. This offering includes enhanced privacy and data analytics capabilities, improved performance, and customization options. ChatGPT Enterprise competes feature-wise with Microsoft’s enterprise-oriented chatbot service, Bing Chat Company.

The new version offers several key features, including privacy and data analytics, an administration console, shareable chat templates, OpenAI API platform credits, advanced data analysis, and priority access to GPT-4. OpenAI is committed to creating an AI assistant for work that helps companies with various tasks, protects their data, and can be customized to meet their specific needs.

While ChatGPT has seen significant adoption in the business world, recent traffic data suggests a decline in its usage. OpenAI faces pressure to monetize ChatGPT, given the substantial investment made in its development. The company intends to expand ChatGPT Enterprise offerings, targeting smaller teams and specific business functions.


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Looking to capitalize ChatGPT viral success, OpenAI today announced the launch of ChatGPT Enterprise, a business-focused edition of the company’s AI-powered chatbot application.

First teased by OpenAI in a blog post earlier this year, ChatGPT Enterprise can perform the same tasks as ChatGPT, such as writing emails, writing essays, and debugging computer code. But the new offering also adds “enterprise-grade” privacy and data analytics capabilities on top of the basic ChatGPT, as well as improved performance and customization options.

That puts ChatGPT Enterprise on par, feature-wise, with Bing Chat CompanyMicrosoft’s recently released version of an enterprise-oriented chatbot service.

“Today marks another step toward an AI assistant for work that helps with any task, protects your business data, and is customized for your organization,” OpenAI writes in a blog post shared with TechCrunch. “Companies interested in ChatGPT Enterprise should contact us. Although we do not disclose the prices, they will depend on the use and use cases of each company.

ChatGPT Enterprise provides a new administration console with tools to manage how employees within an organization use ChatGPT, including integrations for single sign-on, domain verification, and a dashboard with usage statistics. Shareable chat templates allow employees to build internal workflows leveraging ChatGPT, while OpenAI API platform credits allow companies to build fully custom solutions powered by ChatGPT if they so desire.

ChatGPT Enterprise also comes with unlimited access to Advanced Data Analysis, the ChatGPT feature formerly known as Code Interpreter, which allows ChatGPT to analyze data, create graphs, solve math problems, and more, even from uploaded files. For example, given a message like “Tell me what’s interesting about this data,” ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analytics capability can examine the data (financial, health, or location information, for example) to generate insights.

Previously, advanced data analysis was only available to subscribers of ChatGPT Plus, the premium $20 per month tier of ChatGPT consumer web and mobile apps. To be clear, ChatGPT Plus will stick: OpenAI considers ChatGPT Enterprise complementary, the company says.

ChatGPT Enterprise works with GPT-4, OpenAI’s flagship AI model, just like ChatGPT Plus. But ChatGPT Enterprise customers get priority access to GPT-4, which offers performance twice as fast as standard GPT-4 and with an extended context window of 32,000 tokens (~25,000 words).

The context window refers to the text that the model considers before generating additional text, while the tokens represent plain text (for example, the word “fantastic” would be split into the tokens “fan”, “tas”, and “tick”). “). Generally speaking, models with large context windows are less likely to “forget” the content of recent conversations.

OpenAI: it certainly tries to allay the fears of companies that have restricted your employees use the consumer version of ChatGPT: Emphasize that you will not train models on business data sent to ChatGPT Enterprise or any usage data, and that all conversations with ChatGPT Enterprise are encrypted in transit and at rest.

“We believe that AI can help and improve all aspects of our working lives and make teams more creative and productive,” OpenAI writes in the blog post.

OpenAI claims that there is a lot of interest from businesses in an enterprise-focused ChatGPT, stating that ChatGPT, one of the fastest growing consumer applications in history, it has been adopted by teams in more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies.

But it’s not clear that ChatGPT has staying power.

According According to analytics company Similarweb, ChatGPT traffic fell 9.7% globally from May to June, while average time spent on the web application fell 8.5%. The drop could be due to the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT app for iOS and Android, and the summer holidays (meaning fewer kids are turning to ChatGPT for homework help). But it would not be surprising if increase competence he was playing a role.

OpenAI is under pressure to monetize the tool anyway.

The company reportedly spent more than $540 million last year to develop ChatGPT, including funds it used to recruit talent from companies like Google. according at the information. and according to some Dear AllChatGPT is costing OpenAI $700,000 per day to run.

However, OpenAI made just $30 million in revenue in fiscal 2022.

CEO Sam Altman has reportedly he told investors that the company intends to increase that number to $200 million this year and $1 billion next year, and is presumably including ChatGPT Enterprise in those plans.

OpenAI says its future plans for ChatGPT Enterprise include a ChatGPT Business offering for smaller teams, which allows companies to connect applications to ChatGPT Enterprise, “more powerful” and “enterprise-grade” versions of advanced data analytics and web browsing, and tools designed for data analysts, marketers, and customer service.

“We look forward to sharing an even more detailed roadmap with potential customers and continuing to evolve ChatGPT Enterprise based on your feedback,” OpenAI writes.

OpenAI launches a ChatGPT plan for enterprise customers
