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Panasonic’s jaw-dropping gigafactory upgrade funded by chilled-out partnership in Southeast Asia

Elon Musk’s Visit to China and the Importance of the Chinese Market

Elon Musk’s recent visit to China has taken Chinese social media by storm. The Tesla CEO spent 44 hours in China, meeting with China’s foreign, industry, and trade ministers, as well as having dinner with Robin Zeng, founder of CATL, one of Tesla’s battery suppliers. Musk’s visit was seen as a sign of his significance as a foreign investor, political figure, and friend of Beijing. However, Musk is not the only Western executive visiting China, as Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and LVMH chairman Bernard Arnault have also made trips to the country.

The reason for these visits is the importance of the Chinese market as both a major market and a vital supplier. Despite the US-China technology war and geopolitical tensions, Western companies cannot ignore Asia’s largest economy. Chinese businesses also remain interested in building links with their Western counterparts, despite the political challenges they may face.

Tesla’s Growing Demand for EV Battery Power

Tesla is working to protect batteries in the increasingly competitive electric vehicle industry. Tesla recently told Panasonic that it would “buy” as much EV battery power as the Japanese electronics giant can produce at its Nevada factory. Panasonic Energy is adding another production line at the gigafactory, increasing the factory’s annual production capacity by about 10%, up from its current capacity of 38 to 39 gigawatt hours. Tesla is Panasonic’s biggest customer, but the Japanese company is hesitant to expand production capacity in Nevada because Tesla partially owns the gigafactory and Panasonic cannot sell batteries made there to other customers.

Competition in the US EV Market

The EV market in the US is getting crowded, with big names like General Motors and Ford Motor, as well as new players like Rivian, planning to ramp up their production in the US. These competing companies could potentially reduce Tesla’s market share.

Challenges with Cloud Gaming

Sony’s CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida, recently downplayed the risk of cloud gaming overtaking console gaming, pointing out the technical challenges of cloud gaming. He cited latency as the biggest problem, which requires fast response times that cloud gaming struggles to provide. Sony would consider various options for streaming games over the internet and could use its AI agent, GT Sophy, to enhance cloud gaming.

Venture Capital Funding for Start-Ups in Southeast Asia

Venture capitalists have lowered their valuations of fledgling companies, leading to a 65% drop in venture capital funding in Southeast Asia compared to the first half of 2022. Regional rock star tech companies like Grab and GoTo have shied away from funding start-ups in ASEAN countries, leading VCs to shift their focus to portfolio management. Investors are also scrutinizing the financial viability of startups from an earlier stage and spending more time on due diligence.

The AI Frenzy in China

Over the last three months, more than 30 Chinese entities, from tech giants to state institutions to entrepreneurs, have announced that they are developing their own large-scale language models. The vast commercial potential of AI in China and the attractiveness of large language models as a new approach to the field are attracting investors big and small.


Elon Musk’s recent visit to China highlights the importance of the Chinese market for Western companies. Despite the US-China technology war and geopolitical tensions, companies cannot ignore Asia’s largest economy. Tesla’s demand for EV battery power is increasing, and competition in the US EV market is growing. Cloud gaming faces technical challenges, and venture capital funding for start-ups in Southeast Asia is decreasing. However, AI’s commercial potential in China is attracting investor interest.

Additional Piece

The Rise of AI in Asia

AI is becoming increasingly important in the Asian market, with China leading the way. The Chinese government’s massive investment in AI and the country’s vast amount of data have propelled it to the cutting edge of AI development. With AI innovation being the driver of technological progress, it’s no surprise that investors big and small are eager to get in on the action.

The potential applications for AI range from more efficient manufacturing to personalized health care to enhanced customer service. The race is on to develop increasingly sophisticated language models, image recognition systems, and other AI applications that can sort through unstructured data to provide valuable insights. However, there are also risks associated with AI development, including AI bias, job displacement, and the ethical implications of AI’s role in decision-making.

As the competition heats up, both domestically and internationally, there is increasing scrutiny on the use of AI and measures to regulate its development. Governments and businesses must work together to ensure that AI is developed ethically and sustainably, and that it benefits society as a whole. The future of AI holds great promise, but it must be approached with caution and care.


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Hi everyone, I’m Cissy from Hong Kong.

Last week, Chinese social media was taken over by Elon Musk. Tesla CEO first visit to China in three years, his private jet and dinner menu at a Beijing restaurant have all been trending on social media. One of his tweets, consisting of a single letter “X” that he posted after returning to the United States, also sparked speculation that he was insinuating something about his visit to China.

Musk spent approximately 44 hours in China, on a tight schedule and in full confidentiality. Only a small amount of information has been disclosed through official channels: he has met with China’s foreign, industry and trade ministers; he had dinner with Robin Zeng, founder of CATL, one of Tesla’s battery suppliers, but no details were provided. The foreign minister’s welcome to Musk has been interpreted as a sign that the CEO is not only seen as a major foreign investor, but also as a significant political figure and a friend of Beijing.

But Musk is just one of several top Western executives who have come to China since the country fully reopened to visitors in March. Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, paid a visit in May, and LVMH chairman Bernard Arnault is expected to do so this month after the world’s largest luxury firm reported a 17% year-on-year rise in revenue of the first quarter, largely driven by a recovering Chinese luxury market.

Against the backdrop of intensifying geopolitical tensions and the US-China technology war, it is interesting to see that Western companies cannot ignore Asia’s largest economy, both as a major market and as a vital supplier. Chinese businesses, for their part, remain interested in building links with their Western counterparts despite the political headwinds they may face.

More juice for Tesla

Tesla is working to protect batteries in the increasingly competitive electric vehicle industry. The American manufacturer of electric vehicles he recently told Panasonic that it would “buy” as much EV battery power as the Japanese electronics giant can produce at its Nevada factory, writes Nikkei Asia’s Ryotaroh Satoh.

Panasonic Energy, a subsidiary of Panasonic Holdings, is adding another production line — its 15th overall — at the Nevada gigafactory, with plans to start operating within the next year or two. This move is expected to increase the factory’s annual production capacity by about 10 percent, up from its current capacity of 38 to 39 gigawatt hours. That’s enough to power 500,000 to 700,000 Tesla Model 3s.

Tesla is Panasonic’s biggest customer, but even as the EV maker calls for more power, the Japanese company is wary of expanding production capacity in Nevada. That’s because the gigafactory is partially owned by Tesla and Panasonic can’t sell batteries made there to other customers.

The EV market in the US is getting pretty crowded. Big names like General Motors and Ford Motor, as well as new players like Rivian, have all said they want to ramp up their production in the US. These competing companies could potentially dent Tesla’s huge market share.

Cloud versus console

Sony’s chief executive has warned that cloud gaming is still technically “very complicated”, downplaying the risk of the sector quickly converting to a technology its rival Microsoft has bet heavily on, writes the Financial Times Cana Inagaki AND Leo Lewis.

In an interview, Kenichiro Yoshida said that the creator of PlayStation would do it again study “various options” for streaming games over the Internet, adding that it could use GT Sophy, its AI agent, to enhance cloud gaming.

“The cloud itself is an amazing business model but, when it comes to games, the technical challenges are high,” said Yoshida, citing latency – the fast response times required by gamers – as the biggest problem. “So there will be challenges for cloud gaming, but we want to address those challenges.”

He declined to comment on the impact Sony expects from Microsoft’s $75 billion purchase of game publisher Activision, the company behind the Call of Duty and World of Warcraft franchises, saying regulatory reviews are continuing. .

Industry and regulatory concerns have focused on Microsoft making Activision’s games exclusive to its cloud gaming service, a move that could potentially accelerate the switch from consoles.

A shiver in the air

GM080605_23X ASEAN startups are going through a

Funding for start-ups in Southeast Asia is well on its way to having its own worst six months since before the pandemic, as venture capitalists lower their valuations of fledgling companies, writes Nikkei Asia’s Tsubasa Suruga.

For the first five months of this year, venture capital funding in Southeast Asia reached just $4 billion. That’s a whopping 65% drop from the first half of 2022 and the lowest level since the second half of 2019, according to investment data firm Preqin. Indonesia and Singapore were hit particularly hard, with funding plummeting by 70% and 65% respectively.

The underperformance of regional rock star tech companies like Grab and GoTo has dented the willingness of VCs to fund start-ups in ASEAN countries. Venture capitalists also told Nikkei that given the tougher economic outlook, many of them have shifted their focus from financing new deals to portfolio management.

Investors are also keeping an eye on the financial viability of startups from a much earlier stage and are spending more time on due diligence as they become more cautious about where and how much they invest.

A boom of its own

The AI ​​frenzy continues to sweep China. Over the past three months, more than 30 Chinese entities, from tech giants to state institutions to entrepreneurs, have announced they are developing their own large-scale language models, the technology behind chatbots like Google’s ChatGPT and Bard.

Using algorithms, advanced computing power, and large amounts of data, developing large language models is not for the faint of heart or the faint of pocket.

But the vast commercial potential of AI in the country and the attractiveness of large language models as a new approach to the field are nonetheless attract investors big and small, writes Nikkei Asia’s Cissy Zhou.

Unlike in the United States, where AI models tend to be released early to the wider public for further training and development, Chinese companies tend to tie their generative AI models to their own narrowly focused verticals, or target market. , and to use their tax data to more quickly develop applications that will generate revenue.

Some are critical of the money poured into AI, with one scholar even comparing it to Mao Zedong’s disastrous economic policy, the Great Leap Forward. Investors believe that only a few tech giants will ultimately win in the great language model war.

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