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Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD | EP 347

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Peterson draws upon his extensive research and relatable real-life experiences to illustrate how to develop attainable goals for intimate relationships, meaningful friendships, and your career. Transform the chaotic potential of the future into actuality — with a vision.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child’s delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines.

Miriam Grossman MD is a physician, author, and public speaker. Before gender ideology was on anyone’s radar, she warned parents about its dangers in her 2009 book, “You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?” Dr. Grossman has been vocal for many years about the capture of her profession by ideologues, leading to dangerous and experimental treatments on children and betrayal of parents. Dr. Grossman was featured in the Daily Wire’s hit documentary “What Is A Woman?” The author of four books, her work has been translated into eleven languages. After graduating with honors from Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Grossman attended New York University Medical School. She completed an internship in pediatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and a residency in psychiatry through Cornell University Medical College, followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Grossman is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry.

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You’re Teaching My Child WHAT? (Book) –

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– Chapters –

(0:00) Coming up
(1:43) Intro
(3:47) 2009, an early observer
(7:00) Bill C16, fundamental perceptual categories
(9:02) Denial and celebration
(11:20) What an identity does
(14:15) A message to the parents
(19:23) The profession has been enticed into lying
(20:19) The destruction of the family
(22:55) ROGD – Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
(27:17) This is deeply traumatizing
(30:05) Disenfranchised grief
(31:46) Demonized and silenced for not affirming
(34:33) There is no consensus, there is a war
(35:37) Planned Parenthood incentives transition
(36:36) Delayed reaction
(38:09) The truth about suicide and transgenderism
(41:43) Lost in TransNation
(44:08) Cowardice of the authorities, ideological capture
(46:05) John Money: false theories on gender and identity
(48:57) Money’s interest in Hermaphrodites
(50:11) A warped view of masculinity
(55:55) Money opened the first US clinic for sex change operations
(57:02) Money’s Horror: the Reimer twins
(1:07:32) Doctrine, lies, forbidding truth
(1:12:57) Closing down Money’s clinic
(1:14:12) Money’s delusion is baked into our institutions
(1:19:10) The dark fate of the Reimer twins
(1:22:55) The radicalization of gender theory
(1:24:41) Hard science on the biology of male and female markers
(1:27:47) The permanent side effects they will not tell you about
(1:29:24) Why the concern is real
(1:33:03) Standing strong against cancellation


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47 thoughts on “Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD | EP 347”

  1. We live in a society where media and social media, government and politics have managed to control and manipulate our minds way of thinking and believing in so many aspects of human nature it’s sickening. Lol imagine if this video was mandatory for everyone to watch just like the governments make it uncontrollable for us to try and be someone who we aren’t.

  2. Looks like Matt Foley was right: “well I’m here to tell you that you’re not going to amount jack squat. You’ll end up eating a steady diet of government cheese livin’ in a van, down by the river.”

  3. My sister is affirming her two youngest teens (14 girl and 15 boy). They've both had tremendously complicated childhoods with a lot of situational trauma and upheaval and confusion caused by parents and parental figures. This is the culmination of all of that in my opinion. She believes in the threat that a trans child is better than a dead one. We are powerless as our opinions are not respected in any way – anything we might say is immediately dismissed and then we get punished by 'no contact' for a while. At 16 their state allows medical interventions to begin.

  4. It’s sooo strange we have been fighting drugs for decades telling our kids to be aware of drugs now I’m hearing doctors are handing the drugs to kids as young as 10 years old we are mutilating our children when they don’t understand what the hell it means or feels like to go under the knife what the hell is wrong with our leaders. Who do you trust anymore if you cannot trust your doctor . Women and men are made up of soo much more people should stop focusing on there cardinal pleasures only and start helping others through serving giving back to the world. Stop all this shit we know this world cares nothing it’s only focused on money money money

  5. I already commented on this video, mentioning how impressed I am with Dr. Grossman, and how dangerous this “gender affirming care” program is in the US public schools!
    Since then, Representative Dan Crenshaw introduced
    legislation in the US House of Representatives, to DEFUND hospitals that are doing these treatments of hormones, puberty blockers and surgery in the “gender affirming care” program to minors in the US public
    schools! Since then, that legislation was defeated in the House!
    My suggestions about this are:
    1. First of all alert public school parents
    all over the country about this problem and about how their children could be adversely affected by this “gender affirming program” in the public schools! Not enough people know about it! I
    am trying to send these videos to
    as many people as I can, and I am writing to my legislators!
    2. If we can’t get Representative Crenshaw’s bill
    through Congress, and if no other bill gets through Congress, then parents groups will
    have to get together and take action! Also, church groups may also want to be involved!
    What can parents groups and churches do? They could
    1. Call their congressional representatives!
    2. Have a parents
    March on
    3. REMOVE their
    children from the
    Public Schools
    and put them in
    other schools!
    schools or
    that does not
    fall under
    4. As a last
    Boycott the
    schools until
    this issue
    resolved, and
    the “gender
    Susan R.Schott

  6. even if gender wasn't wonderful and happy, those people are doing better in their "delusion" then how they would be doing if Jorden Paterson and this lady got their hands on them.

  7. Please do kindly comment on the video that had been circulating in the Philippines about this openly lgbtqiaxyz Pura Luka Vega spoofing Jesus the Nazarene
    a. singing the Ama Namin (The Lord's Prayer, "Our Father") in punk heavy rock style rendition
    b. his food review of the altar bread/ consecrated host ("ostya") that's used by catholic priest during breaking of the bread/ Liturgy of the Eucharist

  8. John Money, the one who kicked off this whole gender business, is perhaps the absolute worst villain in all of psychology, at least that I'm aware of.

    If more people were aware of his cruel and monstrous "research", as well as the death and trauma for which he was responsible, people might have a lot more healthy skepticism toward this current gender ideology. It's no wonder that those pushing this ideology never speak of the man who coined the word they're so obsessed with.

  9. its soooo traumatic to see your kid dressed as the opposite sex, I think I would die if I had to see that!!!! thank god I can just eat all my babies before I birth them!

  10. at what age of the child is this even allowed…….the child cannot vote or drink or serve in the military…..but is allowed to make such decisions….insane…..their brain is not even fully developed yet……crazy to me……

  11. This man is a narcissist who I would normally recommend someone read for amusement and the comical value it offers up, even if it is unintentional. What makes this sexist, transphobic, white-privilege denier so dangerous is his purposeful spouting of right-wing ideas that are steeped in hateful rhetoric based on pseudo-psychiatric variables, mixed with largely peer rejected, highly subjective, willfully ignorant observations that are driven more by the opportunity for greater profit and influence than they are in actual psychiatric /scientific analysis and largely agreed upon findings. Combine this with a largely white-aggressive-male audience who are more than happy to continue mothballing critical thinking, in lieu of ill-informed group think, and you have a powder keg awaiting a spark. He is likely going to lose his license to practice, and I assure you it's not because he missed paying some dues. My challenge to his followers is to research why via neutral sources. Critical thinking is one of the most important things you can practice and master as a human-being. It's okay to question and decide for yourself how you feel about a topic using a critical eye.

  12. Honestly I'm so glad this is being talked about. My sister decided she was a mister and it has torn my family to shreads, my mother and other suster blindly support it, and me and my father are the only pushback as she surrounds herself with people who affirm her narrsassistic delusions. The best I feel I can do at this point is burn that bridge between me and her so my future children won't get infected by the same damn social contagion that makes people go along with this BS.

  13. I think it would help everyone to know one basic thing. Only God can make a human be male or female.
    The only thing these mad doctors are doing is making people who are dependent on big pharma for the rest of their lives & in the case of surgery, mangling what God has created beyond any repair!

  14. I dont know… I understand that this is hard for parents, because they want the best for their childs. But i would not put that movement down, for me this is exacly right that everyone can feel and be how they really are. Its breaking up this classy man and female roles, and i feel this is a great achievement. How can it be wrong to tell someone you can be how you are? Its freedom for so many people. For sure i see the issue with the Medication. We need to accept other realities even if its not ours. And when someone feels deep inside different in who he loves or wich gender he feels like, whats wrong about it?

  15. Sex education? Does this mean that elementary, junior high, and high school children in public schools are being "educated" about sex by adults who are not their parents or legal guardians? If so, why are those parents consenting to this? That's incredibly outrageous! Why would any parent with even half of a working brain consent to having adults who's values, ethics, morality, and standards of conduct they know absolutely noting about and are probably very different from those of the family of the child talk to their child about SEX? That's RIDICULOUS! Does this mean that parents of public school children will allow any full-grown adult to introduce their child to sex? It certainly sounds that way. Don't those parent realize THAT'S THE PROBLEM!

  16. Yeah, they are just talking out of their ass, I can't even believe this is a discussion, kids can't drink smoke, or even get a tattoo, why are they encouraging these kids to make these lifelong changes?

  17. I've seen a lot of videos on this topic and what amazes me is that the profiteer behind all this madness is never mentioned – for whatever reason! The pharmaceutical industry makes billions off the poor kids and their scared parents. The opium crisis is uncovered and the business is losing momentum, now new victims are being sought for a lucrative business. The health of the population doesn't matter, profit comes first.

  18. As a parent of a desisted kid, I can assure you it was the scariest experience. I risked loss of custody to the state by not affirming and getting her regular, exploratory therapy. It was absolutely traumatizing.

  19. i cannot say I know a lot about thailand and their culture. but i notice a bunch of videos in thailand where they interview transgenders. they are more honest about being a transgender. they tell you right away “btw I’m a lady boy” . They do not deny they were men unlike in the west. Transgender indoctrination have no place in children’s school and children’s mind. i think if one wants to change their sex in the west, they should be at least 21, they should never deny and lie about their original sex and always identify themselves as a transgender to society. denying and lying about your biological sex should be a federal felony. they should be mentally and emotionally evaluated before transitioning, they should be banned in opposite sex competitive sports. And most importantly Leave the kids out of it!

  20. When the the amount of trans people has gone from less than 1% to something like 7%-20% depending where you look should show you this is a mass hysteria. No possible way that many people have been oppressed and lying to everyone and THEMSELVES in time up until people starting saying this is normal. When the people supporting this want children involved it's a problem. Children who by the way believe in Santa and the tooth fairy are fed this nonsense have no logical capabilities to argue it so they accept it as fact and grow up castrating themselves, dressing as the opposite sex and claiming to be that opposite sex. How on earth do these people expect everyone to accept them when they couldn't accept themselves for who they were?

  21. I was still a nursing student, based in a hospital. I was rotating floors. I was in OB. A mother gave birth to a healthy newborn with a full set of both genitlia, including a womb. I believe they based the gender with chromosomes testing. It was a girl!

  22. Dear Dr. Peterson,
    Another great interview by an accomplished guest. I have a question for you. As you know the pre-World War Two Weimer Republic in Germany allowed and assented to homosexual nightclubs, heterosexual strip clubs, and other morally bankrupt forms of entertainment. In other words, they mainstreamed what most would find sexually offensive and objectionable.
    When Adolph Hitler came to power, he closed the venues that served both heterosexual and homosexual deviant behavior and
    within a few short years, Berlin was no longer the gay capitol of Europe but a clean well maintained deviant free city. I am in no way taking sides with Hitler, but I do want your opinion on how the public mainstreaming of transsexualism and the militaristic gay agenda i.e., parades chanting we are coming after your kids, internet pornography, and forced LGBT education in schools has mainstreamed what Dr. Grossman discussed. Thank you. Augustus

  23. @40:08 Why are these parents now suicidal after going through such horrific trauma as she just described? Because DEMONIZING THE GRIEF OF LOSING A CHILD is the single most dangerous, damaging act anyone can commit. And it IS LOSING A CHILD. And let's make it a little more dangerous and FORCE the parent to LIVE IN A FALSE REALITY. I guarantee you that SOMETHING IS GOING TO CRASH.
    I applaud this woman for standing up, speaking out, pushing back when absolutely no one else will. If there is one person who sees what she does, please stand beside her. She should not have to fight this by herself.

  24. Sodom and Gormorrah were destroyed for less evil than the viperous, sadistic evil this generation of influence peddlers, authorities and leaders are pouring out on vulnerable victims.

  25. The thing I keep telling both my girls is that. Transitioning , tattoos you have to be who you are till your through puberty then go for it but other then that be nice and mind your buisness

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