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Parenting Expert: The No. 1 Mistake Parents Make

Looking for parenting strategies that help children grow into successful adults? Esther Wojcicki’s resume includes author of “How to Raise Successful People” and mother of three highly accomplished daughters: Susan, the CEO of YouTube; Janet, a professor of pediatrics; and Anne, co-founder and CEO of 23andMe. Wojcicki is often asked, “What is the worst parenting style?” From her research and experience as a mother, she identifies “helicopter parenting” as the most detrimental.

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Parenting Expert: The No. 1 Mistake Parents Make


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27 thoughts on “Parenting Expert: The No. 1 Mistake Parents Make”

  1. How is being a ceo of some company succesfull parenting?
    My kid doesnt need to be succesfull or independent, I want him to love the world around him. So thats what I am teaching him.

  2. There's a huge difference between 1. helping your child with something by explaining how it works or showing how it's done (when it's clearly struggeling and you offer your help or when it's asking for your help) and 2. (just) doing it for them ('cause you think your child can't do it or doesn't understand it). The first is actually helpful and supportive and the second is controlling and not believing in your child. The second is no help. It's the opposite 'cause the only thing that your child learns from that is that it's not able to do things alone. Children need to learn that they have to (/should) do things by themselves (being active and not passive in life) to reach goals and for that, they need to believe in themselfes that they're able to do things by themselfes.

    (Sorry if my english is bad. It's my second language and I'm still learning.)

  3. —–Calling Hokum And Hogwash On Balenciaga’s Apology For Bondage Ad Pics With Toddlers. Read at the Published Reporter. Fashion brand Balenciaga apologized after an outrageous advertisement sparked backlash. Yes, I am hopping mad! The ad depicted toddlers holding teddy bears dressed in bondage belts. Furthermore, I am morally outraged!
    Folks, do you actually believe the doubletalk by the company big wigs? Malarkey is my opinion. It’s a codswallop smoke screen for getting caught in the act. The company pushed their indoctrination of sexualization meter to see how the public would respond. Well, the corporate perverts got their answer.

  4. The #1 mistake is not acknowledging their emotions, ignoring their expressions during the formative years. This creates mental illness or personality disorders. Helicopter parenting would be #2.

  5. This is exactly how my mom raised me. If I asked her how to spell a word, she’d tell me to look it up in the dictionary. When I was 13 she handed me the grocery list and her checkbook and told me I couldn’t go over a certain amount. She walked beside me in the store as I did the math in my head and prioritized food items. Her goal was to help me become an effective problem solver. My aunt did the exact opposite with my older cousin. She gave him everything and for the past 8 years he’s been in and out of homelessness. When he loses a job, it’s always the employers fault. I let him stay with me rent free for more than a year and when I finally said you have to leave, he tells me that I’m too blame for his situation. Everyday I thank God for my mother. RIP mommy ❤

  6. Helicopter parenting may be a relatively new parenting mistake that has come to our attention, but it’s in no way the worst. Parents who abandon or semi-abandon their kids, emotionally bereft, violent or abusive households, drug or alcohol-addicted parents… all far worse mistakes, and sadly common ones

  7. Her and hursband were naturally extremly intellegent, she went to UC berkley and her husband was a professor at Standford. She raised her kids in the #1 zip code in America and her daughters attended a top 20 highschool in America . Studies (By raj chetty PHD @ Harvard) have already proven that parenting style has little effect on children's outcomes. The main predictors are genetics and the neighborhood/ community you grow up in. So no she doesn't have any secrerct suace as to how to raise kids. This is like if Lebron James wrote a book on how raise kids who were good at basketball lol.

  8. Thank you for this wonderful video….I have incurred so much losses trading on my own….I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated…. Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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