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Parenting in 2023


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34 thoughts on “Parenting in 2023”

  1. It's because of advertising regulations πŸ˜… as long as you call it a banana washer you can advertise and sell to kindergarten kids. Makes a great Father's day gift.

  2. Ya think bout it….. took a long time for that ta come out!!!
    Dildos have been around before Egyptian times.
    Now ya know!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Man I don't let my kid on YouTube shorts cause of the weird crap they have on there.

    I found a video of a cartoon baby twerking like a stripper in a shitty rap video in my 2 year olds watch history on YouTube kids and was like "ah hell na"

  4. That's good we can eat the peel. Don't like buying a product that only has one use but this one seems pretty good.

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