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The Bee Family is a family of 4 starring Mama Bee, Papa Bee, Mr. Bee and Miss Bee! We post new videos weekly!
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  1. "Give your children a childhood they don't need to heal from" is probably the most important, profound statement in this entire video. It encompasses everything else. I genuinely hope most people caught it because it was right at the very end, kind of just slipped in there. Thank you Mama Bee for saying that. I'm trying very hard to do that for my granddaughter. She's 2 years old and already mom and dad split. I'm the one who transports her between them and cares for her all week long so I'm in a special position to have a real impact on her, positive or negative. My goal is to help instill good moral values and protect her from any drama that arises between her parents, at least to the extent that I can. Coming from a broken home myself, I'm very blessed to have foresight that others may not have. 🙂🙂🙂

  2. Yes, this topic exists a lot in today's societies. It is very good that they talked about it. This is really useful. Thanks. This family is amazing.

  3. Ustedes son papas increibles, no se preocupen por hacer mas porque hicieron muschissisimo. Tu hija es un hombre sano y estable y tu hija tambien es estable y inteligente, ustedes dos hicieron un trabajo maravilloso

  4. I love your videos! And thank you for making this video really. Like this is so important, as many parents don’t realize what they do that effect their kids negatively and these topic that you said in this video is so true and relatable

  5. This was really good, I’m glad you guys talked about this and I agree with most of the things you said. Respect is a big thing because as I look back on my childhood my dad did the same thing sometimes like not giving me privacy and respecting my boundaries. I agree on what Mr.Bee said about being respected as a whole person, thankfully my mom and I have spent lots of time together and gave me good things you talked about like privacy, respect, attention and freedom to be myself. My dad has done good things too which I’m thankful for as well but there is a noticeable comparison between my parents. You guys said that you are far from perfect which is another good trait; being accountable and acknowledging your flaws. Great Job👍

  6. Well Mama Bee and Papa Bee you have done an amazing job as parents. 💯 Mr Bee is a gentleman and an incredibly talented gamer. I especially love the video when you were all in NYC (A.KA. New Your Gritty 😂) and he held his sisters hand as they walked. How many big nrothera would do that? That really warmed my heart. 🤗
    Gabriella has more musical talent then anybody on the radio today. I wish more kids turned out like them. If I had a daughter I would be proud if she turned out like her and if my son every came home with girl like her someday, I would be happy! Great job to the whole Bee hive! Also I love when Gabriella answers questions from fans and gives advice, she is VERY wise beyond here age. 🐝🐝🐝🐝

  7. I don't think people realise how something as a small as keeping the TV volume low can have a huge impact in the environment. at home. Whenever I'm agitated for no reason, I turn off the TV and it instantly relaxes me. I love hearing the natural sounds around me like the birds chirping outside, the doors creaking when the wind passes and the rustling of the trees. I'm glad these points were discussed in the video <3

  8. My family is military so I really wouldn't see my dad 93% of the time my mom is always traveling it's just my brothers and I who keep this household safe and calm. We teach each other help each other your family is so together and I really admire that. God bless yall

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