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Parenting Teens Toward Adulthood (Part 1) – Dr. Ken Wilgus

Dr. Ken Wilgus encourages parents to deliberately work their way out of the parenting role by the time their child is 18, and instructs them to see their teenagers as young adults, not large children. He offers tips on how to progressively give your teen more responsibility, along with examples of how to have difficult conversations on a range of topics, from music choices to dating.

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26 thoughts on “Parenting Teens Toward Adulthood (Part 1) – Dr. Ken Wilgus”

  1. This is 1 of the best messages I've heard. It is true that Christianity is a joke to the people we are called to be light and salt too. Only when the church is disciplined in love do they become effective disciples.

    I see this 9 out of 10 times on respectable display by people who aren't Christians. It's mind blowing and it's not okay.

  2. I needed this! I have a 15 year old boy and now I better understand why the strife has been there. Thank you for sharing this. My heart is healing with hearing this. 💓

  3. The Lord Jesus perfect timing in hearing this message as I’m struggling with parenting my 2 teens. So many wow moments that the Lord opened up my mind to understand my teens behavior. Love the analogy of parents occupying our teens “state/country”and they want us out. Thank you for the practical tips. Can’t wait to hear part 2 and read the book.

  4. This definitely depends on the kids maturity level. They are not all emotionally equipped by a certain age, to take on all choices. Their choices and actions, have guided me on what more I can hand over to them. Little at a time, as they show more and more maturity. I have had both. One, where they were given and could handle much responsibility and important life changing choices and another one, who is waay younger than their age. Emotionally and mentally, they are still a small child. Have had to take more baby steps.

  5. I had saved this in my "watch later" a long time ago. I'm so grateful I found it again because I have recently become very discouraged and hopeless with a 9 year battle to get to the cause of a complete health decline. Doctors just pull out their prescription pads and tell me "everything looks normal" but I know it's not. I am planning to reach out for more info- thank you!!

  6. America is being destroyed by our own government. Communist China has bought and paid for Obama, Biden, Pelosi etc. And they are tearing down Christians first

  7. What happens when they are making choices that are dangerous for them? I believe there are times when you need to protect them from themselves! We have wisdom that they do not and there are times where they need protecting.

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