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Parenting Today be like

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49 thoughts on “Parenting Today be like”

  1. Literally nobody talks like this. If the kid is non binary then "hello non binary offspring" is a decent way to address them, but everything else is downhill from there. Y'all think parents who don't abuse their kids let them get away with everything but remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that it is possible to discipline kids without abuse.

  2. When I was a kid
    "I don't like this food!"

    Then go to bed hungry

    "No I want something else!"

    Takes my plate

    Now you have nothing,go to bed before I whoop your a$$

    And guess what? My mother only ever had to do that ONCE

    If you're gonna be a good parent then you have to have a spine.

  3. think about this….are we solving an actual physical war by having these opinions posted on social media…50 years ago they would've had a cult war…now it's more like " the ones that go viral most wins"

  4. Yeah…that's not how I parent. But, I have two neighbors, single moms, go figure, and each have a son that are little hellions, and pick on the other kids. Once, I grabbed one of those littme bastards (literally)because he was picking on a neighbor's daughter that I know. Knocked on thier door, I told his mom what he did, and her response was 'ok, well, what do you want ME to do about it?" Attitude and all. I yanked her son towards her and said: "Listen, I know that you are short on brain cells and common sense because you're a single mom, but the next time you're little mutt here does something I don't like, I will discipline him myself and trust me, you won't like how I do it." The mom hate me, but oh well.

  5. More like in the future. I am physically and mentally terrified to be even slightly disrespectful to my parental units (I am disrespectful sometimes tho. I try not to be. )
    And i am horrified when I see or hear my friends disrespect their parents. I hate fighting pretty much.

  6. This made me cringe. WHO EVEN THOUGHT OF NON BIONARIES?!?! LIKE DF?!?! youre either a boy or a girl. you cant be both. or neither sry, but thats how i feel. idc who hears me or agrees with me. 1st amendment.

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