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PARENTS (1989) trailer

The trailer for Bob Balaban’s directorial debut, where a boy discovers his parents’ idyllic 1950s suburban lifestyle may be hiding a dark secret – namely, what is in the “leftovers” they eat every night? Or rather, who? Stars Randy Quaid, Mary Beth Hurt and Sandy Dennis. Not featured on the DVD available from Lionsgate.

37 thoughts on “PARENTS (1989) trailer”

  1. I KNEW I WASN'T CRAZY! I remember seeing this movie as a kid and no one believed me! This movie used to scare the hell out me and I couldn't remember what it was called, but I kept trying to find it! I'm so glad this wasn't a figment of my imagination!!! Lol

  2. I saw this movie several years ago, and while it was scary, there were also things that didn't make sense. For instance, if these parents really wanted to raise their son as a cannibal, why didn't they eat this strange meat before they moved to this area, and why were they intent on hiding the fact that it was human flesh. Another scene that didn't make sense was the one where the body was hidden in the cellar. Why didn't they eat it?

  3. Why the heck did my parents think this was a good movie to rent for me when I was 10 years old. I never asked for them to rent it. I think they must have seen the title and thought it was something else.

  4. The whole high school theatre gang went to see it on opening weekend, we felt very edgy and cool afterwards. Retro-ironic kitsch was very much the temper of the time. Throw in some transgressive horror and violence and 18 year old me though it was $4:50 well spent.

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