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Parents Guide to Google Classroom

#GoogleClassroom #GoogleClassroomGuide #GoogleClassroomTutorial

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Original slide deck created by the AMAZING Tanya Bratton.

23 thoughts on “Parents Guide to Google Classroom”

  1. Hi….please slow down a bit so that way we can absorb and process while you're talking! Hard to absorb bc you're covering so much, so quickly–almost frenetic in pace!

  2. I’m a preschool special ed teacher and am using Classroom for the first time. I need to keep my students’ names and work private. I was thinking of setting up folders for each student that will have assignments only they can view underneath. Should I set these folders up as “topics”? Or is there a better way? Also, can I keep the people/members list private so families cannot see who else is on my caseload? Thanks!

  3. I'm having issues logging my 2 kids in on my Android phone. It always gives me an error when I try to log them in the app… Any tips? Other parents who have Android are experiencing this too at our school. Also, I would love to get notifications sent to my email when something is posted, but I don't see that option. The kids are in elementary school so their email isn't set up for their accounts.

  4. Hi Mr. Vacca, on (Google Slides) I can't download pictures, they do not appear/show on my page !! Do you have any suggestions? My school work looks sooo plain. Help please, come to the rescue !!!

  5. That background noise is annoyingly horrible and distracting. I came here for information, not for the noise. If I want to listen to annoying music there are plenty of other irritating things I can click on.

  6. Mr. Vacca my son's teacher sent me today an email asking the parents to set up your child's Google Classroom account. I am kind of lost, it says enter my son's email account and he doesn't have one, all I have is a username and password provided by the teacher. Please help!

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