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Petrobras in Hot Water with Layoffs in the Northeast – Will They Find a Solution?

Petrobras is in Ceará, Petrobras is in Rio Grande do Norte, and Petrobras is in the Northeast, according to Jean Paul Prates, the president of Petrobras. He went on to say in a video released on social media that the company is seeking solutions to locate employees in the region in both operational and administrative areas, following privatizations. The former PT senator further stated that the company is evaluating other work models that can be used by the regional offices of Petrobras in other states of the country. Prates also reported that the Human Resources area is considering a new work model at Petrobras to occupy state-owned buildings, which were emptied due to the privatization promoted in the previous administration.

On June 2, the company launched a mobility survey to learn about the concerns of Petrobras employees at this time of transition in Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará. Those who wish to join new sectors in Petrobras will reportedly have a teleworking regime. Prates mentioned that part of Petrobras’ local contingent will not have any impact, remaining in Rio Grande do Norte, and anticipates the opening of administrative vacancies in Natal and offshore vacancies for those who want to work onboard.

The sales of Polo Potiguar for US$1 billion and the Lubnor refinery in Ceará to Grepar Participações were part of the Bolsonaro government’s privatization program, which was suspended by the current administration but had already signed respected contracts. The northeast played a prominent role in the previous government’s sale of the company’s assets, and Petrobras is studying opportunities on land, shallow waters, and refineries in the region.

The new leadership of Petrobras has started the energy transition and announced plans to invest in renewable energy, probably in offshore wind, due to the proximity of the activity to exploration and offshore oil and gas production by the state company. According to Prates, the Northeast will have a prominent role in the future of Petrobras.


Petrobras’ president, Jean Paul Prates, announced that the company is seeking solutions to locate employees in the Northeast in both operational and administrative areas, after privatizations, and evaluating other work models that can be used by its regional offices. Petrobras conducted a mobility survey to learn about the concerns of its employees after it closed a sale of assets, including Polo Potiguar and Lubnor refinery, which were part of the previous government’s privatization program. Prates also spoke about Petrobras’ plans to invest in renewable energy, particularly in offshore wind due to proximity to exploration and offshore oil and gas production by the state company.

Additional Piece:

Petrobras facing an Energy Transition towards Renewables

The Brazilian state-controlled oil company has announced plans for a significant shift towards renewable energy, particularly offshore wind production, in the coming years. The company’s new leadership is taking bold steps towards a comprehensive energy transition in what seems to be a promising future for Brazil’s renewable energy industry. It aims to become a significant player in the country’s long-term plans to decarbonize the electricity sector, and the new plans align with Brazil’s commitments to the Paris Agreement.

Petrobras has pledged to invest heavily in offshore wind production over the next few years to complement inland solar and wind power projects. Brazil has some of the world’s most abundant wind and solar resources, and offshore wind power generation is a clean energy source with enormous potential to support the country’s increasing demand for energy. The Northeast region of the country, in particular, has a high potential for offshore wind power generation, and Petrobras has identified it as an area where it intends to focus its renewable energy efforts.

This transition to renewable energy sources will profoundly impact Petrobras’ supply chain, forcing a broad transformation across different industries that provide services to the oil and gas sector. The company has captured valuable knowledge, skills, and technology required to operate in harsh offshore conditions, such as deep-sea drilling platforms, which it could use to advantage as it enters the renewable energy sector. Nevertheless, Petrobras recognizes that the renewable sector operates differently from the oil and gas sector, meaning that to succeed, it must form strategic partnerships and work collaboratively with other industry participants.

The company will also need to adapt its organizational structures, decision-making processes, and cultural norms to the new renewable landscape. The workforce and skill sets required for renewable energy, particularly offshore wind, will differ significantly from those required by the traditional oil and gas sector. Therefore, Petrobras’ human resource department must support this transition by aligning its recruitment and retention strategies in pursuit of building a more diverse and agile workforce.

Transitioning to renewables holds significant opportunities for Petrobras to revamp its business model and become a major player in Brazil’s energy landscape while reducing its carbon footprint. However, its transition journey will not be without its challenges as it navigates the complexities of renewable energy. Nevertheless, the company’s commitment to renewable energy demonstrates its determination to adapt to the ever-changing energy landscape and remain relevant in the future.


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In the week in which the sale of the Potiguar Pole, in Rio Grande do Norte, concluded due to negotiations by the previous government, the president of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates, took to social networks on Friday the 9th, stating that “Petrobras is in Ceará , Petrobras is in Rio Grande do Norte, Petrobras is in the Northeast”, said the executive in video, stating that the company is looking for solutions to locate employees in the region, both in the operational and administrative areas, after the privatizations.

“We can already assure you that part of our local contingent will not have any impact, remaining in Rio Grande do Norte. We are anticipating the opening of administrative vacancies in Natal and in offshore vacancies for those who want to work on board,” said the former PT senator.

On the 7th, the 3R completed the purchase of Polo Potiguar for US$ 1 billion, while the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) postponed the trial on the sale of the Lubnor refinery, in Ceará, to Grepar Participações. The sales were part of the Bolsonaro government’s privatization program, which was already suspended by the current administration, but which had already signed respected contracts.

Prates reported that the company is studying opportunities on land, shallow waters and in refineries in the Northeast, where the previous government concentrated the sale of the company’s assets. He also affirmed that the Northeast will have a prominent role in the future of Petrobras, which under the new leadership has started the energy transition and announced plans to invest in renewable energy, probably in offshore wind, due to the proximity of the activity to exploration. and offshore oil and gas production by the state company.

According to Prates, the Human Resources area is considering a new work model at Petrobras, with the aim of occupying the state-owned buildings, which were being emptied due to the privatization promoted in the previous administration.

“Our board of directors evaluates other work models that can be used by the regional offices (Petrobras) in other states of the country,” he reported. “Petrobras’ human resources area is ready to receive them,” Prates said.


On June 2, the state company started a new survey in Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará to learn about the concerns of Petrobras employees at this time of transition. “At the beginning of June we launched a mobility survey to arouse the interest of each and every one of the workers that the Polo Potiguar supports, with the guarantee of permanence in the state for those who wish, and a teleworking regime up to assignments in their new sectors in Petrobras”, said the executive.

Petrobras busca solução para empregados do Nordeste após as privatizações, diz Jean Paul Prates
