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Poem: pour la CGT – The New York Times

Rod Smith’s poem is wonderful. Understated, simple, and true, it’s also a master class in poetry’s ability to confound the easy answer, made all the more cunning by the poem’s immediate impression of simplicity. The single line transpose works as an amplification, not a rebuttal. Each stanza carries the same weight, marking the necessary horizon beyond one or the other.

By Rod Smith

We work too much.
we are too tired
To fall in love.
Therefore we must
Overthrow the government.


We work too much.
we are too tired
To overthrow the government.
Therefore we must
Fell in love.

anna boyer He is a poet and essayist. His memoir about cancer and care, “The Undying,” won a 2020 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. Rod Smith He is the author of “Touché” (Wave Books, 2015), “Deed” (University of Iowa Press, 2007), “Protective Immediacy” (Roof Books, 1999) and others. He publishes Edge Books, edits Aerial magazine, and manages the independent Bridge Street Books in Washington, DC.


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