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Predicting the other likely 2020 F1 races and what they could look like! 🏎️ | Ted’s Notebook

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50 thoughts on “Predicting the other likely 2020 F1 races and what they could look like! 🏎️ | Ted’s Notebook”

  1. honestly, i dont want to see a rich guy who is slow, i dont wanna see a black guy who is slow, i dont want to see a yellow guy who is slow (we already had enough of them!) and i dont want to see a black diverse female looking drivier who is slow…
    Minorities in F1 are fine as long they get the car because they can drive fast!

  2. Let’s ruin F1 even more by fast tracking people over the most suitable. Why doesn’t Lewis and Mercedes hand Lewis’s drive to another black driver to show their commitment if they are so dedicated but I expect Lewis just expects others to pay the price unlike himself. These people always talk big but give bugger all.

  3. Being an Australia who lives in Victoria. I think there's absolutely no chance a race is ran in Melbourne this year due to our likely year ban of overseas travel. However, I expect the calendar to have no more than 15 races personally, in fact I think getting even 8 races is a good achievement based on the situations.

    I think the calendar will be after Italy which is the 8th race, we will have a double header at Zandvoort having races 9 and 10. I think also Baku will hold a race so let's give that the 11th race. Races 12, 13, 14 and 15 will be outside of Europe. I think they will want to have the Japanese, Brazilian and Singapore GP's but I don't think they will get the approval. I also think Vietnam is also off the books, same goes with China. I think they will have 3 races in North America. I think USA will get x2 and Mexico gets 1. I then expect there to be a two week or three week break into the finale at Abu Dhabi. Again, this is just my predictions. I think they will want to group as much as European races as possible, then have it similar for the Americas races and if they can get Asia races.

    I do not expect these races to go ahead

  4. I tuned out when I heard the words "diversity" and , "inclusive" being used.
    Why don't we here the word "merit" being used more often?
    Little marshmallow here needs to grow a pair. Simp.

  5. Since when did F1 staff start commenting in a biased way? He has no right to infer that Mr Cummings is unsavory. Leave that crap to the BBC who do it so well.

  6. If Brawn has his way, it will not be long before we have an FIA elected racing championships . Imagine the world champion elected by vote (like boxing) and specially designed regulation ( like reverses Gris.

  7. I wonder how quickly Phillip Island could be upgraded to be used as the Australian GP if it goes ahead next year. Easy to keep crowds away and I would imagine only run offs would have to be built into the design. It is a great track and the pits are excellent (would need to be made f1 friendly).

  8. I hope you Sky Sports F1 get repaired your colossal mistake of cutting off Ted's Notebook. It was something that everyone really loved watching after every single session for the past years.
    Realize that nobody likes the clown Will Buxton and his silly paddock pass.

  9. Blah blah. I drive a truck in a Tesco distribution centre. They have taken instant, real measures to cope with the pandemic. Social distancing, alcohol wipe stations everywhere. They have also set up COVID cameras on entrance to take your temp now.

  10. So, how many races does F1 need to have to be an official FIA certified championship? Because if Hamilton wins, Im 100% sure people wont count it towards his championship wins, even though its not his fault the world changed this way -_-

  11. When the season ends whoever wins they shouldn't be called world champion because not all circuits this year are included due to Covid 19. Instead the winner should be the F1 European Champion 2020.

  12. I think the problem with diversity in F1 is that the POC don't get the same opportunity in motorsports, but given that motorsport in general is a rich guy's sport, and the majority of POC don't have the money to get involved even at lower levels, means that the majority of talented, developed drivers are going to be white. This isn't saying they can't be talented, but rather that they don't get the chances afforded to rich white kids.

    Yes, I'm white, but no matter how talented I was I was never going to be successful in motorsport at a level where I wasn't paying to race (which I did, and loved), because my parents couldn't afford to pay the milk and coal bills, never mind paying for a kart or racing car.

    This stuff won't happen overnight, but positive discrimination in motorsports isn't the way to go in the short term as a reaction to current events, and shouldn't become the norm or a byword for diversity, because overall it will detract from the product just to meet a quota. Again, not being racist in any way. I'm just trying to point out the realities of the rich man's game of motorsport. Lewis is my favorite driver (probably of all time {well, maybe except for Supertashe Mansell, cos that was my childhood}), and to see the sacrifices his parents made even just to have him out in a kart are crazy. There should absolutely be programs developed for underprivileged kids to explore their talents, and I'm so glad that McLaren took a chance on a young minority kid and propelled him into becoming (possibly) the best F1 driver we've ever seen.

  13. Oh great, "diversity & inclusion" = discrimination based on skin colour is making its way into F1.
    F1 was a great respite from the grievance culture going around the word but I guess the revolution dosen't spare anyone or anything.

  14. Can’t people wake up, it’s just the fucking flu. It’s all about the money and power worldwide, if people don’t make a stand it’s the end of every sport worldwide.

  15. Keep on wearing a mask keep on poisonings yourselves with your own breath less oxygen and more carbon dioxide in the system, work it out people. Nobody believes our governments so why start believing now, oh they still looking for weapons of mass distraction in Iraq but how many people got killed. Open your eyes.

  16. Lewis is annoying. I wish he would just get on with his job that he gets ridiculous wages for and shut up. If your talented enough and lucky enough you will get to where you want to be. Skin colour is irrelevant as is gender. No one should be shoe horned into positions just to satisfy the woke lefty idiots.

  17. First time I saw Ted out in the park, I thought he was taking his dog out for a daily walk then it eventually dawned on me that he was being his own "camera crew"
    Well done TED I can't wait for Friday Sat and Sun for Austrian G .P.

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