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PREGNANT Woman Busted for DWI on Mother’s Day

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Around 7:48 PM on May 8, 2022, Patrolman Michael Poon of the Sparta Township Police Department observed a 2015 Toyota …


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46 thoughts on “PREGNANT Woman Busted for DWI on Mother’s Day”

  1. On top of drinking and driving which is deplorable, I don't understand people who justify drinking any alcohol at all while pregnant. Do you really need that one glass of wine? Why feed your baby any toxin at all?

  2. My daughter's father is a retired police officer. So he started dipping skoal when he was 8 years old in the late 70s he became a police officer whenever he was 20 years old in the 90s.He found out that he had gum cancer. He was running a 105 fever so he was put in the hospital for a few days. So my daughter messaged me yesterday and sent me a picture of him. He had to have all of his teeth pulled out!! So to all police officers. Please don't dip Skoal!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️


  4. My next door neighbor drank wine and smoked 2 packs a day all through her pregnancy. She gave birth to 2 beautiful healthy children. Don't believe everything you hear about smoking. Or drinking.

  5. How many times do I have to say this? REFUSE to do circus tricks on the side of the road. They are designed to fuck you up. Take the arrest and go down to the station and "blow." The cops ARE NOT your friends. They also want to fuck you up. $$$$

  6. For real you butt needs to go to jail for just drinking while pregnant. Your attitude thinking your all high and mighty and degrading others about being a new officer…. Please b&$ch your the one drinking while pregnant and you landed yourself with DWI. Come on now grow up! And don’t put officers down because of YOUR mistake! I pray someone who cares gets that sweet baby that your pregnant with while consuming alcohol.

  7. Is it me, cause I think she passed those tests and this cop is being an asshole!! She should not be drinking while pregnant,,butt geez 2 glasses of wine,,only in the US,, in Europe it's not an issue 2 glasses of wine really?

  8. As an officer of the peace, I would have gone silent and worked out a deal in order to get my hands around those enormous tah-tahs that puss'n boots, bald headed Brian with the funny little cap, does not know how to please. Obviously, or she would dress a bit more age appropriate. She's still on the make and preggers makes that "decision" to cum or not, easier.

  9. WTF is wrong with her drinking and driving while pregnant I’m sorry but if she loses it I won’t be surprised and if she doesn’t that baby is gonna grow up with some real issues especially with parents like that smh Her mother should be very very very disappointed that she’s driving drunk while pregnant I cannot believe that

  10. Who the heck drinks when they're pregnant and also says she needs another drink because she's pregnant. This young lady needs help, especially for that baby. That baby might have problems because of her drinking, but no care at all so sad.

  11. While I do agree with everyone saying how awful she is for her actions…. She did pretty well on the field sobriety tests, so why didn’t they show us what she blew on the breathalyzer or if she refused? Like, why was that part cut from the video……

  12. This angers me she has no idea how much alcohol will affect this baby. This baby never asked for this mother drink. This baby will possibly have fetal alcohol syndrome if she keeps this up.

  13. I had to back up twice to make sure I heard her correctly when she said that she drank 2 glasses of wine BECAUSE she is pregnant. There is absolutely no safe amount of alcohol that a pregnant women can consume at any stage of a pregnancy. Even 1 or 2 drinks of alcohol throughout the pregnancy can cause damage to the fetal brain and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are 100% avoidable. Not only is she risking the health and well-being of her unborn child, but, she is risking the health and well-being of every innocent person on the road by driving drunk. And her husband and her mother are culpable in her behavior as well.

  14. I find it interesting the cop can drive, use the laptop and talk with the suspect. Pregnant a drinking wow. Why wouldn't the female officer take the female suspect to the station?

  15. Pregnant lady……"so we got back to the house and I had another glass of red wine because I'm pregnant.". What? You drank alcohol because you are pregnant? Lmao. Idiot. Keep drinking lady. That kid is going to turn out great. Oh. Yet another masterful quote from this smart lady. "Do you know how much real crime there is in the world?". Lmfao. Ummmmm, yes. I do know how much real crime there is. And driving drunk, while pregnant, risking your life as well as other people's lives on the road is a REAL crime the last time I checked. Lol. Double idiot. Wow and then blaming her drinking and driving on "mother's day" on everyone but herself. Nice.

  16. I love seeing trash can 304s face accountability. I also love how men are always the first one to blame until you think you need help in any way.

  17. Drinking while pregnant during the 1st trimester and getting a DUI.
    Hopefully she'll start thinking of people other than herself.

  18. This is shocking that anyone not an alcoholic would choose to drink during pregnancy while in early developmental cell division 😮

  19. Highly doubt the cop could do a one-legged stand the way that she did to the town of 30 no less
    ….. Or do the alphabet from e to s.. as quickly as she did.

  20. She actually thinks she is to good to be arrested. And she has no respect for herself her child or the law. Her useless husband is just that useless !!!!!

  21. uh oh the psycho stare at the end giiirl why you do that to yourself just accept the situation and sort it out later

  22. funny how comments on here talk about woman drinking while pregnant, most of whom are probably prochoice hypocrites. Then others say they have no time for drinking and driving or the officer saying he doesnt drink and drive. Ive seen more off duty police officers in my lifetime drink and drive as well as most other people for that matter at some point. love the "holier than thou" throw rocks at glass houses. Video is sad commentary on the state of affairs in the people's republic of NJ. officers and this woman.

  23. There were so many opportunities for the cop to absolutely roast her ass for drinking while pregnant on Mother’s Day, but he didn’t because he’s a professional. She’s such a bitch and I feel bad for her future kid.

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