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He Looked Better When I Saw Him on Instagram

He Looked Better When I Saw Him on Instagram


Have you ever met someone in person after admiring their photos on Instagram, only to feel a slight disappointment? The power of social media to curate and manipulate reality has become more evident than ever before. In this article, we will explore how people can appear more appealing on Instagram than in real life, the reasons behind this phenomenon, and the potential consequences it may have on our perceptions and expectations.

The Art of Curating the Perfect Image

Social media platforms like Instagram have given individuals the ability to create carefully crafted online personas, presenting the best versions of themselves to the world. By selecting and editing the most flattering photographs, applying filters, and sharing only the highlights of their lives, people can create the illusion of perfection.

Major influencers and celebrities often have professional photographs taken and meticulously edited before sharing them with their followers. Perfect lighting, strategic poses, and well-planned outfits contribute to enhancing their appearance. By manipulating reality in this way, they can create a sense of envy and aspiration among their audience.

The Influence of Filters and Editing

One of the key factors in creating an idealized image on Instagram is the use of filters and editing tools. These tools can change the colors, tones, and overall aesthetic of a photo, making it more visually appealing and aligned with the user’s desired image. Additionally, apps and software allow for spot correction, smoothing out imperfections and enhancing features.

Filters can evoke different emotions and perceptions. For example, a warm and soft filter may create a sense of nostalgia and intimacy, while a vibrant and high-contrast filter may convey a bold and energetic vibe. By carefully selecting the appropriate filter, users can manipulate the way their photos are perceived, often leading to a more attractive appearance.

The Role of Lighting and Composition

Proper lighting can significantly impact how an individual looks in a photograph. Harsh and unflattering lighting can highlight imperfections and create unappealing shadows, while soft and diffused lighting can enhance features and create a more flattering effect. Influencers often use natural lighting or professional lighting setups to capture the perfect shot.

Composition, including framing, background, and overall aesthetics, also plays a crucial role in creating stunning Instagram photos. Influencers and photographers carefully consider the elements within the frame, ensuring a visually pleasing and harmonious composition. This attention to detail can contribute to creating an idealized version of oneself in photos.

The Reality Check: Meeting in Person

While Instagram allows us to curate the perfect image, it’s important to remember that it is still a curated version of reality. In person, without the filters and carefully selected angles, people may appear different from their online persona. Factors such as height, body language, and voice can significantly influence our perception of someone we have previously only seen on Instagram.

Meeting someone in person for the first time after following their Instagram account can be a surprising experience. The gap between the digital and physical representations of an individual can be substantial, leading to the realization that the person we thought we knew from Instagram may not be entirely accurate.

The Emotional Backlash

Experiencing a difference between expectations and reality can lead to a range of emotions, from mild disappointment to a more severe sense of betrayal. When we create an image of someone based solely on their Instagram presence, we build an idealized version of them in our minds. When this ideal is shattered by the reality of meeting them in person, it can be emotionally challenging to accept.

Furthermore, constantly comparing ourselves to others’ curated images on Instagram can negatively impact our self-esteem and body image. Seeing only the best moments of other people’s lives can make us feel inadequate or as though we are missing out on something. It is important to remember that Instagram is a highlight reel, not a comprehensive representation of someone’s life.


In conclusion, while Instagram can be a powerful tool for self-expression and creativity, it is essential to recognize and understand its limitations. The images and personas presented on Instagram are carefully curated and often don’t accurately represent reality. Meeting someone in person for the first time after following them on Instagram can be a reminder of the gap between the digital and physical world.

It is important to approach Instagram with a critical eye, remembering that what we see on the platform is only a glimpse into someone’s life. By managing our expectations and cultivating a healthy relationship with social media, we can navigate the world of Instagram with a more realistic perspective and protect our emotional well-being.


In summary, Instagram has become a platform where people can curate and present the best versions of themselves, often resulting in a more appealing appearance than in real life. Through the use of filters, editing tools, lighting, and careful composition, individuals can create an idealized image that may differ from their actual physical appearance. Meeting someone in person after seeing their Instagram profile can bring about a range of emotions, including disappointment and a sense of betrayal. It is important to manage our expectations and recognize the limitations of social media, remembering that Instagram provides a curated glimpse into someone’s life, not a comprehensive representation. By maintaining a healthy perspective, we can navigate social media platforms like Instagram more effectively and protect our emotional well-being.


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‘He looked better when I saw him on Instagram’
