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Prepare to Be Shocked: Major AI Players Join Forces, but the Real Game Changer Lies Ahead!

Title: The Changing Landscape of AI Public Policy Engagement

The development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology have brought about unprecedented transformation across various industries. As a result, major players in the AI industry are not only focused on technological advancements but also increasingly embracing a proactive approach towards public policy engagement. This article explores the changing landscape of AI public policy engagement, the motivations behind it, and the potential benefits it offers.

1. The Rise of AI and the Return of Silicon Valley’s Allure:
AI has become a transformative technology that is rapidly changing the world. This has reignited the allure of Silicon Valley, with entrepreneurs and innovators flocking to the region to be at the forefront of technological advancements. Simultaneously, a significant shift is taking place in Washington, D.C., where major players in the AI industry are embracing a public policy approach.

2. The Importance of Early Engagement and Transparency:
Top AI companies recognize the need to engage policymakers early in the development and implementation of AI technology. They are offering briefings to members of Congress and organizing multi-stakeholder forums. Additionally, they are enhancing transparency by educating stakeholders on key aspects of AI models, security measures, and sharing new research and risks.

3. Lessons Learned from Previous Transformative Technologies:
The AI industry has learned from the backlash faced by previous transformative technologies like social media and ride-sharing. CEOs and industry leaders are now appearing before Congress with deference and genuine commitment. They are speaking honestly about the benefits and risks of AI and demonstrating thoughtfulness and responsibility.

4. Overcoming Challenges and Building Trust:
To continue on the path of engagement and maintain trust, AI industry leaders should take certain steps. These include increasing transparency, avoiding vague language in joint agreements, extending reach beyond relevant oversight committees to include all House and Senate offices, and providing dedicated staff to help congressional staff with technical questions. Building relationships with state governments is also crucial to reduce compliance risk.

5. Political Red Teaming and Regulatory Reform:
Including policymakers in red team exercises can help demonstrate the technical and substantive nature of AI’s challenges. It’s harder to criticize a company when you’re part of the solution. Furthermore, AI companies should be clear about their reasons for rejecting certain regulatory provisions and communicate them openly rather than lobbying behind closed doors.

6. Emphasizing Security and Safety Measures:
As AI innovation outpaces security measures, companies should incentivize users to report vulnerabilities through security-focused bounty programs. The swift identification and resolution of security breaches are essential to maintaining public trust and safeguarding against potential risks.

7. The Future of AI Public Policy Engagement:
While the current proactive approach to public policy engagement in the AI industry is encouraging, its longevity is uncertain. Companies must chart their own policy course and constantly adapt in an evolving landscape. Continuous engagement, transparency, greater inclusion, and effective communication are vital to establish a robust framework that balances AI’s potential risks and opportunities.

The rise of AI as a transformative technology has brought about a notable shift in the approach of major AI companies towards public policy engagement. Unlike previous industries that faced backlash for ignoring or deriding government oversight, AI companies are actively engaging with policymakers, educating stakeholders, and taking steps to address potential risks. However, maintaining trust and goodwill requires ongoing effort, transparency, and a commitment to meaningful action. By implementing strategies such as transparency, inclusion, regulatory cooperation, and security measures, AI companies have the opportunity to foster a constructive relationship with policymakers that ensures responsible and ethical AI development and deployment.


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The AI ​​is here. It is transformative and it is changing the world. As a result, the allure of Silicon Valley has returned.

Across the country, in Washington, DC, an equally momentous sea change is taking place: Major players in the AI ​​industry are embracing a public policy approach almost as unexpected as the technology itself.

Today’s top AI companies are astute engage policymakers early. They are offering members of Congress and their staff briefings to better understand the technology, and have demonstrated a will to appear before committees publicly and privately. What’s more, they are organize multi-stakeholder forums and they are even signing joint agreements with the White House.

As someone who has worked on numerous public policy efforts spanning technology and the public sector, I have seen firsthand how difficult it is to get the private sector to come to terms with each other, let alone the government.

Some hold that the public pronouncements of the AI ​​industry are merely a facade. These companies know that Congress is moving at a glacial pace, if anything.

They know that the time it takes for Congress to establish a new regulatory and oversight agency, fund it, staff it, and provide it with the resources necessary for meaningful enforcement could take years. To put this in context, social media companies remain almost entirely unregulated decades after they first took the world by storm.

Regardless of their true motivations, the fact that all the big players in the AI ​​model are coming together so quickly and agreeing on broad security principles and regulatory barriers shows how seriously they take the potential risks of AI, as well as its unprecedented opportunities.

Never before has there been a technology that has so quickly mobilized the private sector to proactively seek government oversight. While we should celebrate its footsteps to date, what really matters is what comes next.

Never before has there been a technology that has so quickly mobilized the private sector to proactively seek government oversight.

It’s clear that AI executives, along with their public policy teams, learned from the backlash to previous approaches around the rise of transformative technologies like social media and ride-sharing. At best, Silicon Valley ignored Congress. At worst, they made fun of it.

Furthermore, when asked to appear before legislative bodies, industry leaders clumsily and seemingly deliberately showed their obvious disdain. Their relationships with policy makers, along with the public’s opinion of those companies, soured as a result.

So far, we’re seeing the opposite approach with AI. CEOs appear before Congress, answering even the most trivial questions with what appears to be the utmost deference. They are speaking straight and do not overpromise the benefits or downplay the downsides. These leaders have been thoughtful, responsible and genuine.

As we move from the initial phase of simply showing favor for the curry, to the phase of making sausages and drafting a regulatory framework, your political and legislative strategies will be put to the test.

AI companies would do well to stay the course. After all, goodwill and trust are extremely hard to earn and very easy to lose.

To continue down the path of engagement, consultation, and action, AI industry leaders need to build on their early efforts. Here are several steps you should consider implementing:

  1. Increase transparency: Find new ways to educate stakeholders on key aspects of current models—what’s in them, how they’re implemented, existing and future security measures—and close the curtain on the teams that build them. Plus, quickly share new research as well as newly discovered risks.
  2. Accept and commit: Companies should not sign any joint agreement that they cannot or do not want to comply with. They should avoid vague language designed to provide the ability to circumvent promises. The short-term increase in positive media coverage is not worth the long-term reputational damage from failing to deliver on your commitment.
  3. Greater inclusion of partners: The personal approach softens the most difficult aspects. Extend reach to the Capitol beyond members serving on relevant oversight committees and connect with all House and Senate offices. Hold group briefings followed by individual meetings. The same should be done with the think tank community and advocacy groups, especially the ones that are sounding the biggest alarm bells against AI.
  4. Congressional Strike Force: Provide dedicated staff to help congressional staff with technical questions so they can better prepare their members for hearings and events in their home districts. Helping members answer constituents’ questions will build even more trust and goodwill.
  5. State Government Scope: Activate an equally strong state government strategy. Democracy Laboratories could create a Regulatory nightmare for AI companies. Getting ahead of that now, just as they are doing with Congress, is essential to reduce compliance risk in the future.
  6. Political Red Team: Add a policy making component to the red team exercises. Bring legislators from both sides of the aisle to demonstrate how the red team works both technically and substantively. And get their participation. It’s much harder to blame a company when you’re part of the solution, or at least invited to help.
  7. Explain the regulatory rejection: Don’t talk publicly about welcoming regulatory reform and talk in generalities about security while quietly lobbying governments to remove aspects of bills in the US or Europe. That doesn’t mean accepting all regulations as written, but companies need to be clear and communicate why they are fighting certain provisions. It is better to be criticized for disagreeing with a specific policy than to be seen as a liar or harboring false motives.
  8. Safety Reward Programs: Beyond specialized hackathons, create security-focused bounty programs inspired by traditional software bug bounty programs that incentivize users to report security vulnerabilities. The business imperative to develop new AI products means that even the best security measures are likely to lag behind innovation. Traditionally, when there is a problem with a high-risk product or service, such as aircraft or automobiles, the industry pauses operations with a grounding or recall to assess and fix the problem. However, with software, companies tend to apply patches while still running the platform. This makes it more important than ever to reduce the time between identifying and fixing a security breach.

Time will tell if this new and radically different approach to public policy is here to stay or if it is a passing thing. Ultimately, companies will have to chart their own policy course. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, anyone who thinks they’ve done enough is in for a rude awakening.

Major AI players are getting in sync, but it’s what comes next that really matters
