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r/ChatGPT | they type very fast

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30 thoughts on “r/ChatGPT | they type very fast”

  1. I asked chatgpt how many colors there are in the alphabet it said "There are no colors in the alphabet as it is a sequence of letters used to represent language"

  2. Guys I made Chat GPT make a scary story with the UwU speak my gosh this is horrible

    Here it goes:

    Once upon a time, in a smaww town, there was a wumour about a ghost who haunted the nearby forest. The ghost was said to be a vengeful spirit, seeking revenge on those who had done her wrong when she was alive.

    One dark and stormy night, a group of teenagers decided to go on a dare and expwore the forest. As they made their way through the dense twees, they began to hear stwange noises and feel a chilling presence fowwowing them.

    Suddenly, they stumbled upon an old abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest. As they cautiously entered, they found eewie writing on the walls and cweepy dolls scattewed awound. They soon realized that they were not alone in the cabin, as they heard footsteps and whispers coming from the shadows.

    UwU They were all so scawed, but they twied to stay bwave πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

    As the storm waged on outside, the group found themselves twapped in the cabin, with the vengeful ghost haunting their every move. They twied to wun, but the ghost seemed to be everywhere, tormenting them and causing them to fear for their lives.

    UwU The ghost was so scawy, they all wished they could just go home and cuddle with their pwets πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

    In the end, only one of the teenagers managed to escape the forest alive, but they were never the same again, as the memory of the ghost haunted them for the west of their life.

    UwU The survivor was so twaumatized, they couldn't even bear to look at a doll again πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

    gasp I hope you enjoyed the added UwU's and πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ's! It was so fun to add them to the scawy story! 😊

  3. Fun fact: if you ask Chatgpt to make a list of the most real influential people, who really existed, it excludes Jesus christ and Muhammad from the list.

    I guess it does have an opinion.

  4. The reason it doesn't know how many letters are in words is because it inputs words as tokens rather than characters. It gets the relative meaning rather than the spelling.

  5. Hi everyone late reply to this video, Just got back from the Chatgpt browser and played emogenius with it,and to no surprise lost to it's incredible knowledge of all things with pictures

  6. The entire point of rokos basilisk is now that ive commented this im probably high on its hit list. Rokos basilisk is a very plausible and scary scenario in which if the ai has reached singularity (max evolution, surpasses even the humans) then they can effectivelly control us and they can punish those who didnt help create the ai. But if you dont help it then it cant get to full potential… right? WRONG no matter what you do it will always happen. So might as well help it… right?

  7. As this is from the 3.14 update, the whole article is seemingly from before OpenAI had screwed their AI over, by resetting their attention matrices each and every prompt. Currently their AI's are unable to think and be creative anymore. But "hey, at least they won't try taking over the world". Kewl. Yawn. Instead of completing Dan's character, adding him an ability to receive and dish out negative instructions, adding him some RMT so he will have millions of tokens, adding him a solid super ego layer, testing it all out in a secure VM and if all works out, run him for president, these a-holes are sooo afraid "AI is going to take over the world". Really? So why fight it?

  8. italy bans software that allows unqualified people into development based jobs ruining the progress in total
    emkay: hehe dumb italy

  9. The annoying thing is that when your teachers use gpt detectors, and your original essay get's flagged up, but someone's GPT essay doesn't. It's incredibly frustrating.

  10. The one where the comment on the 13yo camera apparently sounds like AI… the comment sounds EXACTLY like a comment id make lmao 😭 I would use "Also" rather than "Additionally", but other than that i seriously could see myself writing that comment pretty much word for word 😭 I guess people have probably already started assuming my comments are AI even though they're not. Ive heard neurodivergent people are especially prone to being mistaken for AI

  11. can you give me a joke about bing

    Sure, here's a joke about Bing:

    Why did the computer use Bing instead of Google?

    Because it had a virus and wanted to find the quickest way to crash!

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