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Rate Card Best Practices

In today’s market, organizations are forced to maintain a constantly fluctuating supply and demand balance for their contingent program. Although organizations have several channels for sourcing talent, workers have more options and can choose how and where they work. The key is to identify the optimal balance of cost, innovation, service, flexibility, and talent for your contingent program’s current and future state.  

To strike this balance, you cannot determine the true cost of skill in a vacuum. You must start by having the right rate card methodology in place to attract quality candidates and achieve cost and process efficiency. A rate card methodology for contingent programs is a structured approach to setting and managing rates or markups for specific worker roles and responsibilities. A determined methodology ensures parity among suppliers, drives cost control, attracts talent, and provides transparency within a contingent program. 

This report will help contingent workforce program managers: 

  • Understand the various factors that could impact your rate card methodology so you can better align with market realities
  • Explore the different requirements, advantages, disadvantages, and best practices for each rate card methodology to determine the best operational approach for your contingent program
  • Build your rate card methodology for your contingent program
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