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Reddit is testing Discord-like channels for community chat

Reddit Announced on Thursday that it is testing Discord-like chat channels with select subreddits. With this move, the social network is trying to provide more avenues for community members to interact with each other, in addition to the usual asynchronous commenting system.

The company said it’s starting this test with 25 volunteer subreddits; the company did not share a list of those subreddits. He specified that the participating communities have fewer than 100,000 members.

Reddit said that channels will be persistent in the community navigation bar so members can revisit them frequently.

The company mentioned that it learned from previous chat products, such as the community chat rooms feature, which was discontinued in 2020. In particular, he plans to give more control to moderators. The new feature will have a dedicated channel for moderators to discuss managing the subreddit. In addition, they will be able to decide if they want to enable this feature for the community in the first place.

In addition, the platform provides moderators with tools such as the ability to choose who can participate in the chat, manage the chat queue, and moderate the messages reported in a conversation.

Image Credits: Reddit

In it r/modnews subreddit, the social network announced that it plans to introduce features for channels including threads, pinned messages, user mentions with push notifications, and message editing to the sender in the future.

The social network too accepting requests from subreddit moderators who want to test the chat channels feature for their community.

When users rejected the post announcing the channels, a moderator said that the company is launching this experiment to provide more ways for community members to chat with each other.

“We love our ‘post tree,’ text-based asynchronous communities, and making sure they have what they need to thrive is important to us. At the same time, we want to provide options for communities that like to interact in different ways, or have subgroups that like to interact in different ways,” they said. aware.

various communities in Reddit trusts external real-time chat servers like Telegram, Discord or IRC to facilitate conversations between members. The introduction of channels could incentivize communities to stay longer on the platform.

The platform has tried different forms of live interactions, like its now deprecated Clubhouse clone called reddit chat and live chat Posts within a community.

Reddit isn’t the only company rolling out ways for communities to host conversations. Last year, WhatsApp launched your discussion group feature to organize different groups around a school or a club. Meanwhile, the developers at the Telepath social network are trying to make group chats less of a sucker with a unique thread-based approach. in his new app called Wavelength — the app works for both small groups of friends and large semi-public chat rooms.


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