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Responsible AI legislation will help small businesses

AI is present in almost all aspects of our lives, and that influence will only grow: it is a bell that cannot stop ringing. The rapid and incredible advances seen over the past two years – from ChatGPT to significant improvements in the application of AI in healthcare and manufacturing – are transforming our world in ways previously unimaginable.

From your Netflix account to your Amazon shopping cart, AI is already at work in most people’s daily lives. That is why we must consider not only the impact it is having, but also the ramifications as it is combined with other technologies and expands. Look at social media as an example; 15 years ago, with the rise of Facebook and the subsequent flourishing of TikTok, no one could foresee the consequences for consumer privacy and mental health of this rapidly expanding technology. It became even more pronounced when it was combined with the iPhone in 2007. It changed the global landscape even more, and not always for the better.

Little thought was given at the time and actions were delayed, allowing the new technology to grow and expand on its own. Today, parents, citizens, policy makers and users wish there had been a little deliberation and perhaps some action taken.

That same lens can be used for see Senate Bill 2, legislation seeking to place important guidelines and barriers on the use of AI, currently under consideration by the Connecticut General Assembly. As CEO and President of VRSim, a Connecticut company that has worked in the virtual reality and artificial intelligence spaces around the world for two decades, I know the importance and value of AI and the ways its uses will impact the world in a positive way. I also recognize that this technology, when manipulated by bad faith actors, could intentionally or unintentionally inflict physical, mental or financial harm on people, underscoring the critical need for meaningful disclosure, practical safeguards and ethical guidelines.

Oversight can be a positive driving force when done with collaboration, consideration of purpose, and understanding of the potential impact of AI. The guidance and oversight established under SB 2 should help avoid unintended consequences and impacts of these technologies as they continue to be developed and explored.

Action should be seen as a tool and a balancing act. It should facilitate the best of forward-thinking technology and innovation, while preventing harm to people and organizations. As a business leader, I support SB 2 as it provides a strong sense of carefully applied direction, helping to refine business activities and developments rather than control them.

The language of SB 2 is significant in its incorporation and recognition of the broad uses and levels of importance that AI represents. It is not a tool that can be used uniformly across all industries; Their approaches in healthcare are different from their importance in the manufacturing world. In healthcare, it can be used to diagnose, monitor and treat diseases, while in manufacturing it can be used to quickly identify trends and create products and production systems in a more efficient and effective way.

SB 2 recognizes the diverse applications of technology in various contexts, applying appropriate guidance based on the severity and significance of the impact. At the same time, it fosters growth and innovation to advance Connecticut’s economy and protect its citizens. Avoid seeing AI as a singular nail and using legislation as a hammer. Technology is developed to support innovation and provide efficiency in our interactions and workflows. It also creates paths for the advancement of critical industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, education and the economy, all with reasonable and workable restrictions.

The barriers created in this bill do not restrict movement, but rather create a clear path for progress, while encouraging broad development of AI for businesses small and large. Especially for small businesses, legislation like this should be praised. It was developed through careful collaboration with all stakeholders and serves as a middle ground where employers, employees, students, educators, parents and policymakers can appreciate its effects on the way we live, work and play in Connecticut.

SB 2 is a sign that points the way towards responsible, reasonable and significant technological development.

Matthew Wallace is the CEO of VRSim in East Hartford, which designs virtual reality and simulation-based systems to train workers in skilled trades, including industrial welding and painting, certified nursing assistants, and emergency medical personnel.