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Unraveling the Mysteries of the Unknome: Exploring Unknown Genes and Proteins

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Unknome: Exploring Unknown Genes and Proteins


Have you ever wondered how much we actually know about our own genetic makeup? While the human genome has been extensively studied, there are still vast regions of our DNA that remain shrouded in mystery. A fascinating study conducted by a team of researchers sheds light on the “Unknome” – the portion of the genome that contains unknown genes and their corresponding proteins. In this article, we will delve into the findings of this study, explore the implications of these unknown genes, and discuss the significance of the Unknome database in advancing our understanding of biology.

The Unknome: An Enigma within Our Genes

For decades, scientists have been uncovering the secrets of the human genome, mapping the genes responsible for various traits and diseases. However, a significant portion of our genetic code remains uncharted territory. To shed light on this knowledge gap, the research team turned to an unlikely subject: the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

Drosophila melanogaster, or fruit flies, have long been studied by researchers due to their ease of breeding, short lifespan, high reproductive rate, and genetic modifiability. By using gene editing techniques, the team successfully reduced the function of approximately 300 genes shared by humans and fruit flies. Astonishingly, a quarter of these unknown genes were found to be lethal when deactivated, and an additional 25 percent caused significant changes in the flies’ characteristics.

These unknowingly important genes were identified as being related to fertility, development, locomotion, protein quality control, and stress resistance. The revelation that such fundamental genes remained poorly understood was both surprising and eye-opening. Understanding the variation in these genes could hold the key to unraveling crucial aspects of human health.

Unlocking the Mysteries: The Role of AI and Deep Learning

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of the Unknome, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies becomes increasingly significant. AlphaFold, developed by DeepMind, is an AI system that can provide valuable insights into the functions of unknown proteins. By analyzing their interactions with other proteins, AlphaFold can shed light on the role these mystery proteins play in biological processes. Additionally, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) offers a way to image large, complex molecules, providing visual data that can enhance our understanding of protein structures and functions.

Researchers at University College London have also demonstrated the application of machine learning in deciphering the functions of proteins in yeast. These developments underscore the potential of AI in untangling the mysteries of the Unknome and expanding our knowledge of biology.

The Unknome Database: A Key to Discovering New Biology

The Unknome database is an invaluable resource for scientists striving to uncover the secrets of the unknown genes and proteins within our genome. By collating and organizing the wealth of information generated by the study, the Unknome database provides a platform for researchers to explore new avenues of research and discover novel insights into the field of biology.

However, despite the availability of this database, there are still knowledge gaps that may persist. The study primarily focused on genes coding for proteins, overlooking the code for small RNAs found in unexplored regions of the genome. These small RNAs have been found to play critical roles in gene regulation and normal development. It is crucial to recognize that there may be “unknown unknowns” lurking within the human genome, awaiting our exploration.

Despite the challenges, Dr. Alex Bateman from the European Bioinformatics Institute emphasizes the importance of venturing into the wilderness of the Unknome. He aptly states, “There is more than enough Unknome for anyone who wants to explore genuinely new biology.” This sentiment highlights the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for researchers curious enough to delve into the unknown.

Conquering the Streetlight Effect: Overcoming Bias in Biological Research

The revelation that a significant proportion of genes and proteins in our genome remain poorly understood reflects what is known as the streetlight effect, or the drunken search principle. This observational bias occurs when researchers focus their efforts on areas that have already been extensively studied, neglecting the vast unexplored terrain of the Unknome.

Biological research tends to receive funding in well-established and familiar areas, leading to a bias against delving into the unknown. The Unknome database plays a crucial role in counteracting this bias, offering researchers the tools and information necessary to embark on new and exciting biological explorations. By providing a different kind of support, the database aims to address the unknowns and propel scientific progress forward.


The study of the Unknome marks a pivotal milestone in our understanding of genetics and biology. By unraveling the mysteries of unknown genes and proteins, researchers have uncovered a treasure trove of new possibilities for scientific exploration. The Unknome database serves as a beacon for those determined to venture into uncharted territory, providing a comprehensive resource that fosters discoveries and pushes the boundaries of knowledge.

While challenges and knowledge blind spots persist, the ongoing efforts to decipher the Unknome promise to reshape our understanding of the human genome and its intricate complexities. The collaboration between AI technologies, deep learning, and human curiosity holds limitless potential to unlock the secrets encoded within the Unknome.


In a groundbreaking study, researchers have identified a substantial amount of unknown genes and proteins within our genome, known as the Unknome. By utilizing fruit flies as a model organism and employing gene editing techniques, the team discovered that a significant portion of these unknown genes has a profound impact on vital biological processes such as fertility, development, and stress resistance.

To unravel the mysteries of the Unknome, researchers are capitalizing on the potential of artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies. AI systems, such as DeepMind’s AlphaFold, offer valuable insights into the functions and interactions of unknown proteins, thereby shedding light on their roles in biological processes. Cryo-EM provides visual data that enhances our understanding of protein structures.

The Unknome database is a crucial resource in advancing our understanding of biology. By collating and organizing the information generated by the study, the database allows researchers to explore new avenues of research and expand the frontiers of knowledge. However, it is essential to acknowledge that there may be further areas of the genome, such as small RNAs, that remain unexplored.

The study’s findings highlight the streetlight effect, a bias in biological research towards previously studied areas. Overcoming this bias is crucial to address the unknowns within the Unknome and drive scientific progress forward. The Unknome database plays a crucial role in combating this bias, encouraging researchers to delve into uncharted territories and pursue genuinely new biological discoveries.

The study of the Unknome represents an exciting frontier in genetic research, offering new opportunities for scientific exploration. As researchers continue to uncover the secrets of these unknown genes and proteins, our understanding of the human genome will undoubtedly undergo a transformative revolution.


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As for the substantial amount that was unknown, the team conducted one more study, using the best-understood organism (at the genetic level) of all: Drosophila melanogaster. These fruit flies have been the subject of research for over a century because they are easy and inexpensive to breed, have a short life cycle, produce many offspring, and can be genetically modified in many ways.

The team used gene editing to reduce the use of around 300 low-scoring genes found in both humans and fruit flies. “We found that a quarter of these unknown genes were lethal: when knocked out, they killed the flies, and yet nobody knew anything about them,” says Freeman. “Another 25 percent of them caused changes in the flies, phenotypes, that we were able to detect in many ways.” These genes were related to fertility, development, locomotion, protein quality control, and resistance to stress. “That so many fundamental genes are not understood was revealing,” says Freeman. It is possible that variation in these genes could have a large impact on human health.

All of this “desnomic” information is stored in a database, which the team makes available to other researchers to use to discover new biology. The next step may be to deliver the data on these mystery genes and the mystery proteins they create to the AI.

DeepMind’s AlphaFold, for example, can provide important information about what mystery proteins do, especially by revealing how they interact with other proteins, says Alex Bateman of the European Bioinformatics Institute, based near Cambridge, UK. You can also do cryo-EM, which is a way to image large, complex molecules, he says. and a University College London Team has shown a systematic way to use machine learning to figure out what proteins do in yeast.

The Unknome is unusual in that it is a biology database that will shrink as we understand it better. The paper shows that over the last decade “we’ve gone from 40 percent to 20 percent of the human proteome with some level of unknowing,” says Bateman. However, at the current rate of progress, determining the function of all human protein-coding genes could take more than half a century, Freeman estimates.

The discovery that so many genes remain misunderstood reflects what’s called the streetlight effect, or the drunken search principle, an observational bias that occurs when people only search for something where it’s easier to search. In this case, it has caused what Freeman and Munro call a “bias in biological research toward what has been previously studied.”

The same is true of researchers, who tend to get research funding in relatively well-known areas, rather than delve into what Freeman calls the wilderness. That’s why the database is so important, Munro explains: It fights against the economics of academia, which avoids things that are poorly understood. “A different kind of support is needed to address these unknowns,” says Munro.

But even when the database is available and reviewed by researchers, there will still be some knowledge blind spots. The study focused on genes that are responsible for proteins. In the past two decades, unexplored areas of the genome have also been found to harbor the code for small RNAs: bits of genetic material that can affect other genes and are critical regulators of normal development and bodily functions. There may be more “unknown unknowns” lurking in the human genome.

For now, there is still a lot to dig into, and Freeman hopes this work will encourage others to study Terra Incognita genetics: “There is more than enough Unknome for anyone who wants to explore genuinely new biology.”
