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The Shift in the UK Retail Industry: Working from Home’s Impact on Commercial Areas


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives, and one of the most noticeable shifts is the increased popularity of working from home. As companies adopt remote work policies, the UK retail industry has been profoundly affected. In this article, we will explore how working from home has influenced commercial areas, vacancy rates, and consumer behavior. We will also examine the potential long-term consequences of this trend on the retail landscape.

Impact on Office Occupancy Rates:

Before the pandemic, office occupancy rates in the UK ranged from 60% to 80%. However, in the first half of this year, average occupancy rates dropped to approximately 30% (source: Remit Consulting). This significant decline can be attributed to the rise of remote work. While opinions are divided on the effectiveness of working from home, the data suggests that a significant portion of the workforce prefers this arrangement.

Adapting to Change in Central London:

The shift towards remote work has presented challenges for property investors in Central London. With reduced office occupancy, businesses in the area have had to adapt their strategies to cater to new demands. On the other hand, some commercial areas outside of zone one, particularly those along main roads, have witnessed an unexpected surge in activity. As people continue to work from home, these areas have become attractive locations for retail and hospitality establishments.

Retail Vacancy Rates and Opportunities for Expansion:

Real estate group Savills reported improvements in retail vacancy rates in certain areas of London since 2019. East Ham, Dalston, Kilburn, and Chiswick have experienced positive changes, indicating a potential recovery in the retail sector. Moreover, food and beverage retailers are shifting their focus towards expanding outside of city centers to reach the growing number of home workers. Marie Hickey, Director of Commercial Research at Savills, highlights this trend and the opportunities it presents for retailers.

The Resilience of Suburban Outlets:

The Pret A Manger sandwich chain conducted an index that offers insights into consumer behavior during the pandemic. The data indicates that suburban London outlets experienced a 21% increase in transactions during the week ending June 15 compared to pre-pandemic levels. Affluent areas with high visitor numbers and large populations within a mile of commercial areas have proven to be the most resilient. However, not all suburban locations have thrived, as vacancy rates in some London suburbs, such as New Cross and Hounslow, remain below the 2019 levels.

Retail Vacancy Rates Across the UK:

According to the British Retail Consortium, the retail vacancy rates in the UK stood at 13.8% in the first quarter of this year, reflecting caution among retailers due to elevated inflation. However, there has been a slight improvement of 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous year. The uncertain economic climate and changing consumer preferences necessitate a cautious approach from retailers seeking to invest in new stores.

The Continuation of Home Working and Its Impact on Housing Markets:

Despite differing opinions among employers, working from home continues to influence housing markets. As companies continue to support remote work policies, individuals are prioritizing properties in areas with easy access to commercial districts. Affluent areas with a high concentration of potential visitors and large populations nearby are considered desirable locations for real estate investment. However, the effects of working from home are not uniform across all regions, and some suburban areas still struggle to recover to pre-pandemic levels.

Additional Piece:

Title: “The Future of the UK Retail Industry: Navigating the New Normal”


As the retail industry in the UK adapts to the new normal of remote work and changing consumer behaviors, it faces both challenges and opportunities. The shift towards working from home has not only transformed office occupancy rates and retail vacancy rates but also created new possibilities for businesses. In this section, we will delve deeper into the future of the UK retail industry and explore strategies for success in the evolving landscape.

1. Embracing E-commerce and Digital Transformation:

The increasing popularity of remote work has accelerated the already booming e-commerce sector. To stay competitive, retailers must embrace digital transformation and enhance their online presence. This includes the development of user-friendly websites, mobile apps, and seamless online shopping experiences. By leveraging technology, retailers can tap into a wider customer base and provide convenience to consumers who prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes.

2. Investing in Omnichannel Experiences:

While e-commerce has gained momentum, the importance of physical retail spaces should not be underestimated. Retailers should invest in creating omnichannel experiences that seamlessly integrate online and offline shopping. This can involve incorporating interactive elements, personalized customer services, and innovative store layouts. By blending the best of both worlds, retailers can create a compelling shopping experience that caters to the evolving needs and preferences of consumers.

3. Focusing on Sustainability:

The pandemic has heightened consumer awareness of sustainability and ethical practices. In response, retailers should prioritize sustainability initiatives and transparent supply chains. This can include sourcing products from eco-friendly manufacturers, reducing packaging waste, and implementing recycling programs. By aligning with consumer values and addressing environmental concerns, retailers can differentiate themselves in a crowded market and build long-term customer loyalty.

4. Collaboration and Partnerships:

In an ever-changing retail landscape, collaboration and partnerships can be instrumental in achieving success. Retailers can join forces with complementary businesses to create experiential retail spaces or explore cross-promotion opportunities. Collaborations with local artisans or emerging brands can also help attract new customers and inject fresh perspectives into established retail environments. By fostering creative alliances, retailers can diversify their offerings and stay relevant to evolving consumer demands.


The shift towards working from home in the UK has had a profound impact on the retail industry. Reduced office occupancy rates have influenced the demand for retail spaces in commercial areas, leading to changes in vacancy rates and consumer behavior. While some areas have seen improvements in retail vacancy rates, others continue to struggle. The rise of remote work has also accelerated the importance of e-commerce and digital transformation in the retail sector. Retailers must adapt by embracing technology, investing in omnichannel experiences, and prioritizing sustainability. Collaborations and partnerships can further enhance competitiveness and innovation. Ultimately, the future of the UK retail industry lies in its ability to navigate the new normal and provide exceptional experiences for consumers in an evolving landscape.


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Still working from home divide opinion. Some companies are repression. However, average UK office occupancy rates were around 30% in the first half of the year, according to Remit Consulting. Before the pandemic, this was more like 60-80%.

There are property investors in Central London forced to adapt. But there are beneficiaries: main roads out of the central London district known as zone one.

Retail vacancy rates have improved since 2019 in locations such as East Ham and Dalston in east London, Kilburn in the north and Chiswick in the west, according to real estate group Savills. Food and beverage retailers want to expand out of town to reach more home workers, according to Marie Hickey, director of commercial research at Savills.

Lex chart shows main roads outside central London continue to benefit from work from home trends: percentage point change in retail vacancy rates, before and after the pandemic (2019-2022)

A index made by the Pret A Manger sandwich chain shows something similar. Transactions in suburban London outlets were 21% higher in the week ending June 15 than before the pandemic. Transactions at its City of London stores were still below pre-pandemic levels, albeit improving.

Working from home hasn’t lifted all venues. Affluent areas with high visitor numbers and large populations within a mile of commercial areas are the most sought after, Savills says. Vacancy rates in London suburbs such as New Cross and Hounslow are still below 2019 levels.

Across the UK, retail vacancy rates stood still to 13.8% in the first quarter of the year compared to the previous three months, according to the British Retail Consortium. This reflects retailers’ caution as inflation remains elevated. There was, however, a year-over-year improvement of 0.3 percentage points.

Whether employers favor it or not, working from home continues to impact housing markets.

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