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Rewind and relive the Argentina GP

Some of the best images from the opening night of the 2018 season at the Termas de Rio Hondo.

39 thoughts on “Rewind and relive the Argentina GP”

  1. This race very well demonstrates why I'll never get to like MM. He might have talent- he may have all the speed in the world, but what he has in those two areas he lacks for in personality and charisma in my opinion. I'd rather stand behind the guy in second place than a person I dont like…period.!

  2. Menonton Marc Marquez Balapan di
    Motogp tidak pernah bosan, gaya dia dari dulu seperti itu, ku rasa dia satu2nya Rider yang berani menentang bahaya dari pada Rider Lainya lebih memperhatikan sisi fisik
    & menurutku MM93 sungguh luar biasa, semangatnya itu benar2 tak pernah pudar walaupun berkli_kli jatuh tapi dia selalu bangkit tanpa merasa putus asa, yang aku heran saat dia mendapat kecelakaan parah di MANDALIKA tapi.. Marc Marquez baik2 saja tidak ada luka yang begitu parah di tubuhnya & itu menurut ku sangat menakjubkan 👍👍❤️❤️

  3. What a sham of a race. There should have been a bigger penalty for everyone who pitted. I know they changed the rules on safety grounds to prevent everyone from starting from pit lane, but Jack Miller deserved a bigger advantage than a few grid slots.

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