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Rishikesh Dehradun highway Suddenly herd of elephants came in front tried to attack vehicles on road chaos video lcla

In Uttarakhand, on the Rishikesh-Dehradun highway, suddenly some elephants came out of the forest and came on the road. During this, elephants were not able to cross the road due to the vehicles on the road. This made the elephant angry. Meanwhile, a herd of elephants tried to attack the vehicles. When they saw the furious look of the elephants on the drivers, they started returning.

According to the information, due to the herd of elephants in Rishikesh, there was a curfew on the road for some time. As soon as the elephants wanted to come from one side of the road, there was chaos on the road. Elephants could not cross the road because of the vehicles. Elephants tried to attack the vehicle. People were shocked at this. Actually, there is a river on the other side of the road, and often herds of elephants go from one end of the forest to the other for water.

Elephants could not cross the road due to traffic

People say that elephants were not able to cross the road due to continuous traffic on the Rishikesh-Dehradun highway. The elephants wanted to go towards the Chandrabhaga river on the other side. During this he got angry and started shouting. Along with this, tried to attack vehicles. On seeing this, vehicles stopped on both sides of the road. During this, eyewitnesses also made a video from mobile, which is going viral.

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The video of the incident is going viral, the forest worker did not reach the spot

It can be seen in the video that due to the elephants there was a jam on both sides of the road. Meanwhile, neither any Forest Department employee reached the spot nor the people moving there kept distance from the elephant. Taking the risk, people kept making selfies and videos. Troubled by the noise of the vehicles, the elephants went back to the forest after about 20 minutes. It is a matter of pride that the elephants did not harm anyone.


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