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Ross Brawn on F1 return plans, reverse grids, Toto Wolff & diversity in Formula One | The F1 Show

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47 thoughts on “Ross Brawn on F1 return plans, reverse grids, Toto Wolff & diversity in Formula One | The F1 Show”

  1. Everyone needs to forget what colour skin we have and just get on with the show. Lewis is lucky he had a father who put him in go karts, I never had that like millions of others. Ron Dennis gave him the next opportunity and not many of us can say that either. People should be treated equal as best as possible, stop pulling out the coloured cards and just work for it.

  2. OH MY GOD..racism in F! now…..STOP IT already….Black athletes are the highest paid athletes in the WORLD…. The US had a black president for EIGHT years Shit is merit based and should ONLY be merit based in F1 otherwise people will die….then who do we blame?!. I'm a poor white guy..give me an F1 ride. Chill on the Socialist/communist redistribution of wealth and technology crap. And just so the world knows…George Floyd was a life long criminal..countless jail times for cocaine, robbery, assault etc. ….NO i do not condone his death and it is sad that it happened but the fact is he was not a teddy bear and every black athlete does not have to chime in. I love Lewis Hamilton ….Lewis and his father have worked so hard for everything he has and that statement is just not warranted. F1 has been a refuge…2 hours to get away from the BS that is everyday life . So to sum it up….the cars sound like crap, F1 is racist, all the cars should be the same… better make the podiums bigger..ya gonna have to fit 22 drivers up there so they all get their trophies

  3. Utterly shameful that comments were turned off for the 8min vid on Racism with Karun. What Karun described in his experiences is systemic racism at its best. F1 needs to look honestly at itself and sort itself out.

  4. Diversity is only happening in f1 if you can drive good like very good like only 20 seats on the grid so if you're black/white or Asian or whatever you need to be pretty good to drive in F1 that's all, it's not a racist thing

  5. Diversity….people need to understand the difference between equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome…progressives and lefties seem to fail at this point…Hamilton's comments are naive and lack real perspective….money is required…that's the reality…all skin colours struggle with this…I, as WHITE guy, could never afford to compete in the sport – I would have loved to, and believe that I could have done very well – maybe even at the higher levels…I've accepted that I couldn't, others of other colours, it seems, haven't…

  6. Unanimous agreement is bogus…Toto has killed a good idea that could have been made to work – the fans rule don't forget???…a 2/3 majority is sufficient and should be made binding…

  7. Why do people keep on about reverse grids ? What is the point ? Reverse tracks yes but where is the point in qualifying if you are going to start at the back, Also, The inherent risk in faster cars approaching slow cars with probably inexperienced drivers in them is just asking for trouble

  8. So good to have Ross Brawn as the MD. Utter professional and knows what the sport & business needs to improve and grow.

  9. I'm a karting dad, my daughter is racing as a privateer and we simply can't afford to run in one of the big teams. I'd like to hear more about the initiatives that Ross was speaking of. If karting could be about pure talent and not money, you would immediately see a great change in the diversity of the grid.

  10. To be honest Lewis has the credibility, influence and wealth to provide the opportunities that kids may not have otherwise had to get into racing. If he really believes in the cause he needs to commit to it now so that any programs are in full swing when he retires. Less Instagram posts, more action.

  11. Ross seems like the Ron Swanson of F1. Doesn’t go for frills. Doesn’t pay for high speed WiFi. Cuts his own hair. Probably built the chair he’s sitting in.

  12. Imagine spending months/years developing a part to gain an advantage over the field and you have to public it in a public library for the other teams to copy of they want. Like doing your homework and posting it in a group chat for the class for them to copy off

  13. The issue of diversity been ten years of knocking on the door of Formula
    1 to adopt disability diversity in all teams, its business, its
    suppliers. Clearly since the Equalities Act 2010 (covering the EU)
    severely disabled and visually impaired have not been employed in any
    senior positions within Formula 1 as a whole. Frank Williams is as close
    as you get but he owns the Williams F1 team. Generally all
    organisations reserve the right to employ who they want to employ based
    upon what the customers dictate which forms that organisations
    recruitment policies. Diversity is not the gravy train of radical
    political groups all wanting a slice of the gravy train ( that's outside
    the law), its about those who are vulnerable defined in the act not
    getting any chance in life at all. Remember anyone reading this could
    experience a car accident or family disability tomorrow. Yet this life
    changing event does not mean their skills are somehow wiped off the map
    just because they cannot walk or see anymore. This is an emotional
    response to disability which is at times based upon ignorance or fear.
    Examples of utter discrimination are withdrawal of government services,
    bullying, harassment by politicions, civil servants, utility suppliers,
    employers with fixed business models etc. Severely disabled/blind are on
    averaged attacked twice a week. The police are fed up of this in built
    discrimination and urge everyone in the UK to support the passing the
    The Disability Enforcement Act 2020 by the 3rd October this Year. There
    are 168 million pounds in outstanding compensation claims against the
    DWP (Government departments) some of which involved manslaughter charges
    against corrupt civil servants or suppliers. Government is urged to
    just pay these historic claims in the wake of the corona virus, arrest
    civil servants and politic ions who refuse to provide services to the
    disabled or blind. Michael Gove MP has a voting record of discrimination
    against the disabled,refuses to deal with complaints against the
    disabled,the ombudsman service refuses to process complaints from a
    blind person,whilst jaw dropingly reports that court judges refuse to
    have blind persons in court because they cost too much…This is illegal
    and the judges concerned must loose their job. This is a society which
    is out of control for even UK citizens made worse by cuts in court
    budgets, civil servants that wont arrest their colleagues, and a
    discriminatory chancellor who has refused to bring forth legislation to
    bring in legal quotas of 5% for disabled blind in parliament as existing
    legislation requires. This is Genocide of the UK severely disabled,The
    UK government stands shoulder to shoulder with accusations of work camps
    in North Korea, Nazis genocide, Rohinja Muslims, China in Hong Kong and
    their imprisonment of their Muslim minorities. The corona virus as it
    produces economic recession,social breakdown, more and more abuse will
    be inflicted upon the disabled as justice and enforcement is denied this
    group. It has been a talking point for commentators, other media rolls
    which have not been filled by qualified severely disabled people. Think
    very carefully about the moral high ground the UK/EU Governments takes
    on events around the world, they are some of the worse offenders.
    Remember its not about colour in F1 its about exclusion of talented
    people who are all colours and genders who are severely disabled.

  14. I don't understand Hamilton publicly calling for all symbols of racism be torn down in the UK. Is he really not aware of his own employer's history? Mercedes built war machines for the Nazis and his sponsor Hugo Boss made uniforms for the SS. Or is that just too inconvenient to mention when you're in contract negotiations? I'd love to see him put his money where his mouth is and walk away from Mercedes on moral grounds

  15. Won’t a reverse grid just make a hash of qualifying no one would want to be first. What you should do is have a certain percentage of the races as a surprise reverse grid, meaning none of the teams know on the Saturday weather the race is a reverse grid , that way it brings something new in and doesn’t effect qualifying. Hope your listening cos it would be silly to mess up the Saturday?

  16. Even with STEM support and an engineering degree it's very tough for all to get into paid employment in Motorsport. Those from minorities even more so without financial backing for studies and race driving schools.

  17. If Brawn has his way, it will not be long before we have an FIA elected racing championships . Imagine the world racing champion elected by vote (like boxing) or specially designed regulation ( like reverses Gris.

  18. Ross's comments about diversity are incorrect. F1 is one of the most diverse sports there are, just look at the range of Nationalities that are currently represented, and all of those that have been in the past too.

    Oh wait, he's talking about Diversity™, the act of hating white people, white self-flagellation and discriminatory actions to suit the naive ideals of the far-left fantasists.

    All black groups are called diverse, all white groups are called racist…

    People cry and claim "white supremacy" is an issue currently, the opposite appears to be actually the case.

  19. Hamilton found another way to be a victim (as always)…..thank God he is getting old and soon will move out like that ashamed Vettel. First time in F1 where a driver "won" unfairly at least 3 world championships ….. and you want to call this sport?

  20. Ross handled the Lewis vomit skillfully..
    I however have a very difficult time just playing along, not directly calling a person out….
    Lewis is without a doubt one of the most naturally gifted open wheel drivers Ive even seen hands down..
    Unfortunately Intelligence wasnt part of the package…
    I would personally find it deeply offensive if I were top of the FIA / Liberty Media/ Bernie Ecelstone and one of my current star driverd makes comments like " Money is King" in Australia..WTF is that? Nothing is as easy as flip the switch in a Truely Global sport where every country were looking at this virus through very different lenses early in this Coronavirus situation..I find it impossible to simplify everything that goes into the operation from hiring sanitation workers to clean up the stands/ ground, restrooms, track pits each evening/ morning before practices Quali race have an Australian side of operatipns who likely employ probably 1000 people for the event then the individual teams, flights…BUT Lewis was likely the only one heard to make headlines.
    Now Lewis is suggesting indiciduals, teams,Liberty FIA as a bunch of bias Racists because Lewis is the only Black F1 driver and obe of very few within all of F1 fron FIA down to the worst team..
    I have grown to dislike Lewis Hamilton but not because he is black, I dont like him because he is consumed with himself and he is simply not remotely intelligent and he is using his platform to divide..
    It is hardly Peace, Love , & Positivity which Lewis claims to be all about when you suggest your sport is fun by racist yhat your sport lacks " Diversity"…
    When the truth is actually F1 isnt his version of diverse..
    If Lewis wants to be reconized as some Icon in the Globally black community fine rock on do your thing but when you try to achieve it at the expense of others, at the expense of the sport that provided hom the platform to become the successful driver he has become…
    I ll end with this, Lewis is a disingenuous human being that has absolutely zero integrity..
    If Lewis has some overwhelming evidence then produce it Show the world hoq many black applicants have been turned down and/or had the qualifications and applied but was not hired
    FIA, ANY F1 TEAM, F1. the sport itself?

    It would also help if Lewis actually understood the definition of the word diversity which he obviously did not learn in home school..
    I think F1 the FIA are about as diverse as the United Nations…

    I think the FIA should fine Lewis for the inflamatory, false accuaations he made toward both the leadership and the integrity of F1as a brand and personal who run the sport..But we know that wont happen.people will continue to kiss his @$$ to avoid being labelex racist instead of simply disliking a lier

  21. Ross Brawn. The man who thinks F1 rules should resemble crazy golf. Way to lose your viewers. The fastest man in the fastest car must win. If you skew things so he doesn't, F1 becomes a joke.

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