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Scientists Discover Mind-Blowing Stellar Phenomenon Never Seen Before! You Won’t Believe What They Found!

Article: A Fascinating Discovery Challenges Our Understanding of Neutron Stars

A Fascinating Discovery Challenges Our Understanding of Neutron Stars


Neutron stars have long fascinated astronomers and astrophysicists with their extreme characteristics and mysterious behavior. However, a recent discovery has taken this fascination to a whole new level. An international team of astronomers from the Curtin University node of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) has uncovered a new type of stellar object that challenges our current understanding of neutron stars. This exciting finding raises questions about the physics governing these celestial bodies and provides valuable insights into the enigmatic world of magnetars.

A New Type of Stellar Object

The object discovered by the astronomers could potentially be an ultra-long-lived magnetar. Magnetars are already known for their rare nature and possess incredibly strong magnetic fields that can generate powerful bursts of energy. However, until now, all magnetars were observed to release energy at intervals ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. The newfound object, named GPM J1839-10, emits radio waves every 22 minutes, making it the longest-lived magnetar ever detected.

An Unexpected Surprise

The discovery of this remarkable stellar object was made possible through the use of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), a radio telescope located in the Western Australian outback. Lead author Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker, from Curtin University, expressed astonishment at the uniqueness of the finding. Initially, the team could not explain the nature of the object when it was first discovered by undergraduate research student Tyrone O’Doherty. The situation led to the publication of an article in the prestigious journal Nature in January 2022, describing the mysterious transient object that appeared and disappeared intermittently while emitting powerful beams of energy three times an hour.

A Continuation of Discoveries

Dr. Hurley-Walker and his team embarked on a mission to uncover similar objects and determine if the initial discovery was an isolated event. Between July and September 2022, they utilized the MWA telescope to survey the skies, and their efforts were rewarded with the discovery of GPM J1839-10. The bursts of energy emitted by this magnetar lasted up to five minutes, which is five times longer than the first object. The team’s findings were further confirmed by other prominent telescopes, including the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, the 10-m Grantecan (GTC) telescope, the XMM-Newton space telescope, and three CSIRO radio telescopes in Australia.

Hidden in the Archives

The excitement didn’t end there. Armed with the unique features and celestial coordinates of GPM J1839-10, the team delved into the observational archives of renowned radio telescopes worldwide. To their amazement, they discovered that the object had previously been observed by the Giant Metal Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India and the Very Large Array (VLA) in the United States dating back to 1988. This revelation was particularly extraordinary because the astronomers at the time had missed detecting it due to their limited knowledge and expectations of such phenomena.

A Puzzling Enigma

The newfound magnetar’s ability to produce radio waves is perplexing, as not all magnetars have this capability. Some magnetars reside below the “death line,” a critical threshold where a star’s magnetic field weakens to the point of no longer generating high-energy emissions. Dr. Hurley-Walker pointed out that the object they have discovered is spinning too slowly to produce radio waves, placing it below this “death line.” However, contrary to expectations, the magnetar emits a five-minute pulse of radio wavelength energy every 22 minutes, a phenomenon that has persisted for at least 33 years. The mechanism behind this extraordinary behavior remains a mystery, challenging established theories and assumptions.

Implications for Neutron Star Physics

The implications of this groundbreaking discovery extend beyond the boundaries of magnetar research. It poses significant questions regarding our understanding of neutron stars and the behavior of magnetic fields in extreme environments. Neutron stars, in general, are already known for their unique properties, such as their immense density and gravity. However, this newfound magnetar challenges our previous knowledge and theories about these celestial objects.

The properties and behavior of GPM J1839-10 could help unravel the mysteries of fast radio bursts (FRBs), another intriguing astrophysical phenomenon. FRBs are brief, intense bursts of radio waves coming from distant galaxies, and their origin has puzzled scientists for years. The discovery of this ultra-long-lived magnetar and its enigmatic radiation emissions might shed light on the mechanisms responsible for FRBs, providing crucial insights into their origins.

Further Exploration and Future Discoveries

The research team is not stopping at this magnificent finding. They plan to conduct further observations of GPM J1839-10 to gain a deeper understanding of its properties and behavior. Exploring this unique magnetar will undoubtedly uncover more secrets and contribute to expanding our knowledge of neutron stars and extreme astrophysical phenomena.

Moreover, the discovery of GPM J1839-10 opens up the possibility of finding more of these enigmatic objects in the future. The team is eager to explore if ultra-long-lived magnetars are more common than previously thought or if there are even more extraordinary objects yet to be discovered. This ongoing research will reshape our understanding of neutron stars and push the boundaries of astrophysics.


Astronomers from Curtin University, led by Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker, have made a groundbreaking discovery that challenges our understanding of neutron stars. They have found an ultra-long-lived magnetar named GPM J1839-10, which emits radio waves every 22 minutes, making it the longest-lived magnetar ever detected. This finding defies our current knowledge of magnetars, as previous observations showed bursts of energy at much shorter intervals.

The discovery of GPM J1839-10 was made possible using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and the uniqueness of this stellar object took the researchers by surprise. It was also revealed that the magnetar had been hidden in observational archives for 33 years, further showcasing its enigmatic nature and the limitations of past knowledge. GPM J1839-10’s ability to emit radio waves despite spinning below the “death line” challenges established theories and raises questions about the behavior of magnetic fields in extreme environments.

This discovery has important implications for our understanding of neutron stars, magnetars, and even phenomena like fast radio bursts (FRBs). Further observations and research on GPM J1839-10 will provide valuable insights into neutron star physics and might help unravel the mysteries surrounding FRBs.

The ongoing exploration of this unique magnetar and the search for similar objects in the future will undoubtedly reshape our understanding of neutron stars and push the boundaries of astrophysics.


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An international team led by astronomers from the Curtin University node of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) has discovered a new type of stellar object that challenges our understanding of the physics of neutron stars.

The object could be an ultra-long-lived magnetar, a rare type of star with extremely strong magnetic fields that can produce powerful bursts of energy.

Until recently, all known magnetars released energy at intervals ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. The newly discovered object emits radio waves every 22 minutes, making it the longest-lived magnetar ever detected.

The research was published today in the journal Nature.

Astronomers discovered the object using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), a radio telescope in Wajarri Yamaji Country in the Western Australian outback.

Lead author Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker said the magnetar, named GPM J1839-10, is 15,000 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Scutum.

“This remarkable object challenges our understanding of neutron stars and magnetars, which are some of the most exotic and extreme objects in the Universe,” he said.

The stellar object is only the second of its kind detected after the first was discovered by Curtin University undergraduate research student Tyrone O’Doherty.

Initially, the scientists could not explain what they had found.

They published an article in Nature in January 2022 describing an enigmatic transient object that appeared and disappeared intermittently, emitting powerful beams of energy three times an hour.

Dr. Hurley-Walker, O’Doherty’s honors supervisor, said the first object took us by surprise.

“We were stumped,” he said. “So we started looking for similar objects to find out if this was an isolated event or just the tip of the iceberg.”

Between July and September 2022, the team explored the skies with the MWA telescope.

They soon found what they were looking for in GPM J1839-10.

Emits bursts of energy that last up to five minutes, five times longer than the first item.

Other telescopes followed to confirm the discovery and learn more about the object’s unique features.

These included three CSIRO radio telescopes in Australia, the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, the 10-m Grantecan (GTC) telescope, and the XMM-Newton space telescope.

Armed with the features and celestial coordinates of GPM J1839-10, the team also began searching the observational archives of the world’s leading radio telescopes.

“It turned up in observations from the Giant Metal Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India, and the Very Large Array (VLA) in the US had observations dating back to 1988,” he said.

“That was a pretty incredible moment for me. I was five years old when our telescopes first recorded the pulses from this object, but no one noticed and it remained hidden in the data for 33 years.

“They missed it because they didn’t expect to find something like this.”

Not all magnetars produce radio waves. Some exist below the ‘death line’, a critical threshold where a star’s magnetic field becomes too weak to generate high-energy emissions.

“The object that we have discovered is spinning too slowly to produce radio waves, it is below the line of death,” said Dr. Hurley-Walker.

“Assuming it’s a magnetar, it shouldn’t be possible for this object to produce radio waves. But we’re seeing them.”

“And we’re not just talking about a little flicker of radio emission.

“Every 22 minutes, it emits a five-minute pulse of radio wavelength energy, and has been doing so for at least 33 years.

“Whatever mechanism is behind this is extraordinary.”

The discovery has important implications for our understanding of the physics of neutron stars and the behavior of magnetic fields in extreme environments.

It also raises new questions about the formation and evolution of magnetars and could shed light on the origin of mysterious phenomena such as fast radio bursts.

The research team plans to conduct further observations of the magnetar to learn more about its properties and behavior.

They also hope to discover more of these enigmatic objects in the future, to determine if they really are ultra-long-lived magnetars or something even more phenomenal.
