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Scientists discover missing link between poor diet and increased cancer risk

A research team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has uncovered new findings that may help explain the connection between cancer risk and poor diet, as well as common diseases such as diabetes, which arise from poor diet. The knowledge gained from this study holds promise for advancing cancer prevention strategies aimed at promoting healthy aging.

Led by Professor Ashok Venkitaraman, this ground-breaking study was conducted by scientists from the Cancer Science Institute Singapore (CSI Singapore) at NUS and the NUS Cancer Research Center (N2CR) under the Yong Loo School of Medicine. Lin, with colleagues from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

Professor Venkitaraman, director of CSI Singapore, explained: “Cancer is caused by the interaction between our genes and factors in our environment, such as diet, exercise and pollution. It is still not very clear how these environmental factors increase the risk. of cancer, but it is vital to understand the connection if we want to take preventative measures that will help us stay healthy longer.

A chemical linked to diabetes, obesity and poor diet may increase cancer risk

The research team first studied patients who are at high risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer because they inherit a defective copy of the cancer gene. BRCA2 — From his parents. They showed that these patients’ cells were particularly sensitive to the effects of methylglyoxal, which is a chemical produced when our cells break down glucose to create energy. The study showed that this chemical can cause flaws in our DNA that are early warning signs of cancer development.

The team’s research also suggested that people who do not inherit a defective copy of BRCA2 but who might experience higher-than-normal levels of methylglyoxal, such as patients with diabetes or prediabetes, which are linked to obesity or poor diet, may They accumulate similar warning signs that indicate an increased risk of developing cancer.

Professor Venkitaraman explained: “Our research suggests that patients with elevated levels of methylglyoxal may be at increased risk of cancer. Methylglyoxal can be easily detected by a blood test for HbA1C, which could potentially be used as a marker. Additionally, levels “High levels of methylglyoxal can generally be controlled with medications and a good diet, creating avenues for proactive measures against the onset of cancer.”

Study first author Dr Li Ren Kong, N2CR Lee Kuan Yew Fellow, added: “We started the study with the aim of understanding what factors elevate risk in cancer-susceptible families, but we ended up discovering a deeper mechanism that links an essential energy consumption pathway.” “These findings raise awareness about the impact of diet and weight control in managing cancer risks.”

New mechanism for tumor formation.

Interestingly, the research team’s work also revised a long-standing theory about certain genes preventing cancer. This theory – called Knudson’s ‘two strikes’ paradigm — was first formulated in 1971 and it was proposed that these genes must be permanently inactivated in our cells before cancer could arise. The NUS team has now found that methylglyoxal can temporarily inactivate such cancer-preventing genes, suggesting that repeated episodes of poor diet or uncontrolled diabetes can “stack up” over time and increase the risk of cancer. These new insights are likely to influence changing the direction of future research in this area.

Next phase of the investigation

Based on their new findings, the researchers aim to conduct further studies to understand whether metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or poor diet, affect cancer risk in Singapore and other Asian countries.

The research team also hopes to identify new mechanisms underlying the connection between metabolism, diet and cancer that they have discovered, to develop more effective approaches to prevent or delay the onset of cancer.