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Sergio Garcia’s close call at Turn 1! | 2022 #SanMarinoGP

This is about as close as it can get through Turn 1! This was the first moment in what was a dramatic race for Sergio García!

45 thoughts on “Sergio Garcia’s close call at Turn 1! | 2022 #SanMarinoGP”

  1. He moved his foot around to make sure he would push on the end of the bar to steer the bike. Can't get much more obvious than that.

  2. I greatly respect the entire red bull team for giving terrifying entertainments using f1 car, planes, etc. But this rider is ridiculous. He will just destroy the good reputation that other riders, drivers, pilots, and the entire team had already established.

  3. Если пересмотреть видео то вы заметили что корпус у того человека который едет в впереди смещен по наклону а второй просто догонял и прижал ногу , вот и получилось что толкает соперника 😂😂😂, да и сами представляете что это не велосипед просто не толкнет 😂😂, мотоциклисты не тупые понимают что это не вазможно.

  4. 😳Wow! These guys are definitely professionals and experts at what they do! This was a near miss, and could've certainly ended in disaster!🤔🔥💯😎👌

  5. Winning at all cost..even cheating which may result to killing your competitions.tsk tsk. This guy should be banned even prosecuted for attempted homicide..

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