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Shock! Aston Martin’s Protest Shakes Austrian GP Results – Stewards Stand Firm


The Austrian Grand Prix held on Sunday witnessed an uproar as Aston Martin protested the race results due to several drivers breaching track limits. The stewards upheld the protest and announced additional penalties for exceeding the track limits, which would affect the final standings. This decision created significant controversy and debate within the Formula 1 community.

The Protest and Track Limit Infringements

Aston Martin lodged a provisional standings protest shortly after the conclusion of the 71-lap encounter. The team raised concerns regarding the numerous track limit infringements committed by several drivers during the race. These track limit violations were not previously considered by the stewards for possible sanctions.

The stewards, after becoming aware of the existence of deleted laps due to exceeding track limits, requested Race Control to perform a reconciliation of all laps removed with penalties applied. This investigation was crucial in determining the validity of Aston Martin’s protest and the subsequent penalties to be imposed.

Stewards’ Ruling and Admissibility of Protest

During the hearing, Aston Martin, represented by Andy Stevenson, presented their case. FIA’s Nikolas Tombazis and Diego Ioverno, representing Ferrari, were also present, providing their insights. After carefully considering the arguments from both sides, the stewards ruled the protest admissible, marking a significant milestone in the sporting event’s history.

Penalties Reflected in the Final Classification

The stewards reviewed the list of deleted lap times provided by Race Control. They discovered that the previous provisional classification did not include several track limit infringements that warranted sanctions. Therefore, these penalties were to be reflected in the final classification, altering the overall results of the Austrian Grand Prix.

Possible Lane Limit Violations and Recommendations

A separate note from the FIA after the race highlighted over 1,200 instances of possible lane limit violations. This statistic further emphasized the importance of addressing and rectifying the track limit issue. The FIA reiterated their recommendation to the circuit to add a gravel trap at the exit of turns 9 and 10 to mitigate such violations in future events.

An Engaging Additional Piece: Analyzing the Impact of Track Limit Infringements in Formula 1

In recent years, track limit infringements have become a highly debated topic within the world of Formula 1. While the sport constantly strives for fair play and adherence to rules, the interpretation and enforcement of track limits have been a source of controversy. Let’s delve deeper into the impact of track limit infringements on the sport and its participants.

The Role of Track Limits in Formula 1

Track limits serve as the boundaries within which drivers must keep their cars during a race. These limits are defined by white lines, curbs, or other markers and are crucial for maintaining safety, fairness, and consistency in racing. Adhering to track limits ensures that drivers compete on an equal playing field, preventing any unfair advantage gained by going beyond the permitted boundaries.

The Challenge of Enforcing Track Limits

Enforcing track limits presents a significant challenge for race stewards and officials. With the increasing use of tarmac run-off areas and expansive gravel traps, it becomes difficult to clearly define and monitor the track limits. This ambiguity often leads to inconsistent enforcement, leaving the drivers unsure about the consequences of exceeding the boundaries.

Furthermore, the use of modern technology, such as sensors and cameras, aids in monitoring track limit violations. However, it also adds an element of subjectivity to the decision-making process. Different stewards may interpret the data differently, resulting in inconsistencies in penalizing drivers for track limit infringements.

The Impact on Race Results and Championship Standings

Track limit infringements can have a significant impact on race results and championship standings. A driver gaining an unfair advantage by going beyond the track limits can potentially overtake other competitors or maintain a favorable position on the circuit. This not only affects the race outcome but also has long-term implications on the championship battle.

In the case of the Austrian Grand Prix, the penalties imposed on drivers for track limit infringements affected the final standings. The revised classification altered the points distribution and potentially reshaped the championship race. Such disruptions create excitement for fans but also raise questions about the reliability of the initial results.

The Need for Consistency and Clarity

To maintain the integrity of the sport, Formula 1 must prioritize consistency and clarity regarding track limits. This requires clear guidelines communicated to both drivers and stewards, leaving less room for ambiguity and subjective interpretations. Developing technology and innovative solutions can aid in accurately and consistently monitoring track limit violations.


The Aston Martin protest regarding track limit infringements during the Austrian Grand Prix has shed light on a longstanding issue in Formula 1. The sport must address the challenges of enforcing track limits and strive for consistency and fairness. By doing so, Formula 1 can ensure a level playing field for all participants and enhance the overall racing experience for teams, drivers, and fans.


The Austrian Grand Prix witnessed a protest from Aston Martin regarding track limit infringements, leading to additional penalties and a revised final classification. The stewards ruled the protest admissible after a thorough examination of deleted lap times. The inconsistencies in penalizing drivers for track limit violations have sparked debates within the Formula 1 community. Track limit infringements can impact race results and championship standings, emphasizing the need for consistency and clarity in enforcing track limits. Formula 1 should prioritize creating clear guidelines and leveraging technology to monitor track limit violations accurately.


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The stewards upheld a protest by Aston Martin regarding the results of the Austrian Grand Prix, with additional penalties for exceeding the track limits to be applied to the final standings.

Aston Martin lodged a provisional standings protest shortly after Sunday’s 71-lap encounter, in which several drivers were penalized for breaching track limits.

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An accompanying note from the stewards at the time explained that “having become aware of the existence of a number of deleted laps (due to exceeding track limits) which came to our attention after receiving the protest”, the panel” has requested Race Control to perform a reconciliation of all laps removed with penalties applied.”

After hearing from Aston Martin team representative Andy Stevenson, FIA’s Nikolas Tombazis and Diego Ioverno representing Ferrari, the stewards ruled the protest admissible.

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“An examination of the list of deleted lap times that Race Control provided to the stewards revealed that a number of track limit infringements had not previously been referred to the stewards for possible sanction,” the panel explained.

“It was determined that some of these infractions warranted a sanction that was not previously applied when the Provisional Classification was published. These penalties will be reflected in the Final Classification.

EXPLAINED: Why were so many drivers penalized for track limits in Austria?

“Consequently, the Protest is upheld and the Protest Fee is returned to the Competitor.”

A separate FIA ​​note after the race noted 1,200+ instances of possible lane limit violationsadding that “we will renew our recommendation to the circuit to add a gravel trap at the exit of turns 9 and 10” for future events.