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Shock! Find out Judge John Hodgman’s Mind-Blowing Wordle Hints!

Impact of Internet Searching on Wordle Streaks: An Engaging Perspective


In today’s digital age, word games and puzzles have gained immense popularity, providing individuals with a fun and mentally stimulating way to pass the time. One such game that has captured the attention of many is Wordle. However, there seems to be a difference in opinion when it comes to seeking external help during the game. This article explores the conflicting views of Liz and her husband regarding the practice of googling hints for Wordle, and delves into the broader implications of relying on the internet for assistance in maintaining streaks.

The Conflicting Views:

Liz, an avid Wordle player, openly expresses her inclination towards using internet hints when she reaches the final guess. She believes that seeking external help is a normal practice and allows players to improve their performance. On the other hand, Liz’s husband opposes this practice, emphasizing the importance of relying solely on one’s own knowledge and strategies to solve puzzles. This difference of opinion raises the question: Who has the reason?

Understanding Both Perspectives:

1. Liz’s Perspective:

– Liz defends her choice to use internet hints by highlighting its benefits in terms of improving gameplay.
– She acknowledges that her husband’s viewpoint may be influenced by a desire for personal accomplishment without any external aid.
– Liz argues that seeking internet hints for Wordle does not diminish the value of the game, but rather enhances the learning experience and expands vocabulary.
– She asserts that her relationship with her Wordle streak is personal and should not be subject to her husband’s judgment.

2. Liz’s Husband’s Perspective:

– Liz’s husband emphasizes the importance of relying on one’s own knowledge and skills to solve puzzles.
– He believes that finding solutions online undermines the essence of the game and its purpose of testing one’s word mastery.
– Liz’s husband argues that true satisfaction and accomplishment can only be derived from independently solving Wordle puzzles, without any external assistance.
– He feels that turning to the internet for help compromises the integrity of individual streaks and creates an unfair advantage for those who choose to seek hints.

The Broader Implications:

1. The Definition of Accomplishment:

– The differing views on using internet hints for Wordle raise broader questions about the definition of accomplishment in the context of word games and puzzles.
– Some argue that completing a puzzle with the help of external sources is still an accomplishment as it showcases problem-solving skills and the ability to navigate information effectively.
– Others contend that true accomplishment lies in independently solving puzzles without any form of assistance, reflecting a deeper understanding of words and language.

2. The Learning Aspect:

– One of the advantages of using internet hints in Wordle is the opportunity for continuous learning and growth.
– Searching for hints can expose players to new words, their meanings, and different word associations, thereby expanding their vocabulary and knowledge.
– However, relying too heavily on internet hints might hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as players may become dependent on external assistance.

3. Personal Preference and Adaptation:

– Ultimately, the decision to use internet hints in Wordle depends on personal preference and the desired level of challenge.
– Some may enjoy the mental stimulation that comes with independent problem-solving, finding it more rewarding and fulfilling.
– Others may find comfort in seeking external assistance, viewing it as a way to enhance their gameplay and increase their chances of success.
– In the end, it boils down to striking a balance between personal preferences and adapting to the changing nature of word games in the digital age.

Additional Perspective:

The debate surrounding the use of internet hints for Wordle not only raises questions about accomplishment and personal preferences but also highlights the evolving nature of gameplay and the increasing role of technology. As word games and puzzles continue to thrive in the digital landscape, it becomes essential to consider the impact of these technological advancements on traditional gameplay experiences. Here are some additional insights into this evolving landscape:

1. The Rise of Online Word Game Communities:

– The popularity of Wordle and similar word games has led to the emergence of online communities centered around these games.
– These communities provide platforms for players to share strategies, exchange hints, and discuss gameplay experiences.
– While some players engage in these communities for assistance and collaboration, others prefer to tackle puzzles individually, without any external influence.
– The existence of such communities indicates the diverse approaches and preferences within the word game community, ultimately reinforcing the importance of personal choice in deciding to seek internet hints.

2. The Integration of Artificial Intelligence:

– The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we play word games.
– AI-powered assistants and hint generators have become common features in various word games, including Wordle.
– While some players appreciate the convenience and efficiency offered by AI assistants, others argue that they take away the essence of independent problem-solving.
– This integration of AI technologies further blurs the line between reliance on personal knowledge and embracing external assistance.

3. The Gamification of Wordle:

– As word games like Wordle continue to grow in popularity, developers have started incorporating gamification elements to enhance the overall experience.
– Daily challenges, leaderboards, and streak tracking functionalities are just a few examples of how word games have transformed into interactive and competitive platforms.
– While these gamification elements encourage players to improve their performance and maintain streaks, they also intensify the pressure to seek external help in order to maximize scores and rankings.


The conflicting views of Liz and her husband regarding the use of internet hints in Wordle highlight the ongoing debate within the word game community. Liz advocates for seeking internet hints, considering it a valuable tool to improve gameplay and expand vocabulary. In contrast, Liz’s husband believes in the importance of independent problem-solving and the integrity of individual streaks. The broader implications of this debate touch upon the definition of accomplishment, the learning aspect, and personal preferences. The evolving landscape of word games, including the rise of online communities and the integration of AI technologies, further adds complexity to this discussion. Ultimately, the choice to seek internet hints in Wordle depends on individual preferences and the desire for personal growth and challenge.


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Liz writes: My husband and I are daily Wordle players. I currently have a solving streak of 145. If I get to the final guess, I’ll google hints of the day for help. My husband opposes this practice. Who has the reason?

On July 4th I declared myself independent of my crossword puzzle streak and feel 15×15 pounds lighter (21×21 on Sundays). I won’t reveal my streak. It would be boastful to some and pathetic to others. Suffice to say, it was fun for a long time, until it suddenly became a chore. Only you know if your relationship with your streak is healthy or not, but I won’t deny you some light Internet searching to maintain it. That’s between you and your streak. It’s certainly none of her husband’s business. Just don’t turn into a striped Gollum like me, drooling miserably and alone over your treasure in a dank mind cave. (Still, I’ll be back. See you in the fall, my precious!)
