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SHOCKING! Apple Shockingly Admits Screen Time Bug DESTROYS Your Settings!

The Impact of the Screen Time Bug on Apple Devices


Apple confirmed that a Screen Time bug is affecting its devices, allowing children to exceed previously set time limits imposed by parents to continue using their apps and games. This bug has raised concerns among parents who rely on the Screen Time feature to manage their children’s device usage. In this article, we will explore the implications of this bug, the importance of effective screen time management, and its impact on families.

The Role of Screen Time Settings

Screen time settings are a series of controls that allow parents and guardians to set limits for the use of Apple devices by their children through Family Sharing. These settings provide parents with the ability to regulate the duration and type of content their children can access. From limiting app usage to setting communication restrictions and scheduled “downtime,” Screen Time empowers parents to ensure their children strike a healthy balance between device usage and other activities.

The Screen Time Bug

Unfortunately, a bug with Apple’s Screen Time feature is causing parental settings to not take effect as intended. The Wall Street Journal reported on this issue, highlighting the frustration faced by parents who are unable to enforce their desired limitations. Apple has acknowledged the bug and expressed its commitment to resolving the issue promptly. However, the company has not provided a specific timeline for the fix.

Apple’s Response

An Apple spokeswoman acknowledged the bug’s impact and reassured users that the company takes these reports seriously. Apple released iOS 16.5, promising to fix the bug that caused settings to reset or not synchronize across devices. However, the recent report confirms that the bug persists in the public release of iOS 17 beta. This ongoing issue raises concerns about Apple’s ability to effectively address the bug and deliver a long-term solution.

The Challenges for Parents

The screen time bug poses significant challenges for parents. Children may unknowingly or intentionally exploit the bug, allowing them to exceed time limitations and access apps and games that were previously restricted. This creates a dilemma for parents who may not be aware that the bug is affecting their family’s device usage choices. The lack of visibility heightens the need for a prompt resolution to restore effective screen time management.

Apple’s Evolution of Screen Time Tools

Apple introduced its own Screen Time tools in iOS 12 in 2018, following the discontinuation of third-party applications providing similar services. The decision to ban these apps was based on the potential privacy risks associated with their technologies. Before Apple’s official release of Screen Time, third-party apps employed various methods, such as background location, VPN, and MDM-based solutions, to manage screen time. However, these tools lacked a unified system, leading to fragmented user experiences.

Screen Time API for Developers

Recognizing the need for a more comprehensive solution, Apple introduced the Screen Time API for Developers in 2021. This new API allows app developers to incorporate screen time management based on Apple’s tools. However, the introduction of the API came after the closure of many third-party apps, resulting in decreased competition within the screen time app ecosystem.

The Implications of Apple’s Changes

The diminished competition in the screen time app market means that parents now heavily rely on Apple’s tools for managing their children’s device usage. Consequently, when a bug affects Apple’s Screen Time, it has a broader impact on families who may have fewer alternative solutions to turn to. The bug’s prevalence highlights the need for Apple to prioritize its resolution and deliver a reliable screen time management system.

The Significance of Effective Screen Time Management

Effective screen time management plays a crucial role in fostering healthy device usage habits among children. Research shows that excessive screen time can negatively impact children’s physical and mental well-being. By setting reasonable limits and ensuring appropriate content access, parents can promote a balanced lifestyle and encourage other activities like outdoor play, reading, and socialization.

The Future of Screen Time Management

The attention garnered by the screen time bug signals the urgency for Apple to address the issue and restore confidence in its Screen Time feature. It is expected that Apple will prioritize fixing the bug, potentially with the public release of iOS 17 in the fall. However, until a reliable solution is implemented, parents may need to explore alternative strategies, such as open communication with their children about screen time boundaries and utilizing other parental control features available on Apple devices.


The screen time bug affecting Apple devices has raised concerns among parents who rely on the Screen Time feature to manage their children’s device usage. The bug’s impact, coupled with Apple’s evolving approach to screen time management, underscores the importance of effective screen time regulation. As we await a resolution to the bug, parents should remain vigilant and explore alternative methods to foster healthy device habits among their children. By actively engaging with their children and utilizing available resources, parents can navigate the current challenges posed by the screen time bug.

An Expansive Perspective on Screen Time Management

While the screen time bug on Apple devices has generated significant attention, it also highlights the broader issues surrounding screen time management in today’s digital age. As technology continues to play a central role in our lives, striking a balance between screen time and other activities becomes crucial not only for children but for individuals of all ages.

The Impact on Productivity

Excessive screen time can hamper productivity, affecting both children and adults. Constant distractions from social media, gaming, and other online activities can lead to decreased focus and procrastination. Employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of managing screen time in the workplace, implementing measures to enhance employee productivity and well-being.

Maintaining Mental Health

Moderating screen time is also essential for maintaining mental health. Excessive device usage has been linked to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. By establishing healthy screen time limits and encouraging offline activities, individuals can prioritize their mental well-being and build healthier habits.

Creating Meaningful Connections

Uncontrolled screen time may hinder the development of meaningful connections and interpersonal skills. Excessive immersion in digital content can impede face-to-face interactions, leading to decreased social skills and isolation. Building and nurturing relationships beyond the screen is crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being.

Technology and Parenting

Screen time management also raises questions about the role of technology in parenting. While tools like Apple’s Screen Time offer parents important controls, it’s important not to rely solely on these features. Open communication, establishing clear expectations, and setting a positive example are key components of effective parenting in the digital age.

Exploring Alternative Solutions

As the screen time bug persists, exploring alternative solutions becomes paramount. Parents can leverage the insights gained from third-party apps that focused on screen time management before their discontinuation. These apps often included features beyond simple time limitations, allowing parents to monitor content access, receive detailed reports, and have more control over device usage.

Educating and Empowering Children

Additionally, educating children about responsible device usage and fostering digital literacy are essential in navigating the challenges of screen time management. Teaching children about the potential drawbacks of excessive screen time and encouraging them to take breaks, pursue other interests, and engage in offline activities can help them form healthy habits in the long run.


The screen time bug affecting Apple devices has highlighted the need for effective screen time management. Apple’s ongoing efforts to resolve the bug are crucial for restoring trust and ensuring that parents can effectively regulate their children’s device usage. However, the broader implications of screen time management extend beyond this bug. Striking a balance between screen time and other activities is essential for productivity, mental health, and meaningful connections. Exploring alternative solutions, including third-party apps, and educating children about responsible device usage are key components of fostering healthy screen time habits. As we await a solution to the screen time bug, it is crucial for parents and individuals to actively engage in managing their device usage and strive for a balanced lifestyle.


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Apple confirmed that a Screen Time bug is affecting its devices, allowing children to exceed previously set time limits imposed by parents to continue using their apps and games. The company acknowledged the error in a comment posted by The Wall Street Journal over the weekend, but didn’t offer a timeline for a fix.

screen time settings are a series of controls that allow parents and guardians to set limits for the use of Apple devices by their children through Family Sharing. The adult family member can set various controls, ranging from time spent on certain categories of apps, like games, to communication limits and scheduled “downtime,” which only allows phone calls and apps that the parent has approved. . The latter is often used at the child’s bedtime so she won’t be tempted to play games or check social media when she should be sleeping.

However, a bug with Apple’s Screen Time is causing parental settings to not take effect, The WSJ reported.

“We are aware that some users may be experiencing an issue where Screen Time settings are reset unexpectedly,” an Apple spokeswoman told the newspaper. “We take these reports very seriously and have been, and will continue to make updates to improve the situation.”

With the release of iOS 16.5, Apple said it had fixed a bug with Screen Time where “settings may have reset or not sync across devices.” But the new report confirmed that the bug is still causing problems in the public release of iOS 17 beta.

The problem for parents, of course, is that kids often don’t report being given more time on their devices. They will happily continue to use the apps and games that were previously off limits or previously only had limited time allotments. That means many parents don’t even know the bug is affecting their family’s choices about device use.

Apple released its own Screen Time tools with the release of iOS 12 in 2018, after the first breaking in third-party applications that provided a similar service. The company banned the apps from its App Store, saying they were based on technologies that put users’ privacy at risk. Because iOS lacked any sort of system for managing screen time, apps had employed a variety of methods to manage screen time, including using background location, VPN, and MDM-based solutions. mobile devices, a system designed to manage employees). devices in the company).

The company did not introduce a Screen Time API for Developers of screen time apps to use based on Apple tools until 2021, after many apps have already been shut down.

The decreased competition in the Screen Time app ecosystem that resulted from Apple’s changes means that parents who use screen time management tools on their children’s devices now often use Apple’s own tools to do so. . So when that system breaks down, it has a broader impact.

Meanwhile, the third-party apps that remain today aren’t free and often ship with extra tools for parents to use to justify their price. For example, Qustodoio, an app mentioned in the Journal report, also includes a family locator. Meanwhile, another popular app, Bark, monitors the content accessed by children across dozens of apps and social media platforms. Others aim to provide better alerts, more detailed reports, or simplified controls.

It’s unclear when the Screen Time bug will be fixed, but given the high-profile media coverage it’s now received, we expect it to be prioritized in the near term, perhaps with the public release of iOS 17 in the fall. if not before

Apple confirms a Screen Time bug is causing settings not to stick
